Smoothing the Past

Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

The Critical Role of Statistical Peaks and Variance

In statistical analysis, peaks in a probability distribution represent the most frequently occurring values within a dataset.

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The Consequence of US Public Schools

Written by John Droz Jr.

I have stated, several times now, that the most horrifying consequence of not fixing what is being taught in US K-12 schools (the curricula), is that these schools graduate, every year, some 4 million non-critical thinking, Left-leaning propagandized students — who shortly become new voting citizens!

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Ray Kurzweil Predicts Cyborgs Within 20 Years

Written by Darren Orf

You don’t exactly become a world-renowned futurist by making safe predictions. And while some of these past predictions haven’t exactly come to pass (Back to the Future Part II, specifically), these ideas help expand our thoughts on what exactly the future might look like

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