Breaking: UK Govt’s OWN NUMBERS Expose Their COVID19 Fraud!

The mainstream media claims more than 50,000 Brits have died ‘with‘ COVID19. But official government data proves only 13,844 people were actually infected by the disease in the whole of 2020.

The official hard evidence provided below is inescapable. Ministers had this data all along and lied. It proves the political class are knowingly wrecking the UK economy as well as the livelihoods and health of 65 million citizens.

We are grateful to Patricia P Tursi, Ph.D.  Springfield, MO for bringing to our attention these crucial official numbers which have been collected each week of 2020 by Public Health England (PHE).

It shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the pandemic narrative peddled for the last nine months by politicians (in cahoots with the mainstream media) is gross misrepresentation and exaggeration.

As Patricia P Tursi, Ph.D writes:
We are told by various Government puppets and the MSM propaganda machine  of the scary totals every day. This information is on the UK Government website right in plain sight. See here:          

Notifiable diseases: weekly reports for 2020

Analysis of data for statutory notifications of infectious diseases (NOIDS) in England and Wales in 2020.
This will shock you.
Click  the link above, then open each weekly report to see the Covid weekly infections, not cases, not deaths. It is the law that these statistics must be given to Public Health England.
This is the statement on the site: Registered Medical Practitioner in England and Wales have a statutory duty to notify a Proper Officer of the local authority, often  the CCDC (Consultant in Communicable Disease Control), of suspected cases of certain infectious diseases.
The first Infection was reported in week 10, so we have now had 41 weeks.
In black and white these are the true facts.

The total number of people that have had a Covid infection in England and Wales is……


Now  living in Lincolnshire I checked out how many have been infected, the  total is 47, I live in an area called South Holland, infections for the  area in 41 weeks?  FIVE.
Now we are being told Peterborough is the epicenter of infections, well Peterborough has had a total of 4 in 41 weeks, in fact, that is the  whole of Cambridgeshire, just FOUR.
Norfolk and Suffolk have been put in tier 4, but there have had a grand total of ZERO infections between them.

Let’s move on to Wales

In 41 weeks a total of ZERO Infections have been reported. I found this strange considering the dictatorship like restrictions they have. So I visited NHS Wales, thinking they must be on their website,
NO, nothing.
First Minister of Wales Drakeford (photo, right) has taken the Welsh business community to the edge of destruction, over obfuscated figures, driving insane policy decisions masquerading as law, whilst passing on the cost to businesses.
We  are being lied to, it’s there is Black and White. Check it out for yourselves, find the town city or county you live in and see how many you can find.
Decide for yourselves which course of action to take.
Did You Spot the Bait and Switch?
It seems all the media talk is about ‘cases, cases’ and you can be forgiven for not noticing that politicians and the mainstream media never mention the real medical statistic: infections.
For some insight into the trickery being intentionally inflicted on a scientifically-illiterate public there is a helpful article in The Spectator (September 14, 2020) titled ‘What does a case of Covid-19 really mean.
The article is written by two ‘heavyweights’ – Carl Heneghan, professor of evidence-based medicine at the University of Oxford and director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and co-author, Tom Jefferson, a senior associate tutor and honorary research fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford.
They write:
“In the course of our evidence gathering activities, we have gone through a few thousand papers reporting studies on all aspects of Covid-19 spread. We found that not very many defined a case of Covid, which is a sign of sloppiness when that is what you are looking for. Those that did, reported different definitions and ways of ascertaining what they meant by a ‘case’.”
These experts then explain why the term ‘cases’ is wholly unreliable, open to abuse and not at all a proper means of providing a metric on any disease. In short, the government’s insistence on talking about ‘cases’ when making public announcements, and avoiding all mention of ‘infections’ is not merely pedantic, it is a ruse to attempt to escape meaningful accountability for the wanton fraud they have conspired to commit.
Did you know that the UK Government’s very own Chief Science Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance has a sweet little £600,000 shareholding in one of the businesses contracted to develop vaccines?
In whichever nation you live that is being strangled by these insane lockdowns you will surely find a correlation between the severity of the pandemic measures, premised on cases, and politicians connected with Big Pharma.
Let no one be in any doubt on this issue: we are speaking of many government officials with directorships, shares or some other connection to the very medical businesses and vaccine manufacturers making billions off of swindling the tax payer over a ‘deadly’ pandemic which is nothing more than a statistical chimera.

