Breaking: British Member of Parliament Admits Climate Change Act ‘A Mistake’

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Britain’s deeply unpopular Climate Change Act (2008) may be set for repeal as another politician joins the growing number of MP’s aghast at the damage it is having on the nation’s ailing economy.

Conservative Member of Parliament, Douglas Carswell’s mea culpa today (February 25, 2013) shows dignity and acceptance of the weight of evidence conflicting with the already scientifically dubious notion of human-caused global warming.  “My biggest regret as an MP is that I failed to oppose the 2008 Climate Change Act. It was a mistake. I am sorry,” said Carswell on his blog.

Douglas Carswell1

The announcement comes hot on the heels of last week’s surprise admission by Rajendra Pachuari, the UN’s head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Dr. Pachauri conceded that we are now into a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, as confirmed recently by Britain’s Met Office. Even NASA’s most strident climate doomsayer, Dr. James Hansen concedes there has been “a pause” in any temperature rise.

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The Unsettled Earth Energy Budget

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An examination of the energy budgets for the Earth of recent years gives one reason to be unsettled about the settled science claimed for the catastrophic man-made global warming hypothesis.  The energy budget currently posted by NASA is shown in Figure 1 below.

NASA Energy Budget Fig 1

Figure 1 shows the principal NASA energy budget for the Earth as of February 2013.  Note the huge surface radiation and the huge radiation from the atmosphere all of which is absorbed by the surface.  The surface-absorbed atmospheric down radiation is 100{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the solar insolation at the top of the atmosphere and it is all claimed to be absorbed by the surface!  The greenhouse gases absorb a very unrealistic 90{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of all of the radiation emitted from the surface!

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Dysfunctional Peer Review of New Science?

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The scholarly peer review system may be functional for normal science or puzzle solving routine science in the sense of Kuhn, but is not well suited to handle non-normal new science challenging an existing paradigm. This is because any new idea poses a threat to existing normal science and as such often meets overly negative reviews by referees without sufficient knowledge of the novelty. Correct new science may thus get rejected without good reasons,  but is also possible that incorrect new science can get accepted by uncritical referees.

Claes Johnson

Furrther, incorrect normal science may be perpetuated by the peer review system, because incorrect normal science can only be questioned by new science.

In short, the peer review system is not suitable to handle new science, because either (i) good articles are rejected on bad grounds, or (ii) bad articles are accepted without good grounds. 

An example of new science is given by the article New Theory of Flight presented on The Secret of Flight. The article was rejected by AIAA Journal and is now under review by Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics JMFM. 

JMFM has a difficult case to handle: Referees from normal science of fluid mechanics are not eager to touch the article and if so the review will be negative because the existing paradigm is challenged. On the other hand referee’s from outside the fluid mechanics community under AIAA may not be able to give a credible review.

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Chemistry of Yore and Now

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For many the field of chemistry is a terra incognita, an unknown world. This is odd if one considers that humans are virtually chemistry factories, ingesting, processing and producing chemicals throughout our lives. We routinely use a wide variety of chemicals without ever thinking of them in those terms, from detergents to medications. Besides, with all kinds of wonderful electronic gadgets, who needs to know anything about chemistry or chemicals anyway? On top of that, we are constantly told that chemicals are dangerous to our health. Everything else, including meteorites are too.



You might not believe it, but the Neanderthals (80,000 years ago) and their later cousins, the Cro-Magnon people (30,000 years ago) had an inkling of chemistry. Their cave paintings in France and Spain survived for tens of thousands of years simply because they used extremely stable, mineral-based pigments including mercury, iron and manganese type minerals. For example, just look at any of the many pictographs from ancient caves around the Pyrenees (Fig. 1). They appear to be done yesterday, clear and crisp. The lesson is to use stable pigments for your art; some knowledge of chemistry helps for that.

cave painting

Fig. 1. Pregnant mare running through wild wheat; pictograph from the wall of a cave in Lascaux, France, dating to 15,000 to 10,000 BC; photo courtesy of

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Atmospheric CO2 Not Linked to Humans says Global and Planetary Journal

