Scientists Uncover Massive Freshwater Reserves Under the Sea

Written by Kendra Pierre-Louis, International Science Times

Australian researchers revealed on Thursday that they have confirmed the existence of significant water reserves located beneath the ocean seabed on continental shelves off the coasts of Australia, China, North America, and South Africa. In a study published in the latest edition of Nature, the researchers reviews past seafloor water studies done for oil and gas exploration purposes as well as for scientific research. fresh water on tap Lead author Vincent Post of Australia’s Finders University told the AFP, “By combining all this information we’ve demonstrated that the freshwater below the seafloor is a common finding and not some anomaly that only occurs under very special circumstances.”
Water, at the risk of sounding clichéd, is life. Fresh water, the low sodium liquid we depend upon for drinking, agriculture, and bathing makes up a mere three percent of total global water supplies; of that, roughly 70 percent is locked in our planet’s glaciers and ice caps and only about one percent of total fresh water supplies are available for human use.

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Livestock Climate Impact Claims Junk Science?

Written by Dr. Albrecht Glatzle

A leading world expert on arable pasture science has entered the global warming debate to cast serious doubt on UN claims that so-called ‘greenhouse gases’ from beef and general livestock production have any impact on climate change.

Dr. Albrecht Glatzle, a Fellow of the Tropical Grassland Society of Australia Inc., has this week sent an open letter to Dr. Henning Steinfeld, who heads the UN’s Livestock, Environment and Development (LEAD) iniatitive, challenging alarmist UN claims about “dangerous” emissions from such farms.cattle ranching

Principia Scientific International (PSI) is delighted to publish Dr. Glatzle’s open letter in full below:
Dear Dr. Steinfeld,
In your capacity as coordinator of LEAD-FAO, you are the principal author of “Livestock’s Long Shadow.” This report’s main message (which claims that domestic animals contribute 18{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} to anthropogenic Green House Gas (GHG) emissions caused a major storm in the global media. The concern about livestock’s alleged contribution to climate change culminated with a hearing in the European Parliament on the topic “Less Meat = Less Heat.”
In summary, the above-mentioned report caused considerable damage to the reputation of animal husbandry in general, and in particular to the grassland based production systems. In a series of talks (almost 2 dozen), which I gave in the past 7 years in Paraguay, Argentina and other countries at national and international congresses and seminars, I strongly criticized several basic assumptions and methodological approaches in the above-mentioned report.

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The Vaccine Hoax is Over?

Written by Andrew Baker ( FFN)

Freedom of Information Act request in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have:

1. Known the vaccines don’t work
2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent
3. Known they are a hazard to children
4. Colluded to lie to the public
5. Worked to prevent safety studies

Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US.modern medicine

Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent) – are a miracle of modern medicine.

Freedom of Information Act filed in the US with the CDC by a doctor with an autistic son, seeking information on what the CDC knows about the dangers of vaccines, had by law to be responded to in 20 days. Nearly 7 years later, the doctor went to court and the CDC argued it does not have to turn over documents. A judge ordered the CDC to turn over the documents on September 30th, 2011.

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A Climate of Fear, Cash and Correctitude

Written by Paul Driessen and Dennis Mitchell

Trashing real science to protect grants, prestige, and desire to control energy, economy, lives

Earth’s geological, archaeological and written histories are replete with climate changes: big and small, short and long, benign, beneficial, catastrophic and everything in between.
The Medieval Warm Period (950-1300 AD or CE) was a boon for agriculture, civilization and Viking settlers in Greenland. The Little Ice Age that followed (1300-1850) was calamitous, as were the Dust Bowl and the extended droughts that vanquished the Anasazi and Mayan cultures; cyclical droughts and floods in Africa, Asia and Australia; and periods of vicious hurricanes and tornadoes. fearRepeated Pleistocene Epoch ice ages covered much of North America, Europe and Asia under mile-thick ice sheets that denuded continents, stunted plant growth, and dropped ocean levels 400 feet for thousands of years.
Modern environmentalism, coupled with fears first of global cooling and then of global warming, persuaded politicians to launch the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Its original goal was to assess possible human influences on global warming and potential risks of human-induced warming. However, it wasn’t long before the Panel minimized, ignored and dismissed non-human factors to such a degree that its posture became the mantra that only humans are now affecting climate.