Some of the above information was provided with the assistance of Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health of the Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice. More information about the important public service they provide is found at: and

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Expose The Lies About COVID19

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

Please DONATE TODAY To Help Our Non-Profit Mission To Defend The Scientific Method.

Comments (91)

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    Mark Tapley


    How can anyone be infected by a supposed pathogen that has not even ben isolated or identified. Much less pass the standard for all pathogens, the Koch’s Postulate. This site has already brought out the fact that what is typically diagnosed as the flu is upon lab testing accurate only 16% of the time. Another factor is that ap. a third of ailments are psychogenic and have no physical cause.

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    John O'Sullivan


    Mark, You are absolutely correct. Exposing the scientific failure to isolate and verify the actual existence of the virus is peeling back another layer of this enormous rotten onion of medical fraud.

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      Marilyn Shepherd


      I haven’t seen such a massive fraud before

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        Swine Flu. Bird Flu.

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        The virus has been isolated stop repeating bullshit youve seen on latest conspiracy video you cretins.

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          Who isolated the virus, and when did they do so?

          Who holds stockpiles of the serum in which the isolated virus and/or pathogen is stored, for the purposes of further examination and/or developing vaccines?

          If the virus and/or its pathogen are indeed isolated, why do Freedom of Information Requests worldwide return “data not found” replies?

        • Avatar

          Heather Wilson


          If the virus has been isolated and the government are so concerned about conspiracy theorists spreading so called conspiracies, why would they not immediately debunk them, and puplicly say that the virus had been isolated, and provide the evidence accordingly?

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          Clare Rainbird


          Absolutely in china and Canada

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      Alex cumbers


      How PCR test identifies the virus:

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        This YouTube video does not explain how PCR identifies the virus, it explains how a PCR is supposed to work, including disclosure of the primer required to tell the test what to detect.

        In other words, it’s a tautology.

        You’d need an isolated and proven sample of sars-cov-2 to make the primer, and/or prove the genome that is allegedly that of sars-cov-2.

        To suggest that the video identifies the virus is therefore misinformation.

        • Avatar

          Alex cumbers


          Are you suggesting that the test does not identify the unique biomarkers of the virus & testing does not work? If so, you should present your evidence & also discuss with Dr Wilson.

          • Avatar

            Finn McCool


            Which test? Which Manufacturer? How many ‘biomarkers’? How many Ct cycles? What’s the prevalence in the population?
            The UK gov has spent £22 billion on ‘testing’ the healthy.
            65 million people have been imprisoned because of social policies forced on them based on the result of a spurious test. Lives, careers, businesses have been ruined because of it.
            The zombie apocalypse didn’t happen.
            Get over it.

          • Avatar

            Jo S


            Hello Alex, please provide one published article that shows how PCR tests are testing for SARS COV2. The Corman Drosten paper that solidified the WHO PCR protocol is deeply flawed even to those with basic scientific knowledge.

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        Paul Russell


        Fullfact is funded by the bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Anyone with half a brain can see this article is not only biased in favour of the narrative, but fails to explain the fraudulent increase of cycles which leads to false positives.

      • Avatar

        Paul Russell


        This dolt in the YouTube video tries to discredit the PCR inventor but mullis has said the PCR cannot differentiate between a previous infection or currently infectious. Also the cycle threshold is being increased to induce false positives. The fuzzy haired beaker fails to mention this. Unfortunately these “scientism” morons think they know science. Pathetic

  • Avatar

    judy Ryan


    I hav e found the weekly report 10, but I cannot find ‘covid’ of flue.I also can’t find the 13,844 number. I would really like to use this info in a public letter. Can you please send me more specific instructions.

    • Avatar

      Mark Huxley


      Go to the end of each weekly summary from week 11 onwards. The totals for Covid-19 are presented in Table 2 for each week. Also, on the government website for this information there is a section on related content on the right-hand side – this presents you with an Excel spreadsheet for totals for the last 52 weeks.

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        judy Ryan


        Covid only appears twice in the whole document and its not in table 2 on my computer

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          Judy, Covid-19 starts on page 14 of the document.

