Carbon Dioxide: A Pollutant Killing The Planet Or The Food Of Life?

For over thirty years, we have all been bombarded by the rhetoric that our future is doomed

The Earth is “Boiling”, the oceans are rising, and everything which could possibly go wrong with our planet is “ About to Happen”, “Any Minute”, “Won’t be Long Now”, we all face “Catastrophic Extinction”, and man-made Carbon Dioxide is the culprit.

However, the huge problem for the catastrophists is that this isn’t happening. At all! Not even a bit!

Sure, weather and other events are still occurring, some a little weird, but the promises of doom just haven’t eventuated.

In spite of Al Gore’s promises, the Arctic Winter Ice cap and the Northern Glaciers have been surprisingly healthy over the past few decades.

And although the Antarctic sea ice has fluctuated a little as the oceans continue their warming trend, which was predicted after the lag following the Little Ice Age late last millennium, snow volumes in Antarctica continue to bury the Ice Stations, with cold records being broken regularly and with overall cooling, particularly on the giant Eastern and Western plateaus.

Pacific Islands have actually grown in gross area over the past 30 years, with even winging Tuvalu showing a 2.3 percent land area increase. The Maldives have shown no tidal rises in the last four decades, and our own static sea level site at Fort Dennison in Sydney Harbour, shows a net rise of only 80mm in 125 years.

Tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, bushfires and floods are all recording average decreases over 120 years, and even Polar Bear and Emperor Penguin populations are soaring.

Global average temperatures have also only increased by about 0.8 C over the last 140 years. At least they had up until the Hunga Tonga sub-oceanic volcano blew 150 million tonnes of water vapour into the Stratosphere in 2022.

The doom-saying ideologues were ecstatic as we got a small temperature bounce from the greenhouse effect of upper atmospheric H2O.

To all of the terminally, ideologically stunted, this was great news, as the planet had been beginning to cool for some years heading into another Grand Solar Minimum from low Sunspot activity.

This is according to many scientists who excel in this field, and who have also told us that this excess water will disperse within the next few years, and we will be cooling once again.

As always, natural events like changes in water vapour, plus the sunspot activity of the Sun, the cyclic currents of our great oceans, volcanic activity, both above and beneath the surface of the sea, ice cap movements in the Arctic, the Milankovitch Cycles of the Earth around the Sun, and a myriad of other natural phenomena, all contribute to our climate and our temperatures.

But what has Carbon Dioxide contributed along with all of these other influences to our planet’s climate? What has this scarce, trace gas been doing to temperatures as they have followed their erratic course over the millennia?

One thing is absolutely certain. As we have been able to determine accurate historical values of both CO2 and H20 over history, Carbon Dioxide has been shown empirically to have NEVER dictated the temperature of our planet.  

We have seen the graphs going back over 400 Million years with no synchronicity at all, showing Carbon Dioxide and Temperature values without any correlation. But then 20 years ago, study of the 400 thousand year old Vostok Ice Cores from the Antarctic seemed to show a positive relationship to the rhetoric.

The IPCC trumpeted these results of course…….“Man-made Carbon Dioxide is Catastrophically Warming our Planet”……. Unfortunately, many scientific teams consequently studied the cores to discover that there was a lag showing actually the complete opposite.

Temperatures changed first, and then Carbon Dioxide values changed in sync , but with a lag anywhere between 400 to 5000 years.. Oh dear…..

And studies of the Holocene over the last 12000 years, have verified this as well. The Holocene had early temperatures from 2C to 4C hotter than today, according to the Danish Meteorological Institute, but finished with nearly 400 years of the Little Ice Age around six centuries ago, when nearly one third of the world’s population died from starvation and cold.

And what was CO2 doing over this period? It was rising gradually from 180 to 280 parts per million as the Earth cooled. Totally out of sync.

The ideologues desperately tried to relate rises in CO2 late last century with two decades of small rises in world temperatures, but Carbon Dioxide again demonstrated no relatable impact on temperatures.

However, it does continue to feed all of the Flora on land and the Plankton in the oceans, while this “Food of Life” also accomplished a 12.3 percent increase  in the greening of our planet over the last two and a half decades.

(Ex NASA) Our deserts are actually shrinking.

But what is the actual truth? Celebrities, Royalty, Politicians, heavily funded minor “scientists”, (small s), and others bereft of scientific reality, tell us the DOOMSDAY clock is ticking.

Are they right? Could all of our observations be wrong? Let’s take a look at some “Real Science”.

*Fact: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tell us that Carbon Dioxide has the worst Global Warming Potential (GWP) of any compound in their list of 86 compounds. It is rated as 1. So, take for example Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) with a GWP of 22,800. You would need 22,800 molecules of CO2 to equal the GWP of 1 molecule of SF6 i.e. CO2 is a hopeless GWP compound.

*Fact: Not only does Carbon Dioxide absorb only a tiny portion of the full spectrum of re-radiated heat from the surface of our planet, only radiation with a frequency around 14.8 microns, but it cannot hold the radiation, it re-emits it within microseconds in all directions.