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An incredible new paper in the reputed Global and Planetary Journal using freely available government data may be about to cause an unwelcome storm for believers in the greenhouse gas theory and the ‘green’ carbon reductions industry. It’s publication is accompanied by a surge in highly-credentialed scientists joining dissenting fledgling science body, Principia Scientific International.*

Norwegian scientists led by Professor Ole Humlum of the University of Oslo analyzed measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide and compared them to temperatures with an astonishing result that throws serious doubt on claims that climate change is carbon related. If verified by other scientists Humlum’s study will confirm the findings of researchers at Principia Scientific International (PSI) who claim they have already refuted the greenhouse gas theory.

NOAA and HADCrut CO2 levels graphNOAA and HADCrut CO2 levels graph (click to enlarge)

The scientists investigated the phase relation (leads/lags) between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperatures using standard data series for the period January 1980 to December 2011. They found that changes in global atmospheric CO2 follow 11–12 months behind changes in global sea surface temperature and 9.5–10 months behind changes in global air surface temperature. The findings conflict with the consensus view concerning the greenhouse gas ‘theory’ that says the opposite should happen with temperatures supposedly being driven by any rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 levels are up 40 percent in recent decades).

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The Myth of ‘Acidification’ of Oceans

Written by Professor Cliff Ollier

by Professor Cliff Ollier

School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia. 

To demonise CO2 yet again, a false claim is that human production of CO2 will cause the oceans to become acid. ‘Acid’ is an emotive word to the general public, which is why it is seized upon by the alarmists in their search for yet another scare. In reality increasing CO2 makes the ocean become ‘less alkaline’, but never ‘acid’.

ocean acidification

pH is a measurement of the amount of hydrogen ion concentration in a solution, the log of the hydrogen ion concentration with the sign changed. Because it is a log scale it is very hard to move a pH of 8.2 to 7.0, which is neutral.

The pH needs to be less than 7 to be ‘acid’, and this has not happened through at least the past 600 million years because it would dissolve limestones, and limestone have been deposited in the sea and not re-dissolved in the sea through all that time.

Many marine organisms need CO2 to make their coral skeletons, carbonate shells and so on. Corals also have symbiotic plants within their flesh that use CO2 in photosynthesis.

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Wind Energy’s Epic Fail: ‘Unreliables’ not Renewables

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In the ongoing intellectual war where the traditional scientific method is battling the rise of “post normal science” the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) has struck a blow for real science. Engineers expose ten unfixable wind turbine problems that make then unreliable not renewable.

wind turbine fires

AWED spokesman, John Droz Jr. a qualified physicist and environmentalist steps up his organization’s campaign to ensure policymakers are presented with the cold hard facts on so-called “renewables.”

Having established a powerful grassroots network of informed individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy & environmental policies AWED has hit on the correct nomenclature for that fair weather energy source: wind. Rather than putting wind farms in the “renewables” category AWED found they are very much the “unreliables.”

The problem, says, Droz, is that “Instead of a science-based approach, our energy and environmental policies are typically written by those who stand to economically or politically profit from them. As a result, anything genuinely science-based in these policies is usually inadvertent and accidental.”

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Subcontinent’s Sea Level Doomsayers Swamped in Tide of Skeptic Science

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Eminent sea level experts from the Indian subcontinent are pulling the plug on alarmist media claims that the region is set to be awash with ever-rising sea levels due to man-made global warming.

Dhaka slums

In their sights are such science news stories typified by ‘Climate change forcing thousands in Bangladesh into slums of Dhaka’ appearing in The Star, Canada (February 17, 2013). Last week we reported how Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, a Swedish scientist and ‘The Golden Chondrite of Merit’ award winner from Algarve University, latched onto a similar junk story by The Star touting that sea level rises are due to humans.

This week Dr. Mörner, adviser to Principia Scientific International on sea levels, brings out the big guns to shoot down misguided journalists who continue to present a one-sided story. Particularly galling to the experts are those claims that climate change is due to humans, makes people poor and forces them to live in the slums of Bangladesh and India. The Star’s article supposedly addresses sea level rises but disingenuously asserts, Every monsoon, when the slum is overrun with rainwater, cholera and malaria outbreaks are common.”

