Why Fake Data When You Can Fake a Scientist?

Written by Adam Marcus & Ivan Oransky


Hoss Cartwright, a former editor of the International Journal of Agricultural Innovations and Research, had a good excuse for missing the 5th World Congress on Virology last year: He doesn’t exist.

Burkhard Morgenstern, a professor of bioinformatics at the University of Gottingen, dreamt him up, and built a nice little scientific career for him. He wrote Cartwright a Curriculum Vitae, describing his doctorate in Studies of Dunnowhat, his rigorous postdoctoral work at Some Shitty Place in the Middle of Nowhere, and his experience as Senior Cattle Manager at the Ponderosa Institute for Bovine Research.

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‘Fraud’: NASA’s Gavin Schmidt & Canberra Times Exposed

Written by Tony Heller

Top NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt claims in the Canberra Times that he has not removed the 1940’s warmth in the Arctic:

“You appear to hold a number of misconceptions which I am happy to clarify at this time,” Dr Schmidt told Senator Roberts in letters and emails obtained by Fairfax Media. “The claim that GISS has ‘removed the 1940s warmth’ in the Arctic is not correct.”

NASA chief slaps down climate sceptic senator Malcolm Roberts: ‘You hold a number of misconceptions’

Gavin told lots of lies in this article, but none bigger than this one. He has in fact removed the 1940’s warmth at every single Iceland station active during the 1940’s.

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2016: Year of Record Drop in Global Temperatures!

Written by David Rose


The news comes amid mounting evidence that the recent run of world record high temperatures is about to end. The fall, revealed by Nasa satellite measurements of the lower atmosphere, has been caused by the end of El Nino – the warming of surface waters in a vast area of the Pacific west of Central America.

Some scientists, including Dr Gavin Schmidt, head of Nasa’s climate division, have claimed that the recent highs were mainly the result of long-term global warming. Others have argued that the records were caused by El Nino, a complex natural phenomenon that takes place every few years, and has nothing to do with greenhouse gas emissions by humans.

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‘Fake’ Medical Journals Trigger Doctor Outrage, Mass Resignations

Written by Anna Patty & Julia Medew


All but one member of the editorial advisory committee for Australia’s top medical journal have resigned following the sacking of its eminent editor.

Stephen Leeder, an emeritus professor of public health at the University of Sydney and chair of the Western Sydney Local Health District Board, was sacked as editor of the prestigious Medical Journal of Australia after he raised concerns about a decision by the journal’s publisher AMPCo to outsource the journal’s production to Elsevier. AMPCo is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Australian Medical Association.

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Six previously unknown underwater volcanoes found off Italy coast

Written by iceagenow.info

The previously undiscovered volcanoes lie just three km (2 miles) from the Gulf of Naples, home to Mt Vesuvius, and the most densely populated volcanic region in the world. Some three million people live in the city of Naples.

mt-vesuvius-locationWhen Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, it killed all 11,000 inhabits of Pompeii, making it one of the deadliest eruptions in human history.

Researchers discovered the new volcanoes in 2014 while garnering more information on Vesuvius, which is overdue an eruption.

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Climate scientists ignore up to ten million underwater volcanoes

Written by Robert W. Felix

We’ve learned a lot in the last 25 years, especially when it comes to underwater volcanoes.  When I began researching and writing Not by Fire but by Ice in 1991, scientists guestimated that there were 10,000 submarine volcanoes in the entire world.

Two years later, marine geophysicists discovered 1,133 previously unmapped underwater volcanoes off the coast of Easter Island.

And they were huge. (Still are.) Some of the newly-found volcanoes rose almost 1½ miles above the seafloor. Even then, their peaks remained about 1½ miles below the water’s surface. They’re packed into a relatively small area about the size of New York state.

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Climate shock: 90 percent of the world’s glaciers are GROWING

Written by iceagenow.info


A new NASA study, released on Friday, admits that ice is accumulating in Antarctica. Satellite measurements show an 82-112 gigaton-a-year net ice gain. That’s 82-112 billion tons per year! Nine zeroes!

in other words that is 112,000,000,000 tons. Per year.

It’s hard to comprehend how much ice that really is, so let’s put it in perspective. Let’s assume that they’re talking short tons (2,000 lbs). That’s about the weight of an old VW Beetle.

Those old Beetles measured 14 feet long.  Multiply 112 billion by 14 feet and you get 1,560 billion feet. Divide that by the distance from the earth to the moon (239,000 miles),  and you’d have a string of VW Beetles stretching all the way to the moon.

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Short Video of Arctic Climate Alarmism

Written by Dr S J Crockford

Posted by S. J. Crockford PhD under History of anxiety over sea ice gets a video Crockford writes, “A brief historical perspective on the failed predictions that have plagued scientific understanding of Arctic sea ice changes – predictions embraced wholeheartedly by polar bear specialists and conservation experts. It’s worth a watch.”