*Fact:  Any “Greenhouse” effect that CO2 “might” have is finished at three meters above the Earth’s surface. Doubling its current quantity in the atmosphere will have no discernible effect.

*Fact: Water for example, can absorb nearly the full spectrum of re-radiated heat, from 2 to 30 microns. And it CAN hold the heat. (We have all boiled kettles). As well , because of its ability to manage energy through changes of state from ice, to water, to vapour, and back again, and by its huge abundance in our atmosphere, water is virtually the main control factor for all of our climate. We see it in our clouds up to thousands of meters, and we feel it in the humidity or lack thereof. Carbon Dioxide doesn’t even make the scale by comparison.

Fact: Water also keeps our planet cool as it acts as a thermal umbrella. Look at our La Nina events. Warmer ocean currents, more evaporation, lovely cool rains and shady skies, cooler weather. While the El Nino cooler ocean currents give us less evaporation, drought and bushfires. The Hunga Tonga temporary warming anomaly is because of the huge volume of water and the altitude it reached, 57 km at the top of the Stratosphere.

BUT, this is what they are trying to tell us:

Fact (Sadly): The IPCC and NASA (obviously part of the well funded small “s”mob), try to tell us that the energy re-emitted downwards by man-made CO2,  is absorbed by the earth’s surface, increasing the existing emitted thermal value of about 163 watts/m2, to a staggering 398 watts/m2. (Or the energy/heat emitted by a black body at 16.5C ) This extra energy supposedly creates more evaporation of H2O, which IS a greenhouse gas, and so as it rises into the atmosphere the planet will supposedly be heated by a downward forcing of about 340 watts/m2. And then, consequently, “we will all face extinction as our planet boils”. Seriously?

Fact: None of the above is happening….. at all. The IPCC modelling based on this rubbish is predicting temperatures which are as much as five times more than reality. So embarrassing.

And why is this not happening? Some more facts:

Fact: The planet’s surface at 16.5C is actually 2.5C warmer on average than the atmosphere above it, which is around 14C on average. Stand on a hot road in Summer, or feel the hot winds caused by conduction creating rising thermals from hot desert sands. But note, even the tiny part photon redirected down by CO2 must also always lose energy to be cooler than the ground.

Fact : Sadly for NASA and the IPCC, ALL the laws of Physics and Thermodynamics tell us that a cooler body, the atmosphere, can NEVER heat a  warmer body, the Earth’s surface. And energy is NEVER cumulative in the way that they purport. It can only ever be the “average energy of two bodies based on, and as a factor of, the temperature and the volume of each”.

Fact: Even in the oceans, neither the radiant energy from the Sun NOR some small part of a photon of heat redirected by a CO2 molecule, can penetrate the surface of the water more than a few micrometres, and they are mostly reflected. Water is mainly heated from below or from light waves which are converted into heat. So the IPCC/NASA fairytale doesn’t work here either.

Fact: The transmission of energy is also a function of volume or quantity. We know Carbon Dioxide is at about 420 parts per million in the atmosphere, or one molecule per 2,380 mols, or 3300 Gigatons. (This from the CDIAC ) BUT,  the IPCC is only concerned with man-made CO2 … That is the culprit… And we know that mankind emits about 35 Gigatons of CO2 per year. (1.1 percent of the total atmospheric CO2) . We also know that about half that is absorbed by the oceans or biomass. Say 17.5 Gt. So…. do the maths: MAN-MADE CO2 in the atmosphere is at 3300/17.5 X 2380… or one molecule of CO2 per roughly 450,000 molecules of atmosphere….. A TINY amount.


For this tiny amount of man-made gas, at about one part per 450,000 of the atmosphere, being the world’s WORST Global Warming Potential compound, which only redirects a minute part of a photon of heat with a frequency of around 14.8 microns, to supposedly heat the huge surface of the planet, which is hotter than the photon, is just IMPOSSIBLE.

Scientifically, it cannot happen. We have been lied to for 34 years.

However,  if you are still unsure about what has been presented here, but you don’t wish to see our rainforests and precious wildlife destroyed by the monstrous invasion of ‘renewables’, or if you are unhappy at the huge rises in energy costs and are fearful of the continued destruction of our economy, just read these quotes.

They should remove any doubts.

*From The Club of Rome. (Among other “nefarious” roles, it acts as a Think Tank and Climate Consultant to the United Nations) : “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill”.

*From Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change: “Our aim is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to change the economic system….This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to transform the economic development model for the first time in human history”.

In other words, to destroy Capitalism in exchange for One World Government and Economic Control. Still doubtful? Google any of the speeches from the World Economic Forum in ’22 or ’23.

*From Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation: “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy”.

*From IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer: “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. It is not. It is actually about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth”.

*From Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…Climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world”.

But just to finish with some fun facts. As we know, mankind emits 39 gigatons of CO2 per year. But termites emit 50 gigatons per year, almost one and a half times as much.

Also, the 1.5 Billion cattle on the planet, emit 0.105 gigatons per year.

Recent studies have shown termites emit 0.57 gigatons of Methane per year, 5.5 times as much as cattle!!

For comparison, natural processes emit 920 gigatons of CO2 per year.


I think not. I rest my case.

Bold emphasis added

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