The 40,000-Mile Volcano

Written by William J Broad,

Picture a volcano. Now imagine that its main vent extends in a line. Now imagine that this line is so long that it runs for more than 40,000 miles through the dark recesses of all the world’s oceans, girding the globe like the seams of a baseball. atlantic volcano

Welcome to one of the planet’s most obscure but important features, known rather prosaically as the midocean ridges. Though long enough to circle the moon more than six times, they receive little notice because they lie hidden in pitch darkness. Oceanographers stumbled on their volcanic nature in 1973. Ever since, costly expeditions have slowly explored the undersea world, which typically lies more than a mile down.

The results can make the visions of Jules Verne seem rather tame.

The ridges feature long rift valleys and, down their middles, giant fields of gushing hot springs that shed tons of minerals into icy seawater, slowly building eerie mounds and towers that can be rich in metals like gold and silver. One knobby tower in the Pacific Ocean, nicknamed Godzilla, grew 15 stories high. Thickets of snakelike tubeworms and other bizarre creatures often blanket the hot features, as do hungry prowlers such as spider crabs.

The riot of life coexists with springs hot enough to melt lead or the plastic windows of mini submarines. With extreme care, humans and robots have measured temperatures as high as 780 degrees.

To date, the studies have been episodic. Ridge expeditions venture out fitfully, their schedules determined by fickle weather and budgets, not to mention the vagaries of crew and gear availability.

Now, scientists have inaugurated a major new effort.

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Study: CO2 NOT causing climate change

Written by PSI Staff

New study shows that the trace gas CO2 found in the atmosphere cannot be shown to cause anything other than small changes in Earth’s surface temperature. co2 graphic

Independent climate researcher Jef Reynen has submitted a detailed study for open peer review at the independent science body, Principia Scientific International (PSI). Titled CO2 Has Hardly Any Effect on Surface Temperate’the study is presented for full open peer review. Reynen, who has a strong mathematics background and relies extensively on numerical analysis, has also helpfully provided herein a layperson’s guide to his paper, paraphrased below.

According to the paper’s findings climate changes are due to other physical phenomena – not carbon dioxide – and such changes have always taken place and will continue to do so despite the recent claims at the UN’s Paris climate summit (COP21) to ‘limit’ global warming to two degrees.

CO2 Has Hardly Any Effect on Surface Temperature‘ tells us, “Besides CO2 is not a poisonous gas, on the contrary, it has beneficiary properties for mankind because it is a fertilizer: if the concentration would become less than half of the present 400 ppm (0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}) the vegetation on the planet would disappear, and consequently animals and human beings. In nursery greenhouses the concentration of CO2 is augmented in order to ameliorate the production of plants.”

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Moving to a Village on the Moon?

Written by Klaus L E Kaiser, PhD, Canada Free Press

The European Space Organisation envisages a grand project: a village on the Moon, by 2030. Supported by robots that mine and process minerals for the ISS (Intl. Space Station) kind of derivative to be placed there, including 3D-printers for the manufacture of tools, etc. esa moon base

The whole thing is thought to be a stepping stone to the planet Mars.

What appears to be missing from the project is an appreciation and understanding of the facts; the Moon is no more of a hospitable place than Mars. In fact, both are rather inhospitable.

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179 professors indicted in research publishing scam

Written by Unsoo Jung, University World News

In an unprecedented crackdown on academic misconduct, as many as 179 university professors from some 110 universities in South Korea were indicted on Monday after an extensive criminal investigation into a huge copyright scam. south korea flag

The professors have been charged with republishing existing textbooks written by others under their own names by modifying the covers with the alleged connivance of the publishing companies.

According to the Prosecutors’ Office which conducted an extensive criminal investigation, this is the first time university professors have faced criminal charges for copyright violations using ‘cover-swapping’ tricks. It is also the first time so many professors have been indicted in a single investigation.

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ET can never call home without getting the wrong number

Written by Klaus L E Kaiser PhD

Ever dialed a wrong number? I bet you did, just as I have on some occasions. What makes the internet swirl though is the fact that Tim Peake, presently residing in the International Space Station (ISS) high above the earth’s surface did so recently. tim peakeWhy should it be such an “un-earthly” event? Sooner or later, it happens to the best of us! 

As his excuse, Peake claims to have had a faulty phone book, due to incorrect “rounding” of the numbers in a spreadsheet of such.

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Data shows 2015 was not hottest year ever–wasn’t even close

Written by Thomas Richard,

Since 1978, satellites have been measuring the Earth’s temperature and have given us a snapshot of 2015‘s overall temperature: it’s not a record breaker. Not even close. global satellite tempsIn fact, 2015 didn’t even come close to breaking any all-time records, the Daily Caller reported yesterday. Culling data from weather satellites that have been orbiting the Earth since 1978, climate scientists at the University of Alabama/Huntsville (UAH) reported that 2015 has only been the third-warmest year since satellite tracking began.

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The Fishy ‘Science’ of Ocean Acidification

Written by Tony Thomas,

With an obstinate atmosphere failing to warm as predicted, another peril was needed to sustain the junk-science industry and keep lazy reporters supplied with bogus scoops. No problem! ocean acidificationConscript a Disney character, garnish with misrepresentations and there you have it: ocean acidification.

How scary is “ocean acidification”?  Very scary. The previously scary “global warming” stopped 19 years ago, but do stay scared because all that CO2 since 1997 has instead been “acidifying” the oceans. Please imagine baby oysters dissolving in the equivalent of battery acid, and hermit crabs raising a nervous feeler to discover that their protective shells have disappeared. Curse you, horrible human-caused CO2 emissions!