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A Tale of Two Versions

Written by Joseph E Postma

There They’re Their

Spoken language can be confusing because you can have words which sound exactly the same but mean totally different things.  Such words are called homophones, as found in this section title.  At the very least, and if you’re very familiar with the language in question, the differentiation is implicitly understood given the context.  If you don’t understand the language that well then help is provided by a differentiation of the spelling, but this doesn’t help if you’re not reading it.

Bass Lead Wind

Things can get even more confusing for first-time literates when the words don’t sound the same but are spelled the same:  I caught the bass by singing bass (whatever works I guess!); Lead the bird to fill it with lead; Wind the coil in the wind.  These words are called homographs.

The Greenhouse Effect The Greenhouse Effect

There are two versions of “the greenhouse effect” and, obviously, they use both the same spelling and the same pronunciation.  Such words (or phrases I guess) are called homonyms.  However, few people are aware of any distinction in the case of “the greenhouse effect”.  Let us enlighten ourselves, therefore.

The first version of the greenhouse effect is that which is found in a real greenhouse.  For, why would we have such a thing called “greenhouse effect” if it weren’t for the behaviour of a real greenhouse?  This version of the greenhouse effect comes out of traditional science and physics and denotes the effect found typically inside a glass-ceiling greenhouse where the ceiling prevents what would have been natural atmospheric convection, otherwise found in the open atmosphere.  That is, when a surface is heated, the air in contact with it heats by conduction (and radiation but generally this is a much weaker component of the heating at the contact boundary between the surface and the air), and then the warm air rises because it is less dense, and cool air falls from above to replace it.  This is a natural and automatic process in the open atmosphere.  A real greenhouse prevents convection because it traps the warmed air inside the enclosure and in contact with the surface heating it; the warm air is unable to ascend away and cool air is unable to descend and replace it, because of the glass roof.  Thus, the air inside the greenhouse continues to rise in temperature, and the maximum temperature that could theoretically be achieved inside the real greenhouse is the temperature of the maximum solar heating being absorbed by and within the greenhouse.  Any gas trapped inside a real greenhouse can be considered a “greenhouse gas”, although the term is rather passive, and moot.real greenhouse effect

The second version of the greenhouse effect is that postulated by climate science, and it is an alternative description of the warming process known for a real greenhouse.  In this second version, a real greenhouse and the open atmosphere operate the same way, rather than the opposite way.  Instead of warm air being trapped, the alternative “climate science greenhouse effect” says that radiation is trapped, and since radiation is trapped then the inside must get warmer than the outside.  The same process happens in the atmosphere because “greenhouse gases” trap radiation just like the ceiling of the real greenhouse traps radiation.  In this case, the temperature inside the greenhouse can become hotter than the maximum solar heating temperature.  That is important for the climate science greenhouse effect because climate science thinks that the solar input to the Earth is too cold to ever heat anything above -18C in temperature on its own.Alternative version of GHE


Now that we’ve learned about the two types of greenhouse effect – the one for the real greenhouse and the alternative one for climate science – it would be nice to label them differently so that they are easier to distinguish and put into the correct context.  Since the greenhouse effect of a real greenhouse is about trapping air, which is physical material, let’s call the greenhouse effect of a real greenhouse the “physical greenhouse effect“.  And then, since the alternative greenhouse effect of climate science is about trapping radiation, let’s call it the “radiative greenhouse effect“.

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The Sea Level Saga in Kiribati

Written by Nils-Axel Mörner

A short comment by Nils-Axel Mörner

Some people claim sea level is drastically rising in Kiribati. Much of this stems from boyscout contributions to the horror-scenario of a general flooding in the near future due to a global warming caused by man-made interference, in the form of CO2-emission.

Mr. Benson (in the photo) claims that he “stands on the ruins of the shore” in the 90s.
Mr Benson

The ruins of a shore – yes; because what we see is the erosional rests of a beach-rock layer. It has nothing to do with a rise in sea level – just an effect of coastal erosion. Kiribati has a tide gauge record from 1993 – and it shows a stable sea level over 17 years (see below).

Kiribati Tide Gauge
So, we can be quite confident that there is no rapid sea level rise going on in Kiribati.

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Amazon vs. Storks?

