Factors such as ocean currents, local topography, and atmospheric pressure systems play significant roles in shaping regional weather patterns
Weather is primarily dominated by regional effects
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
Factors such as ocean currents, local topography, and atmospheric pressure systems play significant roles in shaping regional weather patterns
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
From our bulging “on climate you can say just anything” file, New York Times columnist David Gelles says “Thanks to the rapid build-out of wind and solar power plants, particularly in China, global emissions from the power sector are set to decline this year.” Riiiight
Written by Chris Morrison
The Met Office’s ridiculous claim that the U.K. had experienced its hottest ever May and spring provides further devastating proof that its temperature measuring operation is hopelessly corrupted by unnatural urban heat distortions.
Written by Richard Eldred
The pharmaceutical watchdog is being urged to investigate after celebrity doctors discussed the Covid vaccine on primetime TV without disclosing payments of thousands of pounds from AstraZeneca.
Written by Jim Hoft
Dr. Francis Boyle, a Harvard-trained professor and the architect of the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, which was unanimously approved by both Houses of the U.S.
Written by Meryl Dorey
Childhood vaccination rates down by 20% in Australia.
Written by Peter A. Mccullough, MD, MPH
Written by Bjorn Lomborg
We constantly hear that because ‘climate change’ is real we should ‘follow the science’ and end ‘fossil fuel’ use
Written by Buchanan County Alliance
A couple of hours before the final BOS vote on the WECS on Wednesday, May 29, we received an email from a concerned lady in Iowa who has … well, had two wind turbines on their farm and asked us to share their story
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
In recent years, a disturbing pattern has emerged in how mainstream media handles dissenting views on certain issues
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
From the “now you tell us” file, The Atlantic “Weekly Planet” suddenly admits that “No One Really Understands Clouds/ They’re one of the greatest climate mysteries left.” Gosh. Are they now?
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
Justin Trudeau says Canada is on fire. That no one in Canada had noticed the flames only proves that ‘climate change’ can do anything including burn invisibly… or that alarmists have reached a tipping point where they no longer need evidence
Written by Dr. R P
Attempts to normalise ever more intrusive ‘SMART’ technologies have taken a concerning turn with Microsoft’s recent announcement of the Recall feature planned for its Copilot+ Windows 11 PC range.
Written by Dr. Carl Heneghan and Dr. Tom Jeferson
This week, David Davis MP tweeted that “the potential link between Covid vaccines and excess deaths needs to be properly investigated”.
Written by Jack Davis
A wind turbine project off the coast of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is whipping up some trouble for local homeowners.
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
This is another example of the mainstream media (MSM) skewing scientific reporting to serve the interests of the climate-industrial complex.