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The “Green Energy” Delusion

Written by Carl Brehmer

The supporters of the UN’s “climate agenda” are completely ignorant when it comes to building and maintaining stable, affordable electrical grids. green wash They, for example, are attempting to persuade (and if persuasion fails force) developed countries to transition away from powering their economies with hydrocarbon energy under the delusion that hydrocarbon energy can simply be replaced by what they call “green energy” without any diminution of the modern way of life that developed countries now enjoy.

Here is one such example from the Ceres Coalition:

In order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, the world’s leading [political] scientists say we must: [1] Make ‘substantial emissions reductions over the next few decades and near zero emissions of CO2 and other long-lived GHGs by the end of the century’ [and 2] Phase out fossil fuels and move to 100{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} clean energy [solar panels and windmills].”

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Yes, it’s really ‘volcano season,’ say scientists

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WASHINGTON – Think you’ve got enough to worry about with collapsing economy, terrorism, wars and rumors of wars? Think again.

Have you been paying attention to what appears to be an increase in volcanic activity across the planet?

There’s a 5 percent to 10 percent chance in the next 80 years, scientists say, one of these eruptions will kill millions of people and poison the atmosphere beyond the imagination of anything man’s activity could do in 1,000 years.

And no one is yet making any plans to deal with the calamitous possibilities.

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The Big Picture Guide to Climate Science & Geo-engineering

Written by Marian Calcroft, guest post

The complicated subject of climate change and geo-engineering (intentional human control of weather and environment) warrants our careful consideration. As with much science that has become politicized it requires a keen eye to weed out the hype from the facts. geoengineering

To help fellow scientists and lay readers alike Principia Scientific International has much pleasure in presenting Marian Calcroft’s ‘PSI’s Big Picture Guide to Climate Science & Geo-engineering.’

This 29-page PDF explains how the sun is by far the dominant force controlling our planet’s temperature and climate. The atmosphere actually acts as a refrigerator mechanism and regulates the cooling of the planet by convection and radiation into the top of the atmosphere.

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Climate Quiz for 2016

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul, guest post

In the ongoing debate about whether humans are dangerously affecting the climate, facts can often be lost in the holler of propaganda. quizTo help readers gain better traction on the facts beneath the hype Tony Bright-Paul herein offers us a very simple Climate Quiz for 2016, which is good for Warmists and Sceptics alike, and better still for those who are confused about the whole issue.

All the questions are questions of fact – there are no opinions. Some questions may need reference to Google for an answer, and some of the answers can be quite surprising to those who already know a fair bit about this subject. Best for 2016!

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El Nino and global warming create a surplus of doomsday headlines

Written by Thomas Richard,

According to a new NOAA report issued December 28, the current status of the El Niño that is driving the much-hyped ‘extreme weather’ may be the third-strongest since 1950. texas snow storm

A far cry from being the worst El Niño in history that numerous media outlets are thundering and desperately trying to tie to global warming. Under NOAA’s El Niño Advisory system, they state that warmer-than-normal equatorial sea surface temperatures (SST) will continue across most of the Pacific Ocean and will “transition to normal SST conditions in the spring or early summer 2016.”

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Exciting New Planetary Discovery

Written by Dr Klaus LE Kaiser, guest post

Astronomers are excited: a new planet has been discovered, currently termed WOLF-1016c, a planet of the red dwarf star WOLF-1016. planet wolf 1016

It’s said to be the planet most similar yet discovered to Earth, both in size, trajectory and other features but a bit far away, about 15 light years or so. Let’s put that distance into perspective.

Speed of Light and Distance
With the speed of light roughly being 300,000 km/SECOND (or 190,000 miles/second), even a meteor falling on earth at a speed of “only” 50 km/second is a slowpoke in comparison. Of course, relative to common speed limits on highways of 100 km (60 miles) per HOUR, they do compare rather favorably, not to mention typical downtown stop-and-go traffic in the city near to you.

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Scientists Reveal New Map of Antarctica’s Mysterious Volcanic ‘hot zones’

Written by Stacy Liberatore,

There is a mysterious line of volcanoes that have formed in certain areas of Antarctica – and could hold the key to the area’s future. w antarctic rift system

For years, researchers have been trying to look below the ice sheets to find out why, but due to extreme cold their technology has not been able to gather any answers.

Now with the assistance of ruggedized seismometers, geologists have been able to get the first look at the mantle below the ice, revealing areas of ‘hot rock’.

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Enceladus: Does this moon hold a second genesis of life?

Written by Jonathan Amos,

The mighty Cassini probe has made many great discoveries at Saturn, but none top its extraordinary revelations at Enceladus. enceladus

What the plutonium-powered satellite has seen at this 500km-wide, ice-crusted moon is simply astounding.

Cassini has pictured huge jets of water vapour and other materials spewing from cracks at its south pole.

It’s quite a spectacle, and it’s unique in the Solar System, according to Carolyn Porco, who runs the camera system on the big spacecraft.

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Forward Looking Statements: COP 21 Climate Talks

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser, guest post

If you have ever seen any company’s press release or similar kind of announcement, the term “forward looking statement” will be quite familiar to you. It is a phrase that allows the originating party to claim nearly any size or kind of a potential future benefit without any obligation to ever meeting it at all.schellnhuber

Indeed, without such legal disclaimers, many companies would quickly be sued into financial ruin by the ever present litigious members of society.

However, there appear to be numerous exceptions to the rule as well. In particular, I am referring to claims involving next to “free energy” that “will” power future generations’ electric power requirements, etc.

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