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            Covid-19 deaths started on week 10.

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          The government are SO sneaky with this data. On the link Covid is not shown. On PHE’s excel spreadsheet, Covid is the only illness that is hidden – you have to find a tick box (the ONLY one unticked) and tick it before those figures are shown. One must wonder why they are trying to hide these figures so much!

      • Avatar

        judy Ryan


        i’ve emailed asking them to send the tables in excel format.

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          You need to download the annual figures spreadsheet from here.

          When you open the spreadsheet you will see columns for all notifiable disease except Covid. That is because some toad of a civil servant has deliberately tweaked the spreadsheet so that although there the data is not displayed.

          In order to circumvent this you need to open the dialog box entitled DS_DISEASE_TEXT. Open this via the little arrow and a list of diseases with ticks by them are the ones displayed. Scroll down to Covid and tick the box ( curiously the only one without a tick fancy that ). Move somewhere else in the sheet and the covid data will appear.

          Clearly this effort in obfuscation is contrary to the 7 principles of public office and should be a disciplinary offence.

          • Avatar



            Apologies .. forgot to say that you need to first select the tab at the bottom “Statutory notifiable diseases A to K – number of cases reported for the last 52 weeks” to begin with.

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            Thank you, I have been wondering how to find the total.

    • Avatar

      Evie B


      Go to page 14 in each weekly report. Numbers of deaths are listed under Covid-19. There are no where near the numbers MSM are pushing out. It’s total propaganda which is why they are focusing on upping the “cases” to support thier sickening agenda.

      • Avatar

        Evie B


        Update to my last – just realised this is the “case” numbers, not deaths! So how on Earth can they exaggerate these figures to the extent they are doing knowing they do not match what they are publishing on thier own Government website? What is going on with thier data????

    • Avatar



      Covid records start at week 10. Scroll to page 14. Total recorded cases for week and then breakdown of areas.

    • Avatar

      Carrie Spence


      Why does the worldometer day the no one in the UK has recovered?

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      For Z score morbidity totals in Europe see data here. Scroll down for UK graphs.

      Note the sliders can be used to adjust timescales.

      I’ll wager you can’t spot a deadly pandemic.

      Putting it crudely no bodies = no pandemic

      • Avatar



        The site is clearly labelled “experimental”.

        Presumably, the hypothesis behind this experiment is “How many suckers fall for this?”

        To see a more honest presentation of data – all excess mortality over a rolling average – see . In the “first wave”, the excess deaths rose in week 12 in 2020 (that’s the third week in March 2020). By amazing co-incidence, this was when the UK started lockdown. Wow. Wasn’t it also when the Secretary of State ordered the NHS to expel all elderly patients into care homes, irrespective of the patients’ treatment plans? And where the care home had the capacity to continue to treatment plan?

        In Feb2020, we were told by orthodox news services and government departments that covid19 had an incubation period of 14 days, then 21 days, then 28 days, then 30 days. It took a while for the propagandists to learn their script correctly.

        But covid19 would have landed in the UK at roughly the same time as it did in Italy, because the transit routes to/from China were still open. And we can deduce that if indeed covid19 was endemic in China by 30Dec2019 – to the extent that the Chinese Communist Party saw fit to tell the world – then covid19 must have been doing the rounds in China for at least three months earlier. Maths just doesn’t work any other way.

        So if covid19 was the causative agent for excess mortality, we’d have seen excess deaths in the UK before Jan2020, long before UK lockdown. But we didn’t.

        So presumably, covid19 was off skiing in Jan2020 & Feb2020? Having a winter vacation, perhaps?

        Finally, on 25Mar2020, the UK Parliament passed the Coronavirus Act 2020, which made it virtually impossible to hold an inquest into any death where covid19 was remotely suspected So the primary means we would have had to detect and isolate this disease and/or its pathogen was wilfully sabotaged. It’s possibly the only time in the modern era where we deliberately sought ignorance to fight a deadly disease.

        • Avatar

          Alex cumbers


          Science, not propagandists, takes time to figure out details, especially in the early period in Q1 and we still don’t know many things about it now. I’m sure the experimental statistics are not far off production status, they are unlikely to be massively wrong. We can certainly agree this government’s handling has been terrible, if we’d followed ASIA and worn masks early on, we may have done much better.