Written by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser

While everyone seems to be talking about the latest cyber-technology, Amazon appears to be taking the lead in large-scale commercial application. They are exploring the use of small drones for delivering your next parcel shipment.drone


There is a whole slew of mini-drone manufacturers out there. Most are sort of mini-helicopters with several rotors. Such systems provide more flexible maneuvering and load carrying capacities. The more versatile machines take off and land on a dime and let you control their flight with apps on your i-device like the Quadcopter or the Parrot drone.


Such mini-drones are already being used to take photographs of accidentand crime scenes from above and points not easily accessible to people. Of course, they can also be used to take inventory of your backyard and other places without you even knowing.

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Blaming the developed world for the forces of nature

Written by Tom Harris and Madhav Khandekar

Bad science puts rich nations on the hook for trillions in climate liabilities

Delegates at the recent U.N. climate conference in Warsaw decided that $1 billion a day, the amount currently being spent across the world on “climate finance,” is not enough. Far greater funding is needed to save the world from what U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls the “greatest threat facing humanity.” That climate science is highly immature and global warming actually stopped 17 years ago was never mentioned.false science

Here’s what our representatives just agreed to:

Starting in 2014, the U.N.’s Green Climate Fund, a plan to divert an additional $100 billion per year from the treasuries of developed countries to those of developing nations to help them “take action on climate change,” will commence operation. The heads of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are scheduled to take part in a launch ceremony for the GCF headquarters in South Korea on Wednesday.

A timetable was accepted to pave the way toward the establishment of a new international treaty in 2015 that will force developed countries to spend untold billions more to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions. The fine print in the negotiating text includes an escape clause for developing nations, indicating that carbon-dioxide emission targets their governments agree to will not be enforced. Developed nations do not have this escape clause.

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The Important Difference between Climatology and Climate Science

Written by Dr. Tim Ball, Climatologist

Recent events underscore problems with understanding climate and how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) achieved their deception. Comments about my recent article appreciated it was a synopsis. The problems were central in my presentation to the First Heartland Climate Conference in New York relating to climatology as a generalist discipline in a world that glorifies specialization. The dictum in academia and beyond is specialization is the mark of genius, generalization the mark of a fool. In the real world each specialized piece must fit the larger general picture and most people live and function in a generalized world. The phrase “it is purely academic” means it is irrelevant to the real world.

A secret meeting occurred between Lord Lawson of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) and members of the British Royal Society. Why the secrecy? It is likely because this collective of specialists is scrambling to recover reputations after being misled.

Claiming they were deliberately deceived in the propaganda campaign orchestrated through the British Royal Society is no excuse. The supposed prestige of that Society was used to persuade other national Science Societies that human caused global warming was a serious and proven fact. The only Society that refused to go along was the Russian. It was a deliberately orchestrated campaign that allowed media to use the consensus argument with focus. I was frequently challenged with the interrogative in the form of a consensus argument that you must be wrong because science Societies all agree.

Climate science is the work of specialists working on one small part of climatology. It’s a classic example of not seeing the forest for the trees, amplified when computer modellers are involved. They are specialists trying to be generalists but omit major segments, and often don’t know interrelationships, interactions and feedbacks in the general picture.

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Note on Resistors – The Fraud of Climate Science Analogies

Written by Joseph E Postma

No More Analogies

In my last post we developed the equations for the temperature of a powered resistor with or without an ambient environment.

As has been pointed out to me, and has now been made clear to me, is that “argument by analogy” is a trap.  Analogies are an approximation to the “actual thing”, but are not the actual thing.  Also, an analogy from an actual thing, to another idea-thing, doesn’t in any way indicate something else which is factually-actual.analogies ahead

What I mean is that a horse is analogous to a unicorn, however, this does not lend any support, not one iota of support, to the supposition that unicorns exist.  You can have the proposition that unicorns exist, of course, and you can say that unicorns are analogous to horses and that since horses exist, then unicorns should also exist since “they’re so well known – everybody has heard of a unicorn!”, and you can have lots of people agree with you, and people can write papers about the properties of unicorns since they’re so similar to horses…however, none of this proves or supports in any way at all the proposition that unicorns exist.

