Henrik Møller, Denmark’s leading academic expert on noise research, has been fired by his university after exposing a far-reaching cover up by the Danish government of the health risks caused by wind turbine noise pollution.

Shock and outrage at this latest example of the heavey-handed cover up of government-backed junk science has brought strong condemnation from independent scientists. John Droz Jr, a respected critic of wind farms, has issued the following condemnatory response:
As you probably know, a passion of mine is defending my profession (Science) from assault.
This is approaching a full-time job, as those promoting political or economic agendas are painfully aware that real Science is a major threat to their aspirations — so they are aggressively attacking it on multiple fronts. (See ScienceUnderAssault.info.)
We now have yet another distressing example, where a leading scientist has lost his job — apparently for the crime of being a conscientious, competent academic, focused on quality research (instead of chasing grant money).
Dr. Henrik Møller, is an world-renown expert on infra-sound, and has published several high-quality studies on low-frequency acoustics (like
here, and
here). More recently, some of these have dealt with industrial wind energy noise (e.g.
here — which was peer-reviewed).
He has been praised as Denmark’s “
leading noise researcher.” What’s even more important is that he has been courageous enough to have publicly spoken out against poor government policies, as well as the misinformation disseminated from the wind energy cartel.
In Denmark there have been several newspaper reports about this surprising firing, but I’m sending this to the AWED list as such an event should have much wider coverage.
Here are English translations of a few Danish articles (I have the originals as well). It seems to me that some of the key points made in them are:
— Dr. Møller has had thirty eight (38) years of distinguished service for Aalborg University.
— Ironically, this institution
publicly prides itself as looking out for its professors: “At Aalborg University we focus intensively on staff welfare and job satisfaction.”
— He was the only one of 200± researchers at the Department of Electronic Systems in Aalborg who was let go…
— The purported reason for his firing, is that the professor is no longer “financially lucrative” for the university…