The Great Oxygenation Event

Written by Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser

There is an epoch in the Earth history termed the “Great Oxygenation Event” (GOE). I described it in my recent post on the rise of molecular oxygen in earth’s atmosphere. goe1

The “Great Alkalinity Event” is really just another “side-effect” of the GOE, namely causing most water on this planet to become alkaline, the opposite of acidic.

As you might have guessed already, there is more chemistry involved – my favored subject. Trust me; I’ll try to keep it simple, short and to the point. If still in doubt, just confer with my dearest about that!

Oxygenation = Reduction

The increase of molecular oxygen in the atmosphere by the GOE was by way of loss of that oxygen from the then highly ubiquitous carbon dioxide (CO2). In chemical parlance, the (fully oxidized) carbon dioxide got ”reduced” to material with less than two oxygen (“O”) atoms per carbon (“C”).  The notation “CO2” simply is the chemists’ short form for carbon-di(meaning two)-oxygen atoms for a compound (also termed molecule) consisting of one carbon and two oxygen atoms.

Just like in physics, where energy or mass cannot be created but only converted from one form to another, the same law of “energy/mass conservation” also demands conservation of atoms. Therefore if one substance gains any atoms, another must lose the same number and kind. In contrast to “money,” that many of the world’s central banks can create with a “mouse click” and “ex nihilo,” both chemistry and physics command adherence to a balanced mass equation.

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Did Antarctica really have its warmest day on record?

Written by Thomas Richard,

According to an article published last week by United Press International (UPI), Antarctica had its warmest day on record, and they attribute it wholly to global warming. Except the temperatures measured may be more indicative of Argentina, not Antarctica, and located outside the Antarctic Circle.** UPI got its information from a blog posting at the Weather Underground, a notorious site for alarmist stories about climate change. antarctica

The temperature measurements were done at Argentina’s Esperanza Base and Marambio Base on the northern tip of the Trinity Peninsula, both of which are outside the Antarctic Circle and on the same latitude as the tip of South America. The temperature of Esperanza of 63.3°F (17.4°C) base was recorded on March 24, and a second temperature reading was recorded at Argentina’s Marambio base on March 23 7.4°C (63.3°F). See map in slideshow.

To put this in perspective, it would be the equivalent of taking a temperature measurement in Reykjavík, Iceland, and proclaiming that this measurement is indicative of the temperature of the Arctic region, or worse, Tasiilaq (Ammassalik), Greenland. It’s a ridiculous statement and utterly useless. It is well known that West Antarctica is heavily influenced by underground volcanic activity, and hidden beneath its icy exterior is a myriad of active Rift Systems.

The blog post goes on to say that the “all-time warmest temperature yet observed in Antarctica,” and according to the WMO, “was 15.0°C (59.0°F) at Vanda Station on January 5, 1974. Vanda Station is located near 77°S latitude but was occupied for only brief periods, mostly during the Austral summers, between 1967-1995.” Most notably is that Vanda Station is well within the Antarctic Circle and south side of the continent. See map in slideshow.

According to UPI, the “WMO climatologists have to decide whether Argentina’s two bases qualify geographically-speaking — whether their positioning on the outskirts of the continent qualify the temperatures as more representative of Antarctica or of Argentina.” The WMO will also have to verify if the measuring equipment was working correctly and qualified for temperature measurements.

The other item not mentioned is that the Antarctic Peninsula only accounts for roughly two percent of the entire continent. That would be like measuring the temperature at the tip of Cape Cod and saying that it was New England’s warmest day. Or measuring the temperature in Miami and Key West and saying that North America had its warmest day on record.

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What is the theory of man made global warming?

Written by Derek Alker, PSI Climate Analyst

What is the theory of man-made global warming? The short answer to that seemingly simple question is that it is a scam. The biggest, most complex, and most successful, deliberate scam so far in human history. burning earth

The take home messages that will be explained are – 

1) The difference between a physical law (which is merely a prediction) and a law of thermodynamics (which is a material fact).
– A so called physical law is a simple and elegant, but unphysically calculated prediction. THAT is not a law at all.

Such “physical laws”, ie, P/4, Black Body, Stefan Boltzman and Wien’s law, are merely predictions, whilst the Laws of thermodynamics actually ARE laws that always apply, and thus can be stated as simple facts. ie, the 2nd Law of thermodynamics is the fact that colder (or the same) can not heat (the same or) warmer.

2) In reality energy can not be created, therefore in reality there CAN NOT be a greenhouse effect or “theory”.
– The GH “theory” in any of the versions, or interpretations currently in use (heat flow, energy flow, or fluxes), HAS TO create energy for there to be a “working in reality theory” in the first place. Which invalidates the “theory”.