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A Case for Playing it Straight

Written by Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.

By Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.

I have just participated in a lengthy Twitter exchange with Marshall Shepherd (@DrShephard2013), a professor at the University of Georgia and President of the American Meteorological Society. The occasion for the exchange was Dr. Shepherd’s presentation yesterday at a Congressional Briefing sponsored by the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (his prepared remarks can be found here in PDF). The briefing focused on “the latest trends and scientific evidence related to the growing impacts associated with climate change.”

Hurricane Sandy SteroidsThree other scientists testified at the briefing, but I am not interested in what they had to say. Shepherd’s remarks are of interest because he is the President of a major scientific society. He was not at the briefing to present his personal opinions, but rather in his role as a leader and representative of the scientific community. Thus, in my view of the obligations of such a role, he had a duty to play it straight.

Unfortunately, as is so often a case when leaders in the climate science community find themselves before an audience of policy makers, on extreme events they go rogue, saying all sorts of things with little or no scientific basis. Even if the scientist includes many accurate statements in his/her remarks (such as the reality of significant risks of human-caused climate change), the presence of horsemeat ruins the lasagne.

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Big temperature swings normal, says climatologist

Written by Ben Pelton

By Dan Pelton

Staff Reporter, Orangeville Citizen

As this was being written Tuesday night, the area was being drenched by what looked remarkably like an April shower, with the temperature soaring into double digits. But when you step outside to pick up your paper this afternoon, the forecasters say you will be in a paradise … for polar bears.

polar bear humor

So far, the winter of 2012-13 has featured temperatures both well above and the normal high of about –4º C. There have been few days when they were actually normal. While some experts are pointing to climate change as a pivotal factor in weather fluctuations, Environment Canada’s senior climatologist says temperature changes are par for the course.

“There’s a difference between climate and temperature,” explained David Phillips in an interview.

“The wild swings in temperature have had nothing to do with climate. It’s about where the winds come from.”

The recent warming trend, for example, was caused by breezes blowing in from the southern United States.

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The Climate Models are Failing

Written by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser

By Heinz Hug

(Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 61: 132 [2013)

Translated by Klaus L.E. Kaiser, 12 Feb. 2013

[sub-title] Heinz Hug questions the importance of CO2 for climate change

SJR journal cover“According to our calculations, in the coming years, it should get warmer by leaps. But we do not trust that prognosis. Because the simulations should also have been able to predict the current standstill of the temperature increase – which did not happen.” That according to the climate researcher Jochen Marotzke of MPI-M in Hamburg, according to the Spiegel [magazine] of 9/2012. The reasons why climate models fail are obvious.

It is to be emphasized that the [discussion about the] greenhouse gas effect does not concern the absorption by IR-trace gases (CO2, CH4, H2O, and similar) but their emission, which warms the earth’s surface via “back-radiation” [Ruckstrahlung], [ref. 1]. In fact, satellite spectra of 667 cm-1 show an impressive “funnel within the Planck curve” which is based on the impediment of the warmth-radiation from the earths body by the ν[nu]2-band of CO2, [ref. 2].

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Outmoded Science Journals Fail Again on Peer Review

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Times are moving fast and Science and Nature magazine can’t cope. Caught resting on their laurels these eminent mainstream publications have again been exposed as inept or biased when it comes to peer-reviewing the papers submitted to them.

PSI RUBS OUT Science and NatureThe latest blow concerns the questionable peer review policies of these “top” journals. These denizens of academic publishing are being pulverized in the blogosphere for their inflexibility and conservatism more in keeping with the bygone era of traditional paper and print publishing. Signaling the revolution this week are astute analysts from various quarters. Leading Aussie science blogger, Jo Nova, reflects the mood in the climate science community lamenting:

“The peer review system has decayed to the point where the culture of the two “top” science journals virtually guarantees they will reject the most important research done today. It is the exact opposite of what we need to further human knowledge the fastest. Science and Nature are prestigious journals, yet they are now so conservative about ideas that challenge dominant assumptions, that they reject ground-breaking papers because those papers challenge the dominant meme, not because the evidence or the reasoning is suspect or weak.”