        • Avatar

          Mr B J Man


          Why do people use the five year averages?

          Because it hides the bad years of the previous four years.

          And ALL the data of ALL the years before that!

          But ignoring Spanish Flu, Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu (both of which had vaccines available), and all the other bad flu years from before your linked Euromomo graph and just looking at that:

    • Avatar



      There was 22 deaths due to covid in one care home near me.

      • Avatar

        Mr B J Man


        On average a fifth of residential home residents will die every year.

        A third of nursing home patients will die every year on average.

        If you test every death and run the PCR virus manufacturing process for enough cycles EVERY one of them will have died “from” (with) COVID1984!

    • Avatar

      Toni Moseley


      5 in Birmingham 31

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    judy Ryan


    For Australia the figures are. 909 deaths out of a population of 25,499,884 is also 0.003 %

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    judy Ryan


    To put it in proportion 25% of Australian die from cardiovascular disease.

  • Avatar

    judy Ryan


    For Australia the figures are. 909 deaths out of a population of 25,499,884 is also 0.003 %

    BY COMPARISON ONE OUT OF EVERY Four PEOPLE DIE OF CARDIO VASCULAR disease in Australia. If the government gave a damn about its people it would mandate exercise instead of a vaccine.

    • Avatar



      Judy Ryan. PM Morrison in Australia, the federal health officer, the various state health officers are all reading from the script provided by the WHO, same as Trudeau in Canada, Boris in UK, Macron in France and surprisingly Angela M. in Germany. I just wonder what incentives they are given to tow the line.

  • Avatar

    Terri Jackson


    The situation is even worse. The “infections” depend on the cycles used by the labs, the CT values. As Dr Fauchi correctly says any test result above 35 cycles means no infection ! UK and US PCR tests are run at higher values around 40ct or higher. That means ALL results based on the corrupt PCR test are not infections. Almost all positives are false positives, that means such persons do not have Covid-19 and are not infectious and will infect no-one! However the even bigger question is does Covid-19 actually exist at all? I I will comment on that question shortly

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    Which one relates to covid?

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      Sorry, page 14!!

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    Great article John. This has totally exposed the government lies. The proof is there to see on the Public Health England website.
    Why is Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson not being held accountable for their blatant lies and destruction of the UK? This evidence should be spread far and wide.

    • Avatar

      John O'Sullivan


      Thanks, Robert. All we can do is keep sharing this data far and wide and confront the propagandists in government and the media to fess up to the truth it’s all a scam.

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    cathleen anderson


    Here is the Proof by Vernon Coleman
    “As I reported on my website back in March, on March 19th, the public health bodies in the UK and the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens decided that the new disease should no longer be classified as a ‘high consequence infectious disease’ (click on the link below to see the proof). The coronavirus was downgraded to flu level.

    A couple of days after this decision, the UK Government introduced lockdowns and introduced the most oppressive Bill in British Parliamentary history. The Emergency Bill, which was 358 pages long, turned Britain into a totalitarian state and gave the Government and the police unprecedented powers. Public meetings and elections were banned and there were new powers relating to ‘restrictions on use and disclosure of information’.

    There are still people who do not know that the coronavirus was downgraded to `flu’ threat back in March. Please send the link to MPs and newspapers. It proves that everything that has happened since March has been a lie.”

    High Consequence Infectious

  • Avatar

    s roy


    When sharing data when you download it you need to unhide the column for covid. TGhey have hidden it on the spreadsheet. For the full year the actual data is 18152.

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    Carrie Spence


    Why does the worldometer say that no one in the UK has recovered?

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      Worldometer doesn’t say that no-one in the UK has recovered. It says n/a for the number recovered which means that for some reason the current figures are not available.

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    Hi there love the work you are doing it must take many hours of hard work researching, Thank you
    I looked up your registered address And there is many Other companies registered there Also ? , I’m sure there is a legitimate reason for this .
    I would like to know why you use such an address ? Before I donate
    Many Thanks

    • Avatar

      Mr B J Man


      Most small companies are like that.

      They provide all the legal requirements for setting up a company and the registered address.

