Canadian Medical Organisation Suggests Unvaxxed Are Mentally Ill

Following suggestions from some quarters that climate skeptics are mentally ill, we now have Doctors in Ontario reportedly being advised to consider using psychiatric medicines on patients who refuse the Covid vaccine.

During an interview at ‘Let Freedom Reign Tour,’ Physician and Cancer Researcher Dr. William Makis claimed that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario sent out a note to doctors implying that their unvaccinated patients may be suffering from a mental illness and should be prescribed psychiatric medicine.

“So this has come out recently out of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. The college sent out a letter or a memo to all the doctors in Ontario suggesting to them now, so far, they’re not mandating it, they’re just suggesting it, that any of their unvaccinated patients, that they should consider that they have a mental problem and that they should be put on psychiatric medication. So far, it’s just a suggestion,” Dr. Makis told Lynn Tyler Thompson.

“But the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario should not be making these kinds of suggestions. This is extremely unethical and this is a very, very slippery slope. If they’re suggesting that people who wish to have bodily autonomy and don’t want an experimental vaccine, that there may be something mentally wrong with them, that is a very, very dangerous, slippery slope that we’re on,” he continued.

You can watch the full interview here.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for comment.

This explosive expose comes after Dr. Makis spoke about the death of 93 doctors after the vaccine rollout.

It can be recalled, Dr. William Makis MD wrote a letter to the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), requesting that they look into the sudden rise in mortality among Canadian medical professionals after the implementation of mandated vaccinations for medical personnel.

On his Gettr account, Makis claimed that fact-checkers were caught lying about a Canadian doctor’s sudden death.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that three physicians at Canada’s Trillium Health Partners-Mississauga Hospital died unexpectedly in the same week.

According to the nurse who shared the information, the three doctors died after the hospital started mandating the fourth Covid shot for their employees.

“Three physicians at the Mississauga hospitals have died this week,” the nurse told Monique. “1st memo Monday, 2nd Tuesday, 3rd Thursday. [The] cause of death wasn’t shared in the memo, but how many times have 3 doctors died in 1 week, days after the hospital started administering the 4th shot to staff.”

The three physicians who died the same week were Dr. Lorne Segall (July 17), Dr. Stephen McKenzie (July 18), and Dr. Jakub Sawicki (July 21).

The hospital claimed that the social media rumor that their deaths were related to the COVID-19 vaccination is “simply not true.”

Dr. Makis claimed Dr. Lorne Segall died suddenly of a pulmonary embolism, blood clots in the lungs, not cancer, and that he was fully vaccinated when he died, according to his sources.

See more here thegatewaypundit

Header image: Ontario Medical Association

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Comments (10)

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    Carbon Bigfoot


    After 90 young Canadian Doctors who were forced to take the jab died. Those HOSERS are drinking to much beer an smokin” to much dope.


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    Anti-vaxxers are about the only sane people left on earth. I would never trust anything ANY medical agency says about anything.


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      As one who refused the shots and could see the fraud from just about day one, I will agree with you.


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    Even worse must feel the med-professionals who do remember the “fact,” they were taught in school: that natural immunity is superior to the vaxx induced one and now, even as vaxxed people are getting sick, “infecting others” and even dying from the disease they’d been vaxxed against — getting this ineffectual and dangerous experimental gene-therapy is mandated even under the EUA! That’s criminal!!
    It seems the criminal behavior became the “norm” and people who do not want to participate are declared psychiatrically compromised.
    I hope we will find enough guillotines to undo this new norm!
    Cheers, JaKo


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    Ingrid Rissetto


    The only mentally sane people, are those of us who see what is going on. Stay unvaxxed and stop wearing masks.


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    wait a bit, soon there will be no doctors left and and if the trend continue only the “mentally ill” will remain.
    well, i don’t mind being on that side of the spectrum in this case


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    Len Winokur


    Well they’ll just have to get used to me being mentally ill, then.


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    Auntie Vaxina


    In the time of worthless covid vaccines, mental illness is the new normal.


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    Frank S.


    Crazy Like A Fox!


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    Left Coast


    College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario . . . who think boys can be girls & vice versa think the Un-Vaxed are a problem?

    “The latest US data shows that 58% of COVID-19 deaths in August 2022 were from people who were vaccinated or boosted. Based on past figures and the current trends, we can reasonably estimate that the number of vaccinated/boosted COVID-19 deaths will only rise. (In September 2021, the vaccinated accounted for 23% of COVID-19 deaths; in January/February 2022, the vaccinated were 42%.)”

    The Ontario Ps & Ss should get the same treatment as the Alberta gang got . . . FIRED !


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