A moment with Google will reveal all kinds of cranks offering “free” energy from quantum “zero-point” phenomena, but it’s a real thing with real effects.
At the tiniest scales, quanta vibrate, even at their lowest energy. If all motion ceased, an observer would be able to breach uncertainty theory.
Now, National Institute for Science an Technology (NIST) boffins reckons zero-point motion could help do for temperature what silicon spheres will do for weight: tie a measurement to a fundamental property of the universe.
So far, NIST says it’s only carried out a demonstration of the technique, and currently it’s only accurate to a few percentage points.
But you have to start somewhere, and here’s where NIST has started: the researchers used a laser to observe a nanoscale beam of silicon nitride.
To see these picometre vibrations, the beam has a reflective cavity; the vibrations cause small changes in colour of the reflected light.