3) Climate science has to start any explanation of how earth’s climate system works from a physical basis.
– Climate science will have to (in the end) move from the current unphysical basis, based upon “physical laws” to a physical basis based upon and in accord with the known laws (of thermodynamics) and properties of physical matter (such as heat capacity), from which to study earth’s climate system from.

Predictions of the result are not explanations of how the result was achieved. 

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Tragedy of ‘Science’: Public Faith Declines as Fakery Grows

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Major publisher retracts 43 scientific papers amid wider fake peer-review scandal … A major publisher of scholarly medical and science articles has retracted 43 papers because of “fabricated” peer reviews amid signs of a broader fake peer review racket affecting many more publications. – Washington Post joke face

Dominant Social Theme: Science saves us?

Free-Market Analysis: The breadth of this scandal (see excerpt above) is extraordinary and comes not long after a top executive at Monsanto issued a plaintive tweet lamenting the West’s eroding faith in “science.” You can see our Monsanto analysis here:

Monsanto Laments Dwindling Faith in Science

We wrote:

As we have noted in the past, the current status quo emphasizes “experts” and “expertise.” In part this is because the foundational meme of modern society is based on central banking – and central bankers are presented as having the expertise to predict the future.

If people generally came to doubt the ability of central bankers to peer into the future in order to generate accurate monetary prices, then central banking itself would become a doubtful proposition. The same thing holds true in other fields.

Science – faith in science – was supposed to justify the modern technocratic society. It is in fact an ancient manipulation. The meme of the “expert” is that of the technocrat – a model of social manipulation that dates back at least to Socrates and his theory that “philosopher kings” ought to run the world.

When we called science a “manipulation” a month ago, we didn’t except to receive such efficient confirmation as this so quickly.

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Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the US

Written by Nancy L. Swanson, Andre Leu, Jon Abrahamson, Bradley Wallet

A huge increase in the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases has been reported in the United States (US) over the last 20 years. Similar increases have been seen globally. glyphosphate

The herbicide glyphosate was introduced in 1974 and its use is accelerating with the advent of herbicide-tolerant genetically engineered (GE) crops. Evidence is mounting that glyphosate interferes with many metabolic processes in plants and animals and glyphosate residues have been detected in both.

Glyphosate disrupts the endocrine system and the balance of gut bacteria, it damages DNA and is a driver of mutations that lead to cancer. In the present study, US government databases were searched for GE crop data, glyphosate application data and disease epidemiological data. Correlation analyses were then performed on a total of 22 diseases in these time-series data sets. 


These data show very strong and highly significant correlations between the increasing use of glyphosate, GE crop growth and the increase in a multitude of diseases. Many of the graphs show sudden increases in the rates of diseases in the mid-1990s that coincide with the commercial production of GE crops.

The large increase in glyphosate use in the US is mostly due to the increase in glyphosate-resistant GE crops. The probabilities in the graphs and tables show that it is highly unlikely that the correlations are a coincidence.

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Is Titan submarine the most daring space mission yet?

Written by Paul Rincon, Science editor, BBC News

Evidence from other planets in our solar system continues to prove hydrocarbons (so called ‘fossil fuels’) are abundant outside earth’s biosphere and are not the product of decayed organic matter. The following BBC article shows this. hydrocarbons on Titan

 Dropping a robotic lander on to the surface of a comet was arguably one of the most audacious space achievements of recent times.

But one concept mission being studied by the US space agency could top even that.

Scientists are proposing to send a robot submarine to the oily seas of Saturn’s moon Titan. The seas are filled not with water, but with hydrocarbons like methane and ethane.

These compounds exist in their liquid state on the moon, where the temperature averages -180C.

The plan is funded by an initiative called Nasa Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC), where researchers are encouraged to think out of the box.

“That’s quite liberating,” says the scientist behind the project, Dr Ralph Lorenz, who is outlining the concept here at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) in Texas.

“You can take a step back and really let your imagination run riot.”

But Dr Lorenz believes the mission is eminently achievable with the right resources, timing and technology.

Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) are now widely used for military purposes, by search teams, in oil exploration and scientific investigation. So existing technologies could be adapted for use on another world.

One of the most striking aspects of the proposal is a plan to deliver the sub in a variant of the US military’s secretive mini-space shuttle, the X-37B.

The sub would fit in the payload bay of the unmanned shuttle, with the stack then launched on a rocket. Once at Titan, the shuttle and its payload would glide down through the moon’s soupy atmosphere.

