California Legalizes Turning Human Remains Into Compost

California has legalized the use of human remains for composting.

On Sunday, Democratic Governor of California Gavin Newsom signed AB-351, which will permit residents to select to have their remains composted after they die, beginning in 2027.

Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, one of the bill’s architects and its author, implied she might go for the method herself.

“Trees are important carbon breaks for the environment,” Garcia said. “They are the best filters for air quality and if more people participate in organic reduction and tree-planting, we can help with California’s carbon footprint. I look forward to continuing my legacy to fight for clean air by using my reduced remains to plant a tree.”

The bill creates a regulation method for the state with regards to the process.

The method is already legal in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington, and incorporates putting the deceased body in a reusable vessel with wood chips around it. It is ventilated in order to allow microorganisms to grow. After around a month, the body decomposes and will become soil, according to SF Gate.

The practice is thought to be a more eco-friendly way to dispose of remains rather than burning them through cremation. Garcia cited ‘climate change’ as a reason for it.

“AB 351 will provide an additional option for California residents that is more environmentally-friendly and gives them another choice for burial,” Garcia said. “With ‘climate change’ and sea-level rise as very real threats to our environment, this is an alternative method of final disposition that won’t contribute emissions into our atmosphere.”

In a release, Garcia noted that for each person who selects natural organic reduction (NOR) instead of being buried or cremated, the method keeps the same mount as one metric ton of carbon from being released into the atmosphere.

The method has not been met without controversy, specifically from the Catholic Church, which has said it “reduces the human body to simply a disposable commodity.”

“NOR uses essentially the same process as a home gardening composting system,” Kathleen Domingo, executive director of the California Catholic Conference, said in a statement given to SF Gate. She noted that the practice was created for animals, not human beings.

“These methods of disposal were used to lessen the possibility of disease being transmitted by the dead carcass,” she said. “Using these same methods for the ‘transformation’ of human remains can create an unfortunate spiritual, emotional and psychological distancing from the deceased.”

The church also noted that the method “risks people treading over human remains without their knowledge while repeated dispersions in the same area are tantamount to a mass grave.”

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Comments (25)

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    ” After around a month, the body decomposes and will become soil”
    The bones won’t, and as the vessel is reusable, the plan is to remove the skeleton and drop another body in there then?


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Howdy,
      Are you going to start an ossuary business? I bet the line of dead people wanting to re-use the containers move slow.


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        Special deal for woke, Herb. That’ll shift ’em


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        Cheaper soup for all then? or dogchews.


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          Dog chews 😀


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    Has there been a business development application submitted for the block next door by a company called Soylent Green??


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      Co1, LOL, LOL.


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    when there is no God, everything is permittable
    they doing their best to dehumanize us; we are nothing but a bag of molecules, same as bag of potato, just slightly different structure.
    and people still tolerate this crap…


    • Avatar



      Yes, everything is permitt-ABLE. The sanctity of Life. Back to animal instincts, dog-eat-dog. as we weed out undesirable plants in the crop, so we will be doing to mankind …. and who has the right to say so? WHO WHO WHO or WHY why why.
      Live and let live … and they wonder why so many ( in some areas) prematurely terminate themselves..


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      If you need the threat of hell to be a good person, then you are just a bad person on a leash.


    • Avatar



      Monkey, your charges are untrue! Mexofornia, plans to export
      these organic material – as fertilizer.


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    Russ D


    If we compost liberal/Demonrats the worms may become stupid feasting on Liberal brains.


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      Liberals don’t have brains C’MON LOL.


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      haven’t you guys had enough of the left/right bullshit, they ALL play for the same team
      how have you not figured that one out yet !?


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        Hello !!!! Thanks for that. Left/right in just the perpetuation of a state of ‘war’ ; same with sports. It constantly keeps everyone on the planet at odds, having ‘an enemy to combat’. I had a conversation with a ‘left’ friend – logical arguments after he shared a book with me titled ‘The People’s History of the United States’. He agreed that the book was unusual for history as it worked with facts, not opinions, for the most part. And yet, in the end, he still believed ‘the u.s. in better hands with a liberal government ‘. You can shine a light yet people cannot see because we are indoctrinated into this culture from the beginning of our lives, everywhere. War is useful to the ‘machine’ and always has been, and it’s effects permeate society in so many more ways than are evident. If you believe it only exists in the state of actual fighting, you are not looking. All society, every country, city, village, hamlet, consists of & becomes a hive mind. War makes the hive mind possible, in any form it is constructed. ? hahaha!!


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        AAAron, what do you suggest ?


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    Auntie Vaxina


    What are they going to do with the bones that don’t decompose? Turn them into Calcium vitamin supplements?


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      Ms Auntie, I am closing out my vitamin position two morrow.


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    Tom Anderson


    If you ever doubted before that these people are monsters, this may be the best suggestion of it so far.


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    “Gruesome” Newsom.


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    There are two things America badly needs, in the Crackpot Hall of Fame,
    Commiefornia and The View. Net Zero [iq] on display.


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