Climate pseudoscience almost exclusively uses argument by analogy to attempt to support its version of the greenhouse effect.  See, climate science has an alternative version of the greenhouse effect, compared to the one that actually makes a real greenhouse function in the first place.  A real greenhouse works the opposite way that the atmosphere operates, by preventing convective cooling.  The real greenhouse effect in a real greenhouse does the opposite thing of what the atmosphere does.  Climate science invented an alternative version of the greenhouse effect, using the same name as the real greenhouse effect, where its version and the atmosphere behave and operate the same way.  The only time that climate pseudoscience isn’t using an analogy to argue for the greenhouse effect, is when it is discussing the terms of its alternative version of the greenhouse effect; however this is very rare because, as soon as you point out that a real greenhouse does not operate the same way as the atmosphere, then immediately the climate pseudoscientist must switch to using an analogy, thus changing the focus away from that very central point.

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Copper nanowires: Future Energy Solution

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Copper nanowires offer an efficient, inexpensive approach to solar energy harvesting

Copper adorns the Statue of Liberty, makes sturdy, affordable wiring, and helps our bodies absorb iron. Now, researchers at Duke University would like to use copper to transform sunlight and water into a chemical fuel.
Converting solar energy into storable fuel remains one of the greatest challenges of modern chemistry. One of the ways chemists have tried to capture the power of the sun is through water splitting, in which the atoms of H2O are broken apart so the hydrogen may be collected and used as fuel. Plants do this naturally through photosynthesis, and for half a century, scientists have tried to recreate that process by tinkering with chemical catalysts jumpstarted by sunlight.Indium tin oxide (ITO) is one material they’ve commonly tried to use. Researchers prefer it for its transparency—which allows sunlight to pass through and trigger the water-splitting reactions—and its ability to conduct electricity. But ITO is far from an ideal material.”Indium is not very abundant,” said Ben Wiley, assistant professor of chemistry at Duke University. “It is similar in abundance to silver in the earth’s crust.” As a result, solar fuel cells using ITO will likely remain expensive and uncompetitive with conventional energy sources like coal and natural gas, he said.Wiley’s lab has created something they hope can replace ITO: copper nanowires fused in a see-through film.

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The ZOD FILES: Climate documents from 2007 ‘must stay SECRET’

Written by Andrew Orlowski, The Register

The UK’s Met Office has refused to release historic climate discussions dating from before 2007, even though such scientific discussions are required to be “open and transparent”.

David Holland, the man whose FoI requests – refused by the Met Office – triggered the Climategate scandal, wants to see what scientists are discuss at an early, important stage of the IPCC process – called the “Zero Order Draft” stage. top secret scienceSubsequent stages One and Two involve NGOs and government officials, so the ZOD stage – the only part of the process which doesn’t have bureaucrats in the room – is an important one.

In an information tribunal held in May, Holland pointed out that much of the ZOD material is already on the web. He argued that the UK, as a signatory to the UN’s Aarhus convention, should allow these discussions to be made available to the people who pay for them.

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Calling the Climate-Change Bluff

Written by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser

The city of Warsaw, Poland, recently hosted the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP-19) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Conference host countries normally “play game,” but not in this case. Both the citizens of Poland and their government revolted.

Essentially, Poland CALLED the global-warming agenda, AKA the climate-change BLUFF.

Poland’s government sacked its Minister of the Environment (and host/chief of COP-19) half way through the conference and the people of Poland decided to give NGO’s like Greenpeace, Sierra Club and a clear “thumbs down. “ Japan was equally clear and announced a change from their previous Kyoto Protocol based commitment of a 25{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} reduction in CO2 emissions by 2020 to a mere 3.8{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}.climate talks

Of course, the facts have been in favor of calling the climate bluff for quite some time already. From the revelations of shady scientists and shoddy science to nature’s failure to adhere to the fictitious predictions made by every single climate model created over the last decade, quite simply, the facts could no longer be hidden.

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Why do people hate the word ‘chemicals’?

Written by Dr Mark Lorch, BBC

Chemistry is everywhere in the world around us – so why are we so scared of it, asks Dr Mark Lorch.

I really enjoy my job, I’m a chemist in academia. I get to wallow in the fascinating world of research science and then pass on my passions to eager young minds.

But my job is even better than that. I’m an academic who gets let out of my ivory tower and into schools, shopping centres and festivals where I perform all the most entertaining chemistry. And I pull out all the stops – liquid nitrogen gets sloshed around in abundance, hydrogen balloons are ignited like mini-Hindenburgs, and ethanol-fuelled rockets zip around the playgrounds. Chemistry is fun.