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What Climate Alarmists Don’t Want You Knowing About CO2

Written by E. David Day, Ph.D. (U of A, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, 1972), MBA, CIE

Man-made global warming is junk science. So say highly-qualified experts from the ‘hard’ sciences. Poorly trained government climate ‘experts’ for too long refused to share their half-baked theories and data about the role of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) with better qualified experts. confused reader

Below are typical well-known and established scientific facts that climate change alarmists would rather keep from you.

  • As part of the “Carbon Cycle”, through photosynthesis, atmospheric carbon dioxide is the sole source of the oxygen that we need to breathe (one molecule of CO2 produces one molecule of O2). 
  • Similarly, through photosynthesis,our entire food supply (animal and vegetable) is dependent upon carbon dioxide.  Needless to say, carbon dioxide is essential to our survival.
  • In Calgary, Alberta, we accommodate “seasonal” temperature changes from, say, +30 C (summer) to -30 C (winter) for a 60 C temperature range, which is due to the Sun.  The +2 C “drift” in “average” global temperatures is attributed, by alarmists, to carbon dioxide (currently 400 ppm, parts-per-million, by volume in the atmosphere). 
  • Carbon dioxide is a much poorer “green house gas” than water vapour (by a factor of ~160, see thermodynamic analysis: Stored.html).  Water vapour (at 1{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} or 10,000 ppm, by volume in the atmosphere) is particularly prevalent over the oceans that cover three-quarters of the surface of our planet.
  • A recent publication by NASA suggests that carbon dioxide actually contributes to “Global Cooling”: solar radiation global warming debunked.html
  • There are fossils of palm trees in the high Arctic and evidence of a previous Ice Age that had little to do with the activities of Man.
  • Meaningful, unbiased/objective, “hard” sources of global data regarding sources of carbon dioxide can be difficult to find in a format suitable for comparison purposes. 
  • The site provides an excellent list of sources, but ignores the contribution of “natural” forest and grass fires. 

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The Eclipse

Written by Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser

Central Europe is about to participate in an interesting experiment, entirely without bureaucratic or political control. Mother Nature wants to test how the solar power panels there work without sunshine.partial eclipse

So, she is planning for a total solar eclipse, starting around 9 am on Friday, March 20, 2015. But that’s not all; there will be a super-moon and spring equinox as well; a rare event indeed.

As always, solar eclipses attract lots of attention from folks from all areas. Some photographers will travel across the globe to get a good shot, school children will be excited, and the electric power system operators are standing by to prevent any calamity. Why so?

Photovoltaic Power

Solar (photovoltaic) power panels are widely used to harness the sun’s radiation and derive electric power from it. Such power panels, as opposed to passive solar energy collectors that simply heat up a fluid, work well when the sun is shining and high up on the firmament, however, not so much at night, on a cloudy day, or during an eclipse.

Having given the solar power producer absolute preference in delivering that energy into the power grid, the big question is if the grid will withstand the sudden withdrawal as well. Of course, every nightfall solar power goes to nil as well, but the total requirement is also much smaller. Not so during the day, when people commute or work in the office and energy-consuming plants are running full steam and so forth.

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Scientists FOAMING over a Nickel’s worth of hydrogen

Written by Richard Chirgwin,

As a power source, hydrogen has a bunch of problems, but at least one of them – the cost of obtaining the gas – might be closer to a solution. nickel foam

Right now, most commercial quantities of hydrogen are derived from ‘fossil fuels’ because electrolysis of water into hydrogen is expensive.

Scientists from the University of NSW reckon that a three-dimensional lattice made from cheap nickel and iron offers a huge boost both in cost and efficiency as an electrode for splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen.

UNSW school of chemistry associate professor Chuan Zhao says the electrode is “inexpensive, sturdy and simple to make, and can potentially be scaled up for industrial application of water splitting.”

Because it’s made of nickel and iron, the electrode is much cheaper than electrolysers that use precious metals, the university says.

The researchers started with a commercial nickel foam, which has roughly 200-micron holes in it, which they then electroplated with a nickel-iron catalyst. That catalyst is highly reactive, which reduces the amount of electricity needed to split water molecules.

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First three months of 2015 show fewest U.S. tornadoes in three decades

Written by Thomas Richard,

Yesterday, the Daily Caller reported that the Weather Channel’s chief meteorologist, Greg Forbes, said the number of tornadoes so far this year has been 27, with “only four tornado watches” issued, and zero touching ground in March, the fewest in nearly three decades. tornado damage

Unlike hurricane season, there is no official start or end date for tornado seasonWhat is remarkable is that “this is the slowest start to the year, tornado-wise, since the 21 tornadoes were recorded through March 12, 2003.”