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Wrong and Twisted Again

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World-renowned sea level expert, Nils-Axel Mörner has come out to trash latest alarmist media claims that Bangladesh is facing serious flood risks due to man-made global warming. In particular, Dr. Mörner has denounced environmentalist, Bill McKibben who speaks of “30 million refugees” and Canada’s Sunday edition of the for publishing a misleading article, ‘Bangladesh faces mass migration, loss of land from climate change.’

mangrove bangladesh

The story claims villages in much of rural southwest Bangladesh are suffering the ravages of climate change. The author of the piece, Raveena Aulakh, relies heavily on the junk science of Atiq Rahman, of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. Rahman blames Bangladesh’s woes on human emissions of carbon dioxide and insists raising taxes will stem the rising tides. “All this could happen faster because of lack of reduction of greenhouse gases,” says Rahman. “And even if we stopped now, it would take a lot of time for things to get better.”

But Dr. Mörner, famed for his scientific rebuttals of such claims is having none of it. He has issued a press statement (February 10, 2013) to denounce as bogus the article’s shabby “climate change” link to Cyclone Aila that wrought devastation on the subcontinent in 2009.

Mörner retorted that Cyclone Aila “had nothing to do with any sea level rise. It was just the destruction of one of those events hitting this coast so badly. Unfortunately, this is normal for this part of the world, and has always been so.” The real concern, says the sea level expert, should be the incessant chopping down of mangrove trees to clear space for shrimp farms which fuels soil erosion and increases the risk of flooding. As Mörner pointed out during the ‘Sealevelgate‘ scandal in 2001, politicized and cherry picked science “leads to confusion over cases such as Bangladesh, whose plight is the exact opposite of the one claimed by environmental lobbyists and the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change].”

Nonetheless, writer,  Raveena Aulakh sticks rigidly to the IPCC’s doomsaying narrative and cynically promotes the usual tired old claims about melting ice sheets, diminishing glaciers and man-made global warming.

If only Aulakh and other sensationalist publications would introduce a little more of the Mörner balance in their articles for he has already exposed the fraud and misunderstand about the subcontinent in a key article from 2011 in the Spectator. ‘Rising credulity,’ describes how Mörner visited and studied the Sundarban delta area in Bangladesh (pictured) and was able to observe clear evidence of coastal erosion, not sea level rises.

The truth about sea levels are that they have always been fluctuating and always will no matter what governments think they might do to control them. Indeed, there are well-documented and huge variations in sea levels, by as much as two meters, because, as is the way with Nature, they stubbornly refuse to maintain a constant level. Dr. Mörner describes the world’s oceans and seas as more akin to an “agitated bath where the water is slopping back and forth. This is a dynamic process.”

By contrast, independent scientists know full well that Bangladesh is cursed because of rain over the Himalayas, which is unconnected with the sea. “It is also cursed because of the cyclones which push water inland. Again, this has nothing to do with the sea, adds Mörner. 

Sensationalist authors such as Atiq Rahman should, says Mörner, first check their facts with the world’s true experts on sea level. They can be found at the INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (of which Mörner is a former president), not with  the discredited IPCC.

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Real Global Warming

Written by Ben Wouters


by Ben Wouters

Current climate science totally neglects the enormous amounts of heat available inside the Earth. This seems reasonable since the measured heat flux through the oceanic crust is ~0,1 W/m2, and is absolutely dwarfed by the ~240 W/m2 average solar radiation that warms the Earth. Only the sun warms the Earth, no other heat source is considered and a Greenhouse Effect (GHE) is the only way to explain why our temperatures are ~33K above the generally accepted Effective Temperature for Earth of 255K.

