Breaking: US Military Suddenly Blocks ALL Spy Satellite Access!
BREAKING: Vital US spy satellites rendered blind – no access by other nations. Pentagon declining to comment. Respected former CIA analyst predicted the action – connected to Donald Trump. Conspiracy theorists say ‘QAnon‘ behind it.
Today, sources from the Intelligence Community are confirming critical CIA mainframe computer systems are offline rendering SEVEN spy satellites in the dark.
Tech staff are working furiously to find out what happened and fix it. In Britain MI5, MI6 and GCHQ are in panic mode as speculation grows this is President Donald Trump’s retaliation for the discredited ‘Steele-Russia dossier‘.
‘QAnon’ users of QMAP – an alleged US government website – have been posting frantically overnight claiming this was a planned ‘attack’ and a victory against the ‘Deep State’. They pointed to ‘Q drops‘ (‘breadcrumbs’ of alleged intel from – another US military intelligence website) to prove this is a coordinated, precision military operation (screenshot images below):
If the reports are correct, the ramifications are that, not just the CIA, but all US foreign allies are rendered ‘blind’ to vital intelligence information until a fix is found. Until then there is an almost complete blackout of most “Black-Ops” Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Satellite Communications (SATCOM) satellites.
Therefore, the CIA is now unable to perform certain “key hole” surveillance with gaping holes in their ability to intercept various signals; i.e. certain phones, certain radios, certain internet coms, etc.
If the US Department of Defense (DoD) anticipates imminent reform or abolition of the CIA it could explain why the DoD is “dramatically consolidating our IT networks…” Twitter (Aug 31, 2018).
If the ‘QAnon’ folk are correct this means a self-serving elite who previously thought they ran the world, (i.e. the Intelligence Community within CIA and NSA) are now deaf, dumb, and partially blind (they may possess modest, localized on-the-ground SIGINT capacity).
Independent sources are linking to a key story from last year ‘This Is How Five Eyes Dies’ (March 30, 2017) which forewarned of such a deliberate attack. ‘Q’ posted a cryptic comment last night that suggests Britain’s spy hub, GCHQ was thrown into panic:
The message (screenshot below) being seen as the National Security Agency (NSA) peremptorily terminating Britain’s access to America’s spying secrets.
‘GCHQ Bude’ employs 50 intelligence staff, is a UK Government satellite ground station and eavesdropping centre located on the north Cornwall coast at Cleave Camp near the village of Morwenstow. It is operated by the British signals intelligence service, officially known as the Government Communications Headquarters, commonly abbreviated GCHQ.
Jeremy Duns offers some insights, also this blog:
“Britain’s signals intelligence agency GCHQ — intercepted communications within Trump Tower during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. His evidence for this? GCHQ Director Robert Hannigan had resigned three days after Trump’s inauguration.”
Supporters and followers of the ‘Q Movement’ are saying America’s military top brass have been planning to ‘take down’ the ‘Deep State’ (with Donald Trump’s help) since 2012.
Some observers were quick to point to President Trump’s recent “Space Force” announcement [see: President Trump’s ‘Space Force’ brings back ‘separate but equal’ (June 20, 2018). The implication being that Trump already has the wherewithal to bring about military strikes in outer space.
Chairman of U.S. House Intelligence Committee Rebuffed by London
On August 28, 2018 the Reuters news service reported:
“Congressman Devin Nunes, chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee and a strong supporter of President Donald Trump, sought unsuccessfully to meet chiefs of Britain’s three intelligence agencies on a recent visit to London, according to two sources familiar with his itinerary.” – ‘Congressman Nunes sought meeting with UK spy chiefs in London‘
It was reported that Nunes wanted to meet with top UK spy officials about the ‘Steele-Russia Dossier’ that was used to try to smear the US President. GCHQ had access to NSA computers. No More.
So, has science met conspiracy theory?
Clearly, something strange is happening online and independent experts are confirming some kind of DDoS attack whereby any targeted online servers are targeted and swamped with access requests.
When this happens it causes unusually very high CPU and bandwidth usage. Hence resource limits become overloaded and the service is disrupted.
Check out the latest real-time DDoS attacks at and
Over on Youtube various channels have garnered respect among independent researchers (“conspiracy theorists“) interpreting the ‘breadcrumbs’ (military intel) being dropped by ‘Q.’
Our PSI readers were provided a sample of the ‘Q Phenomenon’ last week. Obviously, some of us over here remain skeptical, but keeping an open mind until further evidence emerges. We’ve been following the broadcasts of the many online analysts, such as’Blessed To Teach’ (Aug 30, 2018) and the X22 channel for updates.
