Call for an inquiry into climate change catastrophe claims
NEW peer-reviewed papers are published almost weekly, supporting correlations between our climate and a host of other influencers such as solar activity, cosmic rays, volcanoes (terrestrial and undersea), planetary motions, etc.
No recent ones seem to support correlation between our climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide. In fact there have been numerous periods when the global temperature has deviated markedly from the increasing carbon dioxide concentration.
Furthermore, all predictions of catastrophe due to global warming have proved to be spectacularly wrong.
Based on the above, would it not be prudent for our politicians, who are currently in the process of ruining our economy with their obsession with “renewables”, to call for an inquiry to see whether the alarm about anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions is actually warranted in the light of recent information?
Should we, the taxpayers, continue to be burdened by ever-rising electricity prices when there seems to be a lot of evidence that we should be hopping off this discredited alarmist bandwagon?