To expose the error in this reasoning and see some real global warming we have to go back in time. Some 125 million years ago in what is now the Pacific Ocean perhaps the largest seismic event of the last 300 million years started. A Mantle Plume burst through the ocean floor, and some 100 million km3 glowing hot magma erupted into the Pacific. This is 1 km3 magma for every 14 km3 water in all the world’s oceans, capable of warming those oceans some 15-20K. The magma cooled down and formed what is known as the Ontong Java–Manihiki–Hikurangi Plateau (OJMHP) (1).
 Not surprisingly we find very high temperatures following that period as is shown in the following reconstruction of deep ocean temperatures (2) (3) . (Notice these are DEEP ocean temperatures, not surface)
Wouters paleo temps
Unfortunately this reconstruction doesn’t go all the way back to 125 million years, so we can’t see if temperatures were even higher before the peak at ~83 million years. Since the creation of the OJMHP several similar but smaller events followed, explaining the sometimes rising deep ocean temperatures in a generally cooling trend.

According to this reconstruction it is obvious that between 80 and 90 million years ago the deep ocean temperatures where at least ~15K warmer than at present, and the deep oceans have on average been cooling down about 1K every 5 million years since then.
With a very much simplified model I’ll show how these major geological events in the distant past are still influencing our current temperatures.
Simple energy balance model
– incoming solar energy is 240 W/m2 after reflection , only warming Earth’s surface – current average surface temperature is 290K (oceans, disregarding the continents).
Consider a small planet in outer space, no internal heat, fully covered with a floor heating system (FHS) to replace incoming solar energy. No heat from the FHS can escape to the inside of the planet.
And of course we can control the energy flowing to the FHS. With the FHS turned off the surface temperature of our little planet is ~2,7 K due to the Cosmic Background Radiation.
1) Turning on the heat, we begin with 0,1 W/m2, after stabilisation the surface temp is ~30K.
2) Next 240 W/m2, temperature stabilises at 255K, Earth’s generally accepted Effective Temperature, and 240 W/m2 is radiated to space.
3) More heat, 400 W/m2, temperature stabilising around 290K, and 400 W/m2 radiates to space.
Now we cover our little planet with an insulation blanket, with the same thermal resistance as our atmosphere, 290K on the inside results in 240 W/m2 loss at the outside. With the surface temperature at 290K and the blanket covering the planet, we can turn down the FHS to just 240 W/m2 and maintain the 290K for as long as we supply the same amount of energy as escapes on the outside of the insulation blanket.
Back to Earth. Note that only simple insulation (no back radiation heating or similar) is needed to explain the surface temperature, given the boost to 290K or higher by the creation of the OJMHP and that the energy budget is balanced. Recall that current climate science states that the atmosphere is even capable of WARMING the surface ~33K, so just maintaining current average surface temperatures should be an acceptable premise.
Since the peek temperature the deep oceans have been cooling down very slowly. Assuming all of the oceans had a temperature of 290K from surface to bottom at the time of the temperature peak, we see that most of that heat has already been lost to space, given the current average temperature of the deep oceans of ~275K. Every time the sun supplies less energy than escapes to space (eg Milankovitch cycles), the ocean’s surface cools down, lost heat is re-supplied by now warmer water from below and the deep oceans cool down. 
This mechanism also explains the exceptionally stable temperatures on Earth. Excess incoming energy warms the surface layer, and increases outgoing radiation almost immediately. Shortage of incoming energy is buffered by the deep oceans enormous thermal mass.

Recently we started having Ice ages (last ~2.5 million years). Without a new Mantle Plume eruption Earth may well be heading towards a Snowball Earth situation. Interestingly the small 0.1 W/m2 heat flux through the oceans crust can warm all of the oceans 1K every ~5000 year when ice prevents heat loss at the surface. In this situation the small geothermal heat flux could actually be (part of) the explanation for the ending of an ice age.
Extending this setup to Earth’s early history we can envision a situation where the effect of a Faint Young Sun is offset by a much thinner crust, allowing a substantial heat flux plus a much more active Earth with many Mantle Plumes and other seismic events warming the already existing oceans.
With the inclusion of Geothermal Heat in the climate equation, the role of the atmosphere is simply that of an insulation blanket. The sun is barely able to prevent the cooling of planet Earth. With the diminishing amount of buffered heat in the deep oceans we are moving towards a colder period, unless a major re-heating by Geothermal Energy comes along. Obviously this is not a complete climate theory. 
Most of the classical meteorology from before the CO2 hype is still valid. Milankovitch, Svensmark and many other theories and effects can co-exist on top of this basic climate setup. All this has serious implications for the role of CO2 and climate sensitivity, which may very well be slightly negative. Instead of worrying about humanity warming the planet, we should prepare for the Ice Age that is coming sooner or later, unless of course the next major undersea flood basalt saves the day.
Ben Wouters, Zuid Scharwoude, Netherlands.