February was also statistically important as there were only two tornadoes reported during the entire month. “According to statistics kept by Dr. Forbes, only three other Februaries since 1950 saw two or fewer tornadoes in the U.S.: 2010 (1), 2002 (2) and 1964 (2).”

Greg Carbin, a warning coordination meteorologist at NOAA‘s Storm Prediction Center (SPC), said “only four tornado watches were issued by the SPC for January and February combined.” The last time there were this few tornadoes was in 1985, nearly 30 years ago, when only two tornado watches were required.

So far this year, the SPC has gone 51 continuous days without issuing “either a tornado or severe thunderstorm watch through February 25. This was the longest such watch-less streak since late 1986,” according to Carbin.

The cause of this tornado drought is the “bitter cold, snow and ice” that began in early 2015, mainly affecting the Eastern portion of the United States. Coupled with the lack of moisture moving up from the Gulf Coast, and an altered Jet Stream, you have the perfect ingredients for little to no tornadoes.

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Global warming not to blame for mass starvation of sea lion pups, says NOAA

Written by Thomas Richard,

Yesterday it was reported that sea lion pups along the California coast are literally starving to death. According to scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), global warming has nothing to do with it. It’s all part of an El Niño weather pattern that’s wreaking havoc on the food chain supply. sick sea lion

NOAA released figures yesterday showing that since January 1, “more than 1,800 starving sea lion pups have washed up on California beaches since Jan. 1 and 750 are being treated” in marine mammal care centers across the state.

Scientists at NOAA believe the crisis hasn’t reached its peak and expect more sea lions to show up on beaches for at least two more months. Meanwhile, thousands of adult maleCalifornia sea lions are “surging into the Pacific Northwest, crowding onto docks and jetties in coastal communities.”

According to NOAA, the “Channel Islands rookeries where nearly all California sea lions raise their young sit in the middle of the warm expanse. Female sea lions have strong ties to the rookeries. They take foraging trips of a few days at a time before returning to the rookeries to nurse their pups.”

But this warm expanse has risen from 2 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit (when compared to the long-term average), which is not an ideal environment for the sea lion’s diet: fish and squid,including “salmon, hake, Pacific whiting, anchovy, herring, rockfish, lamprey, dogfish, and market squid.” Sea lions will even eat clams.

It’s believed their food source is moving north to cooler waters, forcing the mothers to abandon their pups as they travel further away from the nurseries in search of food, sometimes for over a week. As a result, “the pups aren’t eating as much or as frequently and they are weaning themselves early out of desperation and striking out on their own even though they are underweight and can’t hunt properly.”

NOAA says that a particularly strong weather pattern known as El Niño is to blame, not climate change.

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What is Happening with Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide?

Written by Bevan Dockery, Geophysicist

Proof as to what has happened in the Earth’s atmosphere is sitting in the records of the World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases. From those verified numbers we can contrast and compare what carbon dioxide (CO2) is actually doing in the atmosphere as opposed to what we are often told by government climate scientists. climate wdc

There are 368 locations on the web site for the World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases which each contain files of past atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Taken together with 36 years of satellite temperature measurements these give us a clear insight into what has actually been happening in the Earth’s atmosphere. 
Linear regression analysis applied to the historic data has revealed that both the monthly and annual changes in each of the CO2 concentration and the satellite lower tropospheric temperature generate insignificant correlation coefficients with a high probability that the coefficients are zero. An example is the Scripps Institute data from the Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii [1]. 
The data shows two very clear and inescapable facts:
(1) The correlation between the monthly CO2 change and the monthly temperature change was 0.02 with 64{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} probability that the value could be zero. 
(2) The correlation between the annual CO2 change and the annual temperature change was 0.11 with 2{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} probability that the value could be zero. 

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Was Vanuatu Cyclone Caused by Climate Change?

Written by Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser

Media hype calls the latest cyclone to hit Pacific island of Vanuatu “worst in history.” But actual scientific evidence shows cyclones have not increased in energy nor is there any evidence of a higher frequency.cyclone vanuatu

The Pacific Ocean is a very large body of water, stretching thousands of miles between the Asian and American continents, and even more miles between Antarctica and the Arctic region. Despite what you see in typical tourist information brochures, it’s not all sand, sunshine, and calm seas.