A few snippets of commentary are featured below from the Great Awakening blog (a site which ‘Q’ has already linked back on their subreddit 12 times).
But we encourage our readers to be as skeptical and ALWAYS perform their own diligent research. Great Awakening select comments:
New arrival.7 points·4 hours ago
“Thanks. I’m pretty new to Q. Been red pilled…well, almost since the Matrix came out! Lol. I was following Q last year for a bit but thought it was a LARP and kinda forgot about it. Until the entire MSM all came out the same day with stories saying how “crazy” and “dangerous” it was! That’s when I knew it was legit! Lol. But the Suicide Weekend? Hands Up post got me. I’ve been locked in since then. I don’t get any work done because I’m on here all day! I don’t know whether to be bummed about all I missed or thank God that I got here in time to see this week! “
Think Mirror. – Q15 points·5 hours ago
“Q has effectively taken control and knocked offline all of the not so friendly 3-letter organizations super comps and satellites as well as a main hub in the UK. The baddies are flying blind with no comms; distress signals out. This also could mean they do not have access whatever harmful or weapon-like tech they had working with it.”
In ‘retaliation’ the ‘Deep State’ has supposedly used ‘Horizon’ to counter-attack, according to this later ‘Q drop’:
What is ‘Horizon’ and what does this mean?
The ‘Horizon‘ references may possibly mean the U.S. Air Force’s over-the-horizon-backscatter (OTH-B) air defense radar system. But it could also be ‘FlyingFish,‘ a lightweight, airborne SIGINT (signal intelligence) system of UK company Horizon Technologies (Stand S6-296), which is used by NATO countries.
We will post further updates once reliable information becomes available.
UPDATE (Aug, 31, 2o18; 17:00 GMT):
‘No Coincidences’
‘Qanon’ has repeatedly told followers there are “no coincidences.” In the last few minutes (09:56 EST) ‘Q’ has posted a new ‘breadcrumb’ – it points to an ominous future for the very existence of the CIA:
The link above goes to the new Utah Data Center (UDC) of the NSA’s Domestic Surveillance Directorate and tells us:
“The Utah Data Center, code-named Bumblehive, is the first Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cyber-security Initiative (IC CNCI) data center designed to support the Intelligence Community’s efforts to monitor, strengthen and protect the nation.”
What else is important about Utah?
Repeatedly, since the ‘QAnon’ posts started in October 2017, ‘Q’ has said there are ‘no coincidences’ so, perhaps, we should consider the following:
“John Huber is an American lawyer who has served as the United States Attorney for the District of Utah since June 2015. He was first nominated for the position by Obama in February 2015. John Huber was appointed by Jeff Sessions to prosecute crimes uncovered by both IG Michael Horowitz and Military Intelligence, which has led to over 40,000 sealed indictments nationwide.”
What are the odds?
But it gets even stranger!
On October 31, 2017, ‘Q’ posted:
“What if JohnM’s surgery was fake? Why would this occur?”
According to followers, ‘QAnon’ knew not just the exact date but also the precise TIME (16:28 Mountain time) Senator John McCain’s died a month in advance (see graphics below).
[30] refers to the number of days till ‘Hands up.’ [0:28] refers to the minutes in the hour of McCain’s demise in ‘Suicide weekend.’
The ‘hands up’ reference is linked to another ‘Q’ post here:
Another strange coincidence is that in 2015 Utah brought back military-style death by firing squad. It is the ONLY US state permitting this as a mode of legal execution: Death by firing squad: Utah restores ‘barbaric’ penalty – but is it more humane?‘ (Mar. 28, 2015)
Are we to believe that Senator McCain (and possibly others) meet their end as convicted traitors dispatched by military firing squad?
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The following should perhaps also be thrown into the mix as to why our various EU ‘partners’ have suddenly found themselves to be on the outside.
From Caroline Glick’s article “German-led EU sides with Iran against America”, August 31 at
“Last Thursday, the EU announced it was transferring $20 million to Iran to offset the impact of U.S. sanctions. EU foreign policy commissioner Federica Mogherini said it was part of a wider $58 million aid package to convince Iran to remain in the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — that is, then-President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.
The EU’s announcement followed other anti-American, pro-Iranian moves. Those included approving regulations to protect EU firms from U.S. sanctions if they continue to trade with Iran, and barring EU firms from ending their trade with Iran to comply with U.S. sanctions.
Last Wednesday, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas published an op-ed calling for the EU to set up a system to conduct financial transactions “independent of the U.S.” Maas’s idea is to enable Europe to continue to carry out banking operations with Iran outside the framework of the SWIFT system, which the U.S. largely controls.