So why is everybody scared of chemicals?

Because we are, aren’t we? The very word chemical is often synonymous with toxin or poison. We use phrases like “it’s chock-full of chemicals” to imply something is artificial and bad for you.

Meaningless slogans like “chemical-free” pop up on products in health food stores and billboards. And nobody seems to mind, least of all the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). I know – I’ve complained to them and they told me that consumers clearly understand that “chemical-free” really means “free of synthetic chemicals”.

Orange juice and E300 crystals. Photographs by: Thinkstock and Science Photo Library What’s the difference? Orange juice and E300 crystals

I don’t get the distinction. Why are synthetic chemicals worse than natural ones? Why is the synthetic food additive E300 bad, while the vitamin C in your freshly squeezed glass of orange juice is good? (Even though they are both the same thing.)

Chemistry is fascinating because of the way it can be used to synthesise new stuff – it’s like molecular Lego. The fact that everything is made from 100-odd building blocks is remarkable. Throw chemicals in a pot in the right way and you can build the world around us.

So why is chemistry the bad boy of the sciences? Why is there this chemophobia? Biology doesn’t get a bad rap – quite the opposite. Biology has amazing animals, plants, the human genome project and David Attenborough. It’s natural and good.

What about physics? Well, physics is just pretty damn cool. It’s got stars, lasers and the most impressive machine ever built – the Large Hadron Collider. All fronted by Brian Cox beautifully explaining the wonders of the universe. It doesn’t get any cooler than that.

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Written by Dr. Vincent Gray

Until the middle of the 19th century everybody believed that the earth was static and unchanging, interrupted by earthquakes, hurricanes and other disasters, caused; usually by Gods, but after which the earth returned to its original static state.

It was the developments of the science of geology by Hutton and Lyall that changed this picture. They showed that the earth is in a constant state of change. Many of the rocks are formed from deposits made in previous history. In addition they contain remains of organisms that had lived at the time they had been deposited.Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin, who joined captain Robert Fitzroy in a voyage around the world in HMS Beagle in 1831, was an enthusiastic naturalist who had also studied the new geology. He took the first volume of Lyall’s “Principles of Geology” with him on the voyage and picked up the second volume at Valparaiso during the trip.

It became obvious to him that the remains of early living organisms in geological strata were often very different from those alive today, so there must be an evolutionary change over time.

The concept of “Climate Change” promoted by The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) denies the existence of evolution. They believe in the old Medieval concept of an unchanging static world, affected only by “Natural Variability” which can only be “changed” by human greenhouse gas emissions.

Evolution of living organisms means their ever changing interaction in every place at every level. This process was called “Ecology” by Ernst Haeckel.

Environmental “Ecologists” treat the whole world as a collection of static “ecosystems” – regions where the organisms are uniformly distributed. They believe that there is a moral virtue in their largest possible variety; in “biodiversity.” Both these concepts are unknown to evolutionary theory.

Evolution is also diametrically opposed to the concept of “sustainability.” Evolution happens, it cannot be stopped or reversed. The only sensible policy is adaptation.

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The Money Tree

Written by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser

Everyone knows that money doesn’t grow on trees, but how about inside tree leaves? Believe it or not, a new study finds it does. Well, sort of.

The Finding

The Nature Communications journal has published a report according to which the Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae sp.) tree’s leaves accumulate gold. Though gold and money are not quite identical (they used to be before the Bretton Woods Agreement was nixed), this finding allows a more effective search for underground gold deposits in the Australian outback.eucalyptus gold

More sensitive modern analytical techniques let you determine the gold concentration in a small sample of Eucalyptus tree leaves with ease. Just analyze enough Eucalyptus tree leaves from all prospective mining areas and, voila, you’ll know exactly where your new gold mine ought to be located.


Of course, the knowledge that some plants may help you in finding mineral deposits is not new. Already in medieval times people recognized correlations of certain plants abundance with potential mine locations. There are many plants associated with specific minerals. That knowledge dates back hundreds or even thousands of years. For example, trace elements like zinc are important micro-nutrients for a variety of flowering plants. Naturally, you’ll find them in higher abundance in areas rich in zinc. The same is true for other micro-nutrients or trace elements like selenium, molybdenum and manganese. However, the association of the Eucalyptus tree with gold is new; at least to me.

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