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Moon’s Hidden Message

Written by Ben Wouters

Effective temperatures
by Ben Wouters
The concept of Effective Temperature (Te) originates in astronomy, and is a rule of thumb calculation to estimate the radiative temperatures of planetary bodies in a solar system. For planets without atmosphere, no internal heat source and surface emissivity equal to 1 the Te is the whole story. All mentioned factors increase the “base” Te. See eg this site for more details.
Surprisingly the Te for the moon using albedo 0,11 is ~270K, but the actual average temperature is much LOWER (~197K). This means that either the moons albedo is massively higher (~0,75 iso 0,11) or there is a serious flaw in the way the Te’s are calculated. Let me show you that the Te for the moon is ~161K iso ~270K and for Earth ~151K iso the well-known 255K
Basically Te is arrived at by taking the surface temperature of a sun and calculating the remaining radiation (Total Solar Irradiance (TSI)) at the distance of the body under consideration. The amount of energy intercepted by a body is equal to the TSI times the cross-sectional area of the body. Since a sphere has 4 times the area of a circle, the TSI is divided by 4 to arrive at the average RADIATION/m2 on the body. A reduction for reflected radiation is also applied. So far so good. To arrive at the Te, the Stefan-Boltzmann formula (SB) is used on this number, assuming “black body” (BB) behaviour of the body. This last step is where things go wrong: using the average radiation to arrive at a temperature iso calculating different temperatures and then averaging them. You cannot average the input for a non-linear equation like the SB formula (fourth power) and expect a meaningful result. The following spread sheet demonstrates this nicely. It shows the radiation heating two identical BB plates, the resulting temperature using SB and the average temperature. Notice that in all cases the AVERAGE radiation is 240 W/m2.
Wouters moon table
The last example (480/0) represents the situation for heavenly bodies with only one sun, like our own planet Earth. A better way to calculate Te is to calculate the average radiation only for the sunny side of a body, calculate the average temperature for that side and THEN average with the dark side which has a radiative temperature of 0K, so dividing by 2 of the result for the sunny side will do. Since the original method didn’t use it, I also ignore the ~2,77K resulting from the cosmic background radiation.

Here are the Te calculations for the moon and earth:
I assume a TSI for both of 1364 W/m2, the moon reflects 11{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} and Earth 30{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}.
Moon: (1364 W/m2 x 0,89)/2 = 607 W/m2 SB => 322K => Te = (322K + 0K)/2 = 161K
Earth: (1364 W/m2 x 0,70)/2 = 477 W/m2 SB => 303K => Te = (303K + 0K)/2 = 151K
All this means that a non-rotating grey body at our distance from the sun, without atmosphere, no internal heat and in radiative balance will have this average surface temperature. Change in any of the mentioned factors will give a higher ACTUAL temperature.
I’ll show that this reasoning is correct by looking at some temperature plots of the moon.
Wouters divine project
Diviner Project: link
Some observations: – the temperature nicely follows radiation values during daytime, but doesn’t drop to 0K at night – apparently some heat storage takes place during the day that re-radiates during the night, given enough time most probably converging to the same temperature as Latitude 890 Winter – temperature at Latitude 890 Winter seems to converge to 30-40K given enough time without sunshine
My conclusion is that for some reason the moon has a “base” temperature of ~30K, most probably caused by internal heat. On deep crater floors near the poles temperatures as low as 25K are found. A heat flow of ~100mW/m2 would be enough to explain this temperature. At the poles Earthshine is an unlikely candidate.
So the moon behaves reasonably well like a BB, except: – it reflects some of the radiation (=> making it a “grey body”) – it rotates and some heat storage is taking place – its “no radiation” temperature is not 0K, but ~25-40K
With its “base” temperature of ~25K, some leftover heat from the previous “day” and the sun adding the rest the average measured moon temperature of ~197K can be easily explained.
Back to Earth: The correct Te for Earth of 151K and consequently the Greenhouse Effect being ~139K iso ~35K leaves us with the problem of explaining Earths average surface temperature of ~290K. Is CO2 even more powerful than previously thought? Or is there a much more plausible explanation?
Ben Wouters, Zuid Scharwoude, Netherlands.


