Carbon Warfare Rules of Engagement

One cannot dismiss the claim that greenies have a warlike mentality concerning carbon energy use as hyperbole, when their own websites proclaim war.  Yes, a flamboyant billionaire, AIG and Goldman-Sachs protégées, a green energy investor and a European lotto mogul combined forces to promote their green energy investments by government mandate.

The (also:  and now calls itself ‘The Rocky Mountain Institute’ note the ‘planet-friendly’ veneer) offers the myopic carbon dioxide scare-mongering and has homepage menus for ‘battles’ and ‘tactics’.  It is only fair to disclose the ‘Rules of Engagement’ that these government forces have imposed on science, debate and truth.  No question the greatest abuse of science in the history of the world.

The government has total control of the raw climate data base, the vast majority of the funding for research and appointments to authority positions.  This level of control allows almost complete control of the direction of all science.  To counter this monopoly, independent scientists have only their informed intuitions, their courage and empirical reality to oppose government enforced dogma.

Those who have placed themselves in charge of the rigged climate debate have also placed their assets into ‘charitable’ foundations that pay these benefactors in tax free director fees.  These monopolists, royalists and statists are then free from another trap they set for the balance of humanity, draconian taxation.

The government is currently controlled by this crime syndicate to support their short-term economic benefit and long-term total world domination goals.  The links for conflict of interest between these government enforced monopolies and the monopolists, extend to the controlled media and scientific society level of control.  To speak out about this total monopolists mind control invites being labeled as conspiracy theory advocate.

Simple Science to the Rescue

It does not take a rocket scientist to understand the rampant defects to the human caused climate fraud.  Climate is simply a heat flow equation with two heat sources, the Sun and the Earth’s internal fission, with probably a hundred amplifying and buffering factors.  To falsely claim that a trivial change in a single atmospheric trace gas is the governing to this giant and complex system is the ultimate in stupidity.

An analogy would be your home with a furnace in the basement and for added security a wood stove on the first floor.  One day you discover that you do not have control of the heat in your home.  You hire a government home heating ‘expert’ who then claims that your problem is that you have added an extra top sheet to one of your beds.

Suspicious of government experts you hire an ‘independent’ consultant who quickly discovers that the furnace thermostat is not working and that the wood stove air damper is defective.  You correct the actual problems and sit in amazement as your neighbors who have followed the government approved, Faux Science directions shiver in the dark.  Welcome to the world of government imposed stupidity.

As one of the co-authors of the game-changing book, ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory‘ that exposes this fraud against humanity, I have a raised profile.  One consequence is that I am approached by other scientists who’ve encountered repression of seemingly valid scientific inquiry.  This is entirely counter to traditional science, but often sparks new insights to the genuine nature of Nature.

One very interesting observation was provided by Physics graduate student Joe Postma, at University of Calgary in his article titled “Solar Flux” [2] which follows traditional thermodynamic analysis of the solar heat on our planet.  Our atmosphere is composed of primarily the gases Nitrogen, Oxygen, water vapor and 0.9{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} (v/v) Argon and lastly CO2, which is a very tiny 0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}.

All of these gases have different densities and heat absorption (or scattering, see below) rates and all are stirred by the rather rapid spinning of the planet.  The products of complete combustion are water vapor and carbon dioxide.  The burner of a hot air balloon provides lift by filling the balloon with these two temporarily heated gases.

The Sun provides the same lifting force to these two gases in the free atmosphere during the day.  Both of these gases are heavier that standard air and would stratify at the surface without this physical benefit.  Joe Postma’s calculations support the following statement:

  “The radiative surface of the atmosphere is found around 4 Km in altitude….more incoming radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere via extraction at altitude than at the ground”.

Graphs of temperature and gas ratios with altitude do support this theory.  The 4Km height is a maximum and is less based on latitude and time of day, but the fact remains it is not at 2 meters above the Earth’s surface, where all IPCC and NOAA data claims it to be.  By placing all temperature data at an arbitrary and incorrect elevation the Climatologists are able to further support a failed hypothesis.

A simple analogy would be baking a turkey and using a meat thermometer.  If the instructions are to place the thermometer in the turkey’s breast and heat until 175F, but you instead place the thermometer 6” above the turkey in the oven then you will be eating cold, raw turkey.  It is the cold, raw turkey that the Climatologists are serving that has made the larger science community so unhappy.