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      Hi Carol, may I suggest not using google as it is highly censored and anything going against the official narrative will be censored. Duck duck go is far better and will give uncensored results.

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      Andy Rowlands


      I write for PSI and I knw the editor quite well. If I thought there was anything untoward I would steer clear. DeSmog is a well-known alarmist publication that attempts to smear anything and anyone who disagrees with them. PSI is trustworthy. DeSmog is not.

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    This little video from Dr. Eric Berg in October ask the question about how effective are these lockdowns —

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    Advocatus Diaboli


    Looking at the Worldometers page for the UK (, in the table “Total Coronavirus Deaths in the United Kingdom,” there were 73,512 “coronavirus deaths” in that country through December 31. However, looking at the Excel spreadsheet for “Notifiable diseases: last 52 weeks” (available here:, in England and Wales there was a “Grand Total” of 18,152 “cases reported” of COVID-19 for England and Wales in the 52 weeks of 2020.

    This would make it seem that there were four times as many “coronavirus deaths” in the UK as people who had the disease. Has anybody from the UK government, health officials, “experts,” or media explained this apparent discrepancy?

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    Can someone please direct me to a link establishing that there have been no excess deaths ..I keep hearing this but where are tge figures to support it?

      • Avatar

        Finn McCool


        Hi Alex,
        Thanks for that link.
        What I like about this report is that it makes a better estimate of ‘normal’ mortality rates than a simple 5 year mean. Of course, there is not a great deal of difference in the overall numbers.
        One problem it doesn’t address is excess deaths as a direct result of ‘lockdowns’ or indeed misdiagnosis of death due to a PCR test. One thing I am seeing in Scottish data is that deaths under 75 are following the simple 5 year mean. Once again, it is the over 75 age group which is suffering.
        There undoubtedly was a viral epidemic in the Spring. It was exacerbated by the number of care home deaths caused by moving the old and infirm from hospitals to care homes. Care home deaths are on the rise again. It is a national disgrace that £22 billion has been spent on a useless testing regime whilst the vulnerable have been ignored.
        The epidemic burnt out in late May.

  • Avatar



    Excuse my ignorance, but are those documents just PHE data? i.e the rest is provided separately by NHS so that’s where the rest of the figures are.

    • Avatar

      John O'Sullivan


      Gemma, The data is all NHS data for England and Wales, excluding data from Scotland and Northern Ireland, which are proportionately smaller.

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        Thank you

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        Thank you.

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    Alex cumbers


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      Hi Alex,
      These people will only believe what confirms their own selfish world view or the simplified and easy to understand false narrative that they have been fed by right wing con artists.
      It’s a valiant effort but you are wasting your time.

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    I am looking at the columns on the notifiable diseases and I can’t see Covid19 column at all. When I click on the columns I am unable to unhide anything. Nothings seams to be hidden. I can only see week 52.

  • Avatar

    Mr B J Man


    Most small companies are like that.

    They provide all the legal requirements for setting up a company and the registered address.

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    I was planning on using the Notifiable Deseases report as evidence however since reading this report from 2010,
    I actually see how easy it is to dispute it. If back in 2010 doctors were failing to report Deseases due to ignorance that were Notifiable then reporting Covid, a new desease belonging to the flu family and therefore not Notifiable could be even less well known as a desease to notify the authorities about, especially as there must be a duplication of effort somewhere?

    If someone can confirm that 100% of Covid infections are being notified without error or failure on the doctor’s part then with evidence I’ll be happy to continue using this line of logic.

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    Fact check my arse ??

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    Although I’m sure the number of cases is being exaggerated, e.g. by publishing a figure on the News each day of the number of people who have died with a positive Covid test within the last 28 days (which would include many people who have died of other medical conditions or through accident), one reason for the apparently low number of reported infections in these statistics will be that the bulk of people who have Covid-like symptoms don’t contact a doctor. The Government instruction is that people should ring 111. So doctors would frequently not know about infections and therefore not be able to report them.

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    A couple of questions. 1. If the covid 19 virus has never been isolated how are they able to provide figures for infections? 2. Is ordinary influenza included in the spreadsheet or has it now been renamed as CV-19?

    I notice Tara’s link above has already been removed by youtube

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