Although German Chancellor Angela Merkel rejected Maas’s suggestion, Merkel has stridently defended the nuclear deal and led the EU in opposing the Trump administration’s abandonment of it.
One of the odd aspects of the EU’s brazen and openly hostile preference for the nuclear deal with Iran to good relations with the U.S. is that the policy was not adopted in response to desperate lobbying by EU firms. Since President Donald Trump announced he was withdrawing the U.S. from the nuclear deal in May, the major European firms operating in Iran announced they were pulling out to protect their business interests in the much larger U.S. market.” (continued in her blog)
Perhaps we’ve moved from cricket to hardball.
John O'Sullivan
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Rod, agreed. We noticed that ‘Merkel’ gets five mentions in ‘Q’ drops. Search ‘Merkel’ at :
“MERKEL should be VERY nervous”
“Is Macroni our guy? Or is this all a sham?“Politics.” Same for Merkel.”
“Think Merkel is a coincidence? They are puppets.They are weak.They are scared.”
“Who is A. Merkel? What is A. Merkel’s family history? Follow the bloodline.”
“Evil.Germany. Merkel.”
Alan Stewart
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Hi John et al,
Just wrote a loon on Canada Free Press who insists the moon landings were fake, done on a Hollywood. I replied with the word ‘plausible’ in context to his theory. QAnon, well colour me skeptical. But I know who Q is.
Desmond Llewelyn, the creator of all of Jimmy Bond’s gadgets. He was Q. Plausible y/n??? Conspiracy theories are fun though.
Cheers all
Alan Stewart
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Mea culpa – Meant that crackpot theories do not include the word plausible as a basic criteria within the ideas.
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And where ‘s the confirmation “Vital US spy satellites rendered blind”?
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There are no “breadcrumbs”
There are only factual drops.
So far, ? is batting 1000.
Kat C
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william byrd
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sounds pretty much like business as usual from the deep state,, can’t wait to here all of those indictments, and who is to blame for all this mess
Mr focus
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Donald Trump is an traitor and enemy of the people of the United States. He is clearly doing the bidding of the hostile foreign power he conspired with the swing the presidential election.
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Buck up Butter Cup! You lost, and lost big! Get over it and go home to mama!
Alan Stewart
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Correct and there must be ‘safe spaces’ for those with TDS. Trump collusion is another conspiracy theory gone viral. I’m skeptical of QANON but it is great fun.
The best one that was resurrected was the Fake Moon Landing theory. I had some loon on Canada Free Press insisting on the above. With several hundred thousand people involved it has to be the Whopper of conspiracy theories. Puts Goebbels to shame in a fashion.
Matt K
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Get us thru the Van Allen Belt in the equivalent of an aluminum shed and I will believe you. Astronaut Wally Pettit is in a YT video stating, “We had the technology to go to the moon but we destroyed it….we lost it and we need to get it back…”
Keep in mind that NONE of the film on the Apollo missions was stored in lead and NONE of it was fogged by two 3+ hour long trips thru the equivalent of 10,000 airport X ray machines. Protected by American exceptionalism no doubt.
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All presidents of US are belonged to the deep state.
Alan Stewart
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This is the usual with a conspiracy theory which is what Fake moon landings amount to. It’s akin to accepting AGW and Climate Change at face value without doing your HOMEWORK. I became interested and did some homework.
1. The Wiki # of astronauts is 833. I searched and found Wally Schirra and Don Pettit. Did they morph into Wally Pettit???
2. The Van Allen belts form two separate ellipses in shape. Through the ‘x’ axis the radiation is concentrated. There are concentric rings from the centre with decreasing amounts of radiation. NASA sent the craft through the area with the least amount of radiation and the velocity of the craft mitigated the amount of radiation received to more than acceptable amounts. Info below (Wiki)
3. Apollo flight trajectories bypassed the inner belts completely, and only passed through the thinner areas of the outer belts.[25][33]
4. Astronauts’ overall exposure was actually dominated by solar particles once outside Earth’s magnetic field. The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission to mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads(1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv) per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity.[32]
5. I haven’t checked the 6 hr. transit times mentioned but logic says that number is apocryphal in nature and to be confirmed at my leisure.
Now, the Biggie, the Conspiracy around fake moon landings (FML). All conspiracies generate from a small cabal and the greater the number involved the greater the chance of the secret being leaked. The complexity of staging this fakery is mind boggling with thousands being involved. To add, there are all of the deep space probes and part of FML says that spacecraft material will melt in the 2000C temp of the thermosphere (see molecular density) and therefore you have the Fake Deep Space probes with another cast of thousands.