Many scientists disagree with even the term’ absorption’ by atmospheric gases, preferring the term ‘scattering’, as these gases only hold heat for a very short time.  This is a valid observation, as the term ‘greenhouse gas’ is also an intentional misnomer.  So far reprisals against the graduate student have been limited to removing his information from bulletin boards, but official repression gets far worse.

Official Repression of Mathematics

There is no argument that Mathematics is the most abstract, apolitical form of knowledge.  The very thought that a math formula could be considered subversive is both laughable and repugnant.  Though many are repulsed, none are laughing at the draconian siege mentality of the great leaders of Swedish science.

My co-author, Claes Johnson, PhD, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Royal Institute of Sweden (KTH) was ordered to stop teaching certain previously required math procedures in his Numerical Methods class.  These math formulas, as applied to Faux Climate Science models prove just one of the many fundamental errors of the IPCC methods.  Dr Johnson has a complete description of this repression at his blogspot [3].

The Royal Swedish Academy of Science is the body charged with selecting and awarding the four Nobel Prizes each year in Physics, Chemistry, Literature and either Physiology or Medicine.  The Norwegians are in charge of the Peace Prize.  The Swedish academic community is rather small and close knit.  One can see the same draconian mindset in the awarding of the world’s premier science prize.

I have a young friend who is ‘serving’ our country as a front line combat soldier with the Tenth Mountain Division in Afghanistan.  I wish I could say this brave man was ‘fighting’ but the Rules of Engagement in the war on terror prohibit fighting.  This soldier has been trained in a number of sophisticated weapon systems.  In the last three months in theater he has been prohibited from firing one round of practice ammunition in any of these weapon systems.

His rules of engagement are that he only return fire to cover his company’s retreat.  Any objective review of the full ‘Rules of Engagement’ in the war on terror can leave little doubt that the government has handicapped our forces.  Any objective review of the Faux Science of the IPCC can leave little doubt that the government has handicapped honest science.

Our governments are openly supporting the Taliban of science in the war against freedom of thought.  This is just the opening battle in the world government war against free speech, free assembly, private property and every other freedom that prevents elite from complete world domination.  There is no safe middle ground in this war.


[1]  ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory’  now as eBook,  paperback due soon in US, UK, Sweden, Brazil

Comments (7)

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    Joseph A Olson


    When “Slaying the Sky Dragon” eBook was published in Nov 2010, coauthor Dr Claes Johnson, PhD Applied Mathematics was ordered NOT to teach math formulas used by engineers for a century to solve problems in Thermodynamics, as these “disproved the Carbon forcing” hypothesis. Even mathematics is a political minefield.

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      Physics teacher


      Yes, Prof Claes Johnson was one author in the book that got something right. However, every article implying that radiation to Earth’s surface determines its temperature was wrong. So too is the first paper (by J.Postma) published on this PSI site years ago and never retracted, despite their “Peer Review in Open Media” policy, because Postma also gets his calculations wrong and makes hand-waving assertions that, because the Sun’s radiation can warm some areas to high temperatures then, he thinks, it can explain the mean surface temperature. But it comes nowhere near doing do. Even climatologists know that the Solar radiation can only maintain a sub-zero temperature at the so-called radiating altitude. So how could it maintain a higher temperature at the surface when Stefan Boltzmann calculations imply a maximum of 233K for the mean of 168W/m^2 of solar radiation? What really happens was in the paper PSI rejected in 2013 because Postma said that paper was wrong. Well he would, wouldn’t he, seeing that it proved his paper wrong. You’ll find that paper linked at climate-change-theory dot com along with one written in 2012 based on the work of Claes Johnson, published here on PSI and elsewhere, and then removed by journalist John O’Sullivan who, to this day, cannot discern correct physics from garbage such as that in a recent article here about the Greenhouse effect – as you can see from the comment thread. This comment of mine will soon be deleted by J. O’S if he’s still awake – just watch!

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        This comment of mine will soon be deleted ..

        I doubt it, but it probably should for just the sheer stupidity of it.

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    K. Kaiser


    @Physics Teacher,
    “…the mean of 168W/m^2 of solar radiation?”
    Where did you get that from??

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      Physics teacher


      Where did I get 168W/m^2? You are not widely read in this field are you? It is in NASA energy diagrams, and other such diagrams. I have checked their calculations. They are correct and I defy you to prove they are significantly in error. See the page on “PSI Slayer errors” at climate-change-theory dot com for detailed explanation of the calculations.

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        Hey Doug,

        I am curious why you feel you need to spell out instead of simply posting it as a link? … what’s up with that?

        FYI, you’re still full of sh_t …!

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          Nice one Squidly,
          You’ve not lost your touch!

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