Canadian Professor Fired for Questioning Safety of mRNA Injections

Université Laval is the oldest institution of higher learning in Canada and has educated some of that nation’s most accomplished sons and daughters, including former Prime Ministers Louis St. Laurent, Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien.

Sadly, the current directors of the university have—in their decision to fire Patrick Provost (Professor of Microbiology and Immunology)—demonstrated a preference for orthodoxy over scientific inquiry.

Since Galileo was condemned by the Holy Office of the Inquisition in 1633, there has been a fairly steady trend in the West to favor free speech and free scientific inquiry over strict enforcement of religious orthodoxy.

John Milton visited Galileo while he was under house arrest in the summer of 1639, and the old man’s condition made a strong impression on the young Milton. Six years later, Milton published a famous and spirited defense of free speech titled Areopagitica, which should be required reading for everyone who claims to be interested in the advancement of knowledge.

Although Milton was a devout protestant Christian, he nevertheless argued that free speech is the only way knowledge can advance. Our understanding of reality is fragmentary and incomplete, and the only way we can come closer to full understanding is by freely communicating our observations and thoughts with each other. Indeed, if we cannot speak freely, it’s doubtful we can even think clearly.

Message to Laval University Leaders: Regressing to a 16th century preference for orthodoxy and persecuting a full professor for heresy is a terrible policy for a 21st century university. Eventually you will be shown to be on the wrong side of intellectual and political history.

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Comments (5)

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    John Milton is bit the only one, and that not even in a mild sense of talking the real truth about GENETICALLY MODIFYING covid lethal injections!! To try to even remotely talk about that topic is PROSECUTED equally on the ‘great’ sub-stack… PLEASE CHECK out:
    for 100% proof of INTENTION in the DESIGN of the Spike sequence from very begin, for very long, all patented, all SYNTHETIC!!!!! The so called ‘prosecuted’ MD’s who apparently speak out the truth, by admitting only to PART TRUTHs without ever talking about GENE THERAPIES and calling them ‘vaccines’, are committing equal deception as FDA/CDC/NIH/ et al…..


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      Well Paid Opposition that keeps the overall lie alive…objectives are in sight.

      The next Plandemic is struggling in its birth as we bloviate and continue to avoid the obvious NEED to fully purge The Scourge of the Globalists Mass Murderers and their So $$$ SO MANY STOOGES…


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    BTW Chris,

    Don’t forget to mention all the vials of C19 poison are 95% full of Graphene Oxide and construction materials.

    La Quinta Columna et Al reveal all since 2021.


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    The Globalists have been advertising their Singularity via Transhumanism for decades. That is defined as humans converted to part machine…or 100% machine. That cannot be done via mRNA manipulation or 5)6/7g control interfaces.

    It is done via Cyborg conversion of Humanity. Part machine part human. Done via the programmed Nanite infestation injected into over 5 Billion dummies. The nanites are made of the room temperature super conductor Graphene oxide.

    Good riddance. Their Bodies are now cut off from Divine connectivity.

    Separation of the wheat from the Tares is now ongoing. Matthew 13:24


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    Control of Cyborg is immediately exercised via the evolving Global Cloud built out during the Illegal lockdowns.

    That cloud is made of 5/6/7g terrestrial & Low Earth orbit satellites


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