Transcript here from the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

Read more at polarbearscience.com

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Century-old Polar Explorers’ Data Proves ‘Little Change’ in Antarctic Ice

Written by Pallab Ghosh BBC News

Sea iceImage copyright: RGS

Log books from the early Antarctic expeditions indicate that the area of summer sea-ice around the continent has barely changed in size in a century.

Researchers have studied the records of pioneering explorers, including Captain Robert Scott and Sir Ernest Shackleton. The study suggests that Antarctic sea-ice is much less sensitive to climate change than the Arctic, which has declined dramatically.

The research has been published in The Cryosphere journal.

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Study: Carbon-Hungry Plants Impede Growth Rate of Atmospheric CO2

Written by Dan Krotz

New findings suggest the rate at which CO2 is accumulating in the atmosphere has plateaued in recent years because Earth’s vegetation is grabbing more carbon from the air than in previous decades.

That’s the conclusion of a multi-institutional study led by a scientist from the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). It’s based on extensive ground and atmospheric observations of CO2, satellite measurements of vegetation, and computer modeling. The research is published online Nov. 8 in the journal Nature Communications.

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Establishment Global Warming Double Speak Unravels

Written by Dr Vincent Gray

US President-elect Donald Trump calls man-made global warming a “hoax.” In his new administration Trump has appointed scientists who support that view. Below an eminent independent skeptic scientist, Dr Vincent Gray – an Expert Reviewer of every UN climate report – shows why Trump is correct.

Despite over 20 years’ of effort and four major Reports, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has not succeeded in providing any evidence that increases in greenhouse gases are having a measurable effect on the climate. Why is it, then, that so many people believe that they have done so.

The answer lies in their subtle use of doublespeak, the technique of creating confusion by manipulation of language.. This paper shows how they have confused and twisted the meanings of words in such a way as to create triumph out of failure.


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Greenland Gaining ice at a record rate

Written by Tony Heller

Climate alarmists say that Greenland is melting at a record rate. But the precise opposite is true.

November 18, 2016 at 2:58 am

Greenland is actually gaining ice at a record rate.


Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI

Greenland wasn’t always gaining a lot of ice like it is now. In 1939, the glaciers of Greenland and Norway were nearing “catastrophic collapse


17 Dec 1939, Page 15 – Harrisburg Sunday Courier at Newspapers.com

Read more at realclimatescience.com

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Written by Dr David Whitehouse

Satellite data indicates a large fall in the temperature of the lower Troposphere back to pre-El Nino levels. This decrease has reinstated the so-called “pause” in lower atmosphere temperature.

The decrease is seen in the land only data. Data from the sea shows a decline but not as much. This is expected given the ocean’s thermal lag. Data from the RSS group that provides satellite temperature services show that late-2016 temperatures have returned to the level it was at post-1998, Fig 1. Click on the image to enlarge.

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Trump to scrap NASA climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’

Written by Oliver Milman


Donald Trump is poised to eliminate all climate change research conducted by Nasa as part of a crackdown on “politicized science”, his senior adviser on issues relating to the space agency has said.

Nasa’s Earth science division is set to be stripped of funding in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century.

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Mainstream Media Exposed in Fake Trump ‘Climate U-Turn’ Story

Written by Marc Morano


The media spin on President Elect Donald J. Trump’s sit down with the New York Times on November 22, can only be described as dishonest. Trump appears to soften stance on climate change and  Donald Trump backflips on climate change …

The ‘fake news’ that Trump had somehow moderated or changed his “global warming” views was not supported by the full transcript of the meeting.

Heartland Institute President Joe Bast had this to say about the full transcript of Trump’s meeting:

 This is reassuring. The Left wants to drive wedges between Trump and his base by spinning anything he says as “retreating from campaign promises.” But expressing nuance and avoiding confrontation with determined foes who buy ink by the barrel is not retreating.”

Trump’s climate science view that there is “some connectivity” between humans and climate is squarely a skeptical climate view. Trump explained, “There is some, something. It depends on how much.”

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Satellite temperatures show global pause resumes as temperatures plunge

Written by Thomas Richard

New satellite data shows temperatures are plunging downwards, despite NOAA and NASA using heavily jiggered data to show a global warming trend this century. Maintained by the RSS group from the University of Alabama/Huntsville and partially funded by NASA, it shows temperatures are heading toward pre-El Nino temperatures.

The previous El Nino began in 2015 and ended in 2016 and elevated worldwide temperatures for about 15 months. The satellite temperature record is important because it’s not affected by land and sea biases, such as concrete, the Urban Heat Island effect, missing data stations, and hotter cityscapes.

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