can I donate blood after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine?

As COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed throughout the U.S., what does this mean for blood donors? Great news: if you receive the vaccine, you can still donate blood, platelets and AB Elite plasma! Donating blood is essential to help save lives and support the efforts of those on the frontlines of the pandemic.

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    I don’t consider this good news. I worry that the mRNA spike protein from the Pfizer or Moderna jabs would get into my body through a blood transfusion. The spike protein is cytotoxic and the Pfizer bio-distribution study shows the spike protein enters the cardiovascular system where it can cause organ and tissue damage,


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      Yes this is my worry too. Will they offer unvaccinated blood to anyone who doesn’t want the jab? Also, if someone has had the Pfizer jab and gets blood from someone who has had the Moderna, how will they be affected having two different vaccines rushing around their body? That doesn’t sound good!


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    Harry Stulemeijer


    Remember, that the International Red Cross is a global public institution with political stakeholders. As such they suffer inescapably from conflicts of interests, of which everybody should be aware in advance. For these reasons their advice is not trustworthy.


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      Mark Tapley


      One of the early missions of the Red Cross was to bring huge supplies of food to the newly founded Bolshevik (Zionist Jews) Regime the Int. Bankers and the Wilson ad. had placed into power. This effort was assisted by another relief operation led by former mining engineer and Rothschild subsidiary employee Herbert Hoover. Hoover also funneled huge food aid to the Germans in WW1under the guise of “Belgium Relief” to extend the war to ensure maximum destruction and maximum profits for the Zionist insiders.


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      The Davos group are waiting to see the results of the vaccine entering the blood supply. When you stop and think how absolutely beautiful life could be on this planet compared with the state of it now, it is abhorrent. There is no way this is a great story whatsoever. It is not a “vaccine;” it is gene modification.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Twila:
        One thing is for sure. Everything the Davos, eugenicists, Zionists do is detrimental to everyone but them and their friends. They have told us over and over. Their goal is to reduce the world population. They are using the fake virus and the fake climate change to accomplish this objective.

        WEF (old Rockefeller CFR club of Rome elites) Schwabb has said that everyone will be tagged (the blood toxin injection) the population will be reduced, you will own nothing and there will be no petroleum usage and no meat consumption. This only applies to the serfs in their hunger games society. Not to Klaus, Bill and their Zionist friends.


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    Ed D.


    I’ve been donating platelets since being vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. I test reactive instead of positive for the Covid antibody. F or most donors, this indicates that antibodies were produced in response to COVID-19 vaccination and did not have a COVID-19 infection.
    A positive test result indicates that you were likely exposed to the virus, regardless of whether you experienced symptoms or received a COVID-19 vaccine..


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Ed:
    Now even assuming that covid 19 did exist despite no lab having produced a real tissue sample much less an actual scientific study among groups of patients, what is the medical benefit. There have been numerous reports of the “vaccinated” that retest as positive. In fact the majority of new covid patients in some hospitals are those who have already been injected.

    Here’s what happened. These people are ill or think they are ill and when retested using the fake PCR test that is totally bogus they again test positive just like before. Depending on the cycle setting everything is positive. Even a banana or a goat. Only a very small percentage of adverse responses are reported because eugenicist Gates is the biggest funder of the VAERS system. Even so, there have been lots of cases of heart problems, strokes and death from the fake vaccine. Your body was probably mounting a defense against the blood toxin inflammatory injection. Even if we were to accept the existence of the fake virus and accept the CDC fake numbers they are reporting they are admitting a survival rate of over 99%. Why would you take an alleged vaccine that has failed all of the animal trials and has always been deemed as too risky to use on humans because of the inherent dangers.

    Big Pharma and their insider buddies have made billions on the fake viruses starting with the phony AIDS “pandemic.” This medical fraud was instigated soon after the passage of the Bayh Dole Act allowing patents on vaccines and drugs that were brought to market by individuals and groups using tax money. Before this law, the gov. retained all the patents.

    All medical interventions should be strictly between the doctor and patient. The “vaccine” scam would not even exist except for the subsidies and legal protection of these medical racketeers by their insider buddies in government. Without constant support of this allopathic fraud it would fall apart almost over night.


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      Ed D.


      “In fact the majority of new covid patients in some hospitals are those who have already been injected..” Hmmm.. sounds like you’re hedging your bets.

      I agree that the PCR test is flawed.


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