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New: Handbook of Drought & Flood Prediction in South Africa

Written by Prof. WJR Alexander

by Prof. WJR Alexander
Professor Alexander’s comprehensive and groundbreaking new handbook ‘Analytical methods for water resource development and management‘ is available as free public resource created thanks to a donation of R200 000 from South Africa’s Water Research Commission. It details analytical methods for the development and management of water supplies and provides guidance to policymakers, researchers and the general public.
Raphael Fresco
On the front of the handbook is an illustration on that sets the story. Professor Alexander explains:
This is part of Raphael’s famous fresco (wall painting) titled the School of Athens in the Vatican. I had the privilege of studying it during WWII when we had plenty of time to spare. The theme of the fresco is Philosophy and this part of the fresco shows Euclid teaching mathematics to a group of enthusiastic pupils. He has a pair of dividers symbolising measurement and is pointing to a visual image on a slate. His studies have enabled us to measure distances from a point on earth to a point on the moon with a high degree of accuracy. But we still cannot predict future rainfall and river flow other than in probabilistic terms. This is the difference between accurate mathematical descriptions and broad probabilistic methods that we have so much difficulty in mastering. 
Alexander continues:
The issues covered in a handbook are of extreme national and possibly international importance. The problem is that I discuss the climate change issue in passing and demonstrate with a high degree of confidence that the observed multi-year, widespread occurrence of floods and droughts occur synchronously with variations in the global receipt and poleward distribution of solar energy. There is not an atom of evidence that they are the consequence of climate change. 
Water demands will exceed resources 
Here in South Africa, as well as in many other countries on the African continent with dry climates the demands will soon exceed the available resources. This will not happen suddenly. At first rare, major droughts will be the problem. But as the demand increases even the frequent minor droughts will result in the imposition of restrictions. We have already entered this period here in South Africa. 
Looking into the future we will have to develop a greater understanding of the numerical properties of multi-year sequences of river low, as well as of the isolated high flows that come to our rescue when they restore the water volume in the empty dams. Immediately the concept of multi-year river flows comes into the analyses it will be like opening a Pandora’s Box of issues that have to be addressed. These are detailed in the handbook. 
On the demand side, the components are also becoming more complex. Until very recently the principal demands were agricultural (food production), urban and industrial demands. Now the environmental concerns have to be accommodated. How will they be accommodated in the numerical analyses? 
On top of all this, the climate change issue has become a major interest. Briefly, the theory is that increasing discharges of carbon dioxide into the global atmosphere will cause atmospheric temperatures to rise. This in turn will result in increases in frequency and magnitude of floods and droughts. The problem is that there is a strong debate among the proponents of climate change regarding the global temperature changes but not a single example of increases in floods and droughts. There is no way whatsoever that climate change scientists will be able to provide information on the multi-year properties of the hydro-meteorological processes required for water resource analyses. 
Instead of accepting my invitation that we get around the table to discuss these important issues, I have been subjected to personal vilification and refusal to accept my papers for publication. This includes the tactic of deliberately delaying the publication of my handbook, the original version of which has been gathering dust on the shelves of the Water Research Commission ever since February 2010. 
As a recognized expert in his field Professor Alexander has increasing concerns regarding the welfare of the poor and disadvantaged people of South Africa and elsewhere in the world. He insists his handbook addresses and resolves these issues in the public domain. 
“My recommendation is that those institutions that appreciate the dangers that lie ahead and the urgent need to develop measures to accommodate them, should as a matter of great urgency organise a multi-day event at minimum cost to discuss these issues and provide measures to accommodate them,” says Alexander.

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