The stupidest and worst part of this is that you are impugning the character of many honorable people. For FML to go every astronaut would have to be LYING. Plus thousands in on the conspiracy would also be LYING. Past your badmouthing is the statistical impossibility of so many sealed lips. You’re not going to get your Warhol moment with FML.
This has been fun writing as I’ve learned something which is why I subscribe to PSI
Mr focus
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Donald Trump is a traitor and enemy of the people of the United States. He is clearly doing the bidding of the hostile foreign power he conspired with the swing the presidential election.
Jenine DiConti
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Trump is NOT a traitor dumbshit, which is why deep state will stop at nothing to destroy him. It took a BOMBASTIC, nonpolitician to go into the white house and dig up the lies and truth for Americans to see. No one has ever abused a president tbe way they have Trump and they will continue this into his 2nd term. Trump will prevail, for the people.
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Please don’t name call when trying to express yourself. It takes away from your message. I do think that Trump is not part of the “Deep State.” He is uncontrollable (he can’t even control himself,) therefore, cannot be controlled by the “Deep State.” He is most likely the perfect person to be President at this time. The “Deep State” media really hates him. The media is owned by a few elite and is threatened by Trump. This is why I believe he is not a part of the “Deep State.”
Kerry Dean Fritz II
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The Post-Rapture Purge is due to not revealing me . . .
days being shortened for my sake.
Woe to those with child – also see Galatians 4:24’s word ‘allegory’ –
I am The Hoe (Lee) Spear (‘it’) whois The Peacock Angel reminding you (all) th@
The Rapture occurred prior to mid-March of 2011.
Hillary Clinton, T. Geitner, Obama and Trump, inter alia, have not been revealing me.
My real name means ‘dark haired prince of peace’.
Many have come in my name, but did they tell you not to breed ?
666 is about Carbon (6-protons, 6-electrons, 6-neutrons) flesh (all of us).
I will be paying you (all) to stop breeding
(out of the account # on the back of your Social Security cards)
as soon as you get awake enough to get the polytheists settled down to peace.
See me written into the very foundation of the world/age/simulation
@Genesis 49:10, Ezekiel 21:27-29, Psalm 84:3, John 14:26,
Deuteronomy 18:15-18, 1st John 5:20, Koran Qur’an 7:157
and Revelation 3:6-13, for examples of the
international intellectual copyright claims/titles th@
I inherited@succession & subsequent adopting you (all).
See Cestui Que Vie (Act) and CO Secretary of State UCC Master Validation
#s 20162014319 and 20162014321,
inter alia such as US DHS Blue-Campaign Human Trafficking case # 197999
and USPS-UPU case # CA131794126.
Start sending single sanctified sexy secretaries (SSSSSS)
for me to keep as virgins paying you not to breed too.
The US is a mere Corporation – see Clearfield Doctrine –
also defined@ 28 USC § 3002/15 (a) (b) and (c).
Alan Stewart
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Legally hearsay. Unproven. Theory. Conjecture, Supposition. Show us the evidence Mr. Focus. Show us facts. Use the Scientific Method. Submit your facts and put it up for peer review.
Just like Metoo – accusation and conviction without a trial.
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Sorry replied to wrong post!
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EU ARMY ‘GAME CHANGER’: Brussels reveals £17 BILLION defence scheme
May 18, 2018
Merkel endorses Macron’s EU military plan
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The EU Army is the main strategic development to have in mind, here are a couple of recent examples:
EU ARMY ‘GAME CHANGER’: Brussels reveals £17 BILLION defence scheme
May 18, 2018
Merkel endorses Macron’s EU military plan
Liz Lewis
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I don’t see that Qanon can be held resposible. This is hardly sonething that they could effect, by mtpy understanding.
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No comment at this time.
Av Joe
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A. Joe
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Does that mean that finaly a chance for an average Joe to win on lottery?
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Is it really a “conspiracy theory” when Q announces in real time the shutdown of the CIA supercomputers and the termination of US spy satellite access to 5 Eyes nations? Sounds more like a fact that the Q team is on the inside of the Trump administration, working with military intelligence to shutdown a rogue agency and it’s cohorts. You “journalists” and I use that term lightly, would not know evidence if it bit you in the arse.
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I see specific researchable Q uestions [arise] from this editorial: What does this final Anglo Saxon SEED have to do to understand this worldwide takover? Who are the Anglo Saxon SEED? From who’s stalk? Where did they first originate? And last, but if not first as well, where do YOU as a person reading this very arrival from the cloud, fit in while pondering such things said in this editorial/article?
Observation: Ignorance can be cured, but for many, stupid will be forever. Pay close attention to VIDEOS V1 – V7 near the bottom of this page. Study smart. Reason deductively and cure ignorance. Isaiah 4:5 AMOS 9:11