There’s still some scientific debate over when exactly complex life forms appeared on Earth, and the latest research suggests previous estimates need to be revised – by about 1.5 billion years
They reinforced mandatory loss of bodily integrity when it comes to vaccinations for school children. Shame on them! May they be held to account for their crimes against children
The origins of the Moon have been the cause of many a scientific debate over the years but more recently we seem to have settled on a Mars-sized object crashing into Earth billions of years ago, with the debris coalescing into the Moon
In Sweden there is an electrified road for Electric Vehicles to charge while driving. The 2km stretch is the world’s first of its kind, and a further 3,000 km (1,864 miles) by 2045 is planned. It all sounds rather cool and futuristic
In the early 20th century, President Theodore Roosevelt championed a form of environmentalism that led to the creation of national parks, wildlife refuges, and protected forests.
A new study reveals the limit of the greenhouse gas-induced longwave radiative impact extends only to the ~10 μm (0.01 mm) skin layer — the ocean-air interface — and no deeper
In high school science class, textbooks often feature a recognizable image of the Earth and all its layers—currently, that’s the crust, outer and inner mantle, and outer and inner core
Old footage of chimpanzees in captivity uttering the word “mama” suggest our closest living relatives could have the neural building blocks for speech after all.
Exposure to 3G cellphone radiation caused cell damage and death in the user’s cheek tissue, which could lead to the development of cancer, according to a new peer-reviewed study.