Across the world, in London, England, The Telegraph reported “Cyclone Pam: Dozens feared dead in Vanuatu in ‘one of worst storms in Pacific history” and “Cyclone Pam: aid workers describe ‘utter devastation’ in Vanuatu” with the picture below and the caption “Local residents walk past debris as a wave breaks nearby in Port Vila, Vanuatu Photo: UNICEF Pacific/ Reuters.”

Looking at the photograph though, I wonder about the media claims of “destruction.” Certainly, neither the young lady nor the man shown in the picture seem to fear for their lives. Rather, it appears to be an “interesting” natural event, worthwhile to watch.

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Prof. Murry Salby presents Control of Atmospheric CO2

Written by PSI staff

Eminent climate expert, Professor Murry Salby, in the wake of his highly-successful visit to Britain in 2014, returns once again to present his latest exposure of the shoddy science of mainstream climate research.  This important event takes place in London, England on March 17th and entrance is free to all. prof salby

With his presentation, ‘Control of Atmospheric CO2’ Salby’s new research applies observed changes of climate and atmospheric tracers to resolve the budget of atmospheric carbon dioxide – an issue misrepresented by many government climate researchers in their eagerness to provide policymakers with ‘proof’ of dangerous climate change.

Professor Salby’s riveting presentation shows clearly to fellow scientists and lay persons that the mechanisms behind the evolution of CO2, including its increase during the 20th century, do not correlate with expectations of man-made global warming.

Dr. Murry Salby, professor and Climate Chair at Macquarie University, Australia, debunks the popular myth that man-made CO2 controls global temperature. Dr. Murry proves from observations the opposite is true: natural changes in global temperature instead control CO2 levels and that man-made emissions do not control either atmospheric CO2 or the climate. 

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The Crime, Grime, and CO2

Written by Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser

How many more skeletons are buried in the mud? Just look at the latest find at the shore of the Thames River in England. (See photo right) river skeleton

What message does this macabre scene convey to you? Obviously something sinister; perhaps it’s evidence of a past accident or even a crime? What’s your first impression?

First Impressions

First impressions are said to be important. Many people go entirely by them; the first impression makes or breaks the connection to the opposite, for good or for bad. Whether you look at a piece of art, watch a play, or meet someone for the first time in your life, your first impression is likely to be re-enforced and substantiated in your mind with later observations.

Well, have another look at the picture – your first impression may need revision, after all. Aren’t the ”leg bones” a bit “skinny,” don’t the “breast bones” look more like rope and isn’t the “skull” rather small? Of course, the answers to these questions are all YES. This is not a picture of a human skeleton at all, just some pipes, rope and a round object.

I think that some clever artist tried to put us on and he/she nearly succeeded! It helps to show that with some grime you can easily create a scene of crime. The question then becomes: what can we learn from that? My first answer is: look past the grime and think china or porcelain.

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Alarmist Phytoplankton Decline Exposed as Sampling Bias: Rising CO2 intensifies blooms

Written by Myles, PSI Researcher & John O'Sullivan

Climate scientists have alleged Phytoplankton decline had hit an astonishing 40 percent. Media hype was built up around the claims of researcher, Daniel Boyce and friends who released a paper seemingly proving a decline over a century long measurement set of chlorophyll levels in the oceans. The paper appeared in Nature. Yet in the very same edition of the journal another study had made contradictory claims. So guess which story the mainstream media ran with?phytoplankton

Boyce’s sensational scientific claims took centre stage – it supported the monotnous global warming narrative still popular in mainstream media.

More or less chlorophyll serves as an indicator of the amount of photosynthesis from phytoplankton that is occurring in bodies of water. In samples chlorophyll being produced during photosynthesis. The alarmist authors assert their findings help prove “global warming.”

The paper titled “Global phytoplankton decline over the past century” is being further contradicted as evidence mounts that it is a hyped scientific scare story from Boyce which runs counter to oceanographic scientific consensus. So let’s look at the facts:

The researchers state…

  These fluctuations are strongly correlated with basin-scale climate indices, whereas long-term declining trends are related to increasing sea surface temperatures.” (Nature; Volume 466)

Contrary Peer-reviewed Study Indicates Sampling Bias

Meanwhile, in another research paper in Nature (Volume 472) titled “A measured look at ocean chlorophyll trends” the authors find that the alleged one percent a year decline alleged by Boyce in phytoplankton biomass over four decades has not occurred. Authors dispute Boyce’s key finding stating that:

Our results indicate that much, if not all, of the century-long decline reported by Boyce et al.1 is attributable to this temporal sampling bias and not to a global decrease in phytoplankton biomass.”

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