Breaking: Aussie Navy in COVID Jab Cover Up After Mass Adverse Reactions?

This is a developing story.  Mainstream media pulls original story of Australian sailors on HMAS Sydney suffering widespread adverse reactions to COVID19 vaccinations. Sanitized version refers only to “mild side effects” despite the fact the ship’s crew needed hospitalization.

This latest setback for the pro-vaccine lobby follows soon after the Australian government performs a U-turn on mass vaccination policy the day after the Australian Health Minister falls ‘critically ill’ immediately after getting his COVID jab.

So, whenever the mainstream media conspires to quietly ‘disappear’ web pages of a story it has already reported on you can bet something far bigger and worrisome is being covered up.

In this latest case, the UK’s Daily Mail yesterday pulled a story from their pages about adverse COVID jab reactions among the crew of an Australian war ship.

Direct from Australia, a valued contact told us by email:

“Our health minister is still in the hospital from the day after he had his injection! Not a word about the navy hospitalisations.  What a way to take out a country’s military… In just one jab!”
Our contact refers to the story earlier this week of Australian Health Minister, Gregg Hunt, who was taken seriously ill  in a “critical condition” after he received his dose of the untested, experimental vaccine. In a statement on Tuesday evening his office stated that Minister Hunt had:
“been admitted to hospital with a suspected infection, he is being kept overnight for observation and is being administered antibiotics and fluid.”
Hunt’s story, like this navy frigate shocker, has been toned down for the masses. When we attempted to locate the reference to HMAS Sydney in the Daily Mail it had disappeared. Even our diligent search on the reliable Way Back Machine took us to an unrelated article. Our contact explains:

“I spent quite a bit of time searching through their headlines, but couldn’t find the story.  Wouldn’t be surprised if it has been deleted, though the link is still appearing … makes me think it was probably quickly taken down after initial publication.

A number of navy sailors have been hospitalised after being given Covid-19 vaccinations on the HMAS Sydney. Defence sources confirmed some HMAS Sydney crew members were admitted to St Vincent’s …”
About HMAS Sydney:*
The ship ceased military deployment in 2015 and was decommissioned on 7 November. The frigate was replaced in service by a Hobart-class destroyer. The ship was intended to be used for scrap in 2017 but the latest report from ABC News (below) suggests it has remained in service.
Correction: The HMAS Sydney in this story is a new destroyer launched in 2018, not the decommissioned frigate from 2017.
After Big Media censors (vaccine propagandists?) did their work there are few facts left of what really occurred aboard ship apart from a tweet from ABC news offering a brief, toned down version. Andrew Greene reports:
There are other reports coming in from around the world of adverse reactions, even deaths, from the rushed through coronavirus vaccine (see here).  Last month, California Halted COVID Vax: with Adverse Reactions At ‘Unusually High Number.’
Perhaps it is not surprising that the Aussie government has now announced it is “walking away” from plans for the mass vaccination of the population. That welcome news comes with this report:
More at
So, when does coincidence no longer remain as mere coincidence? Health Minister Hunt in ‘critical condition’ after his COVID jab; the Aussie government backing away from mass vaccination and now the crew of HMAS Sydney hospitalized over ‘mild reactions’ from their coronavirus jabs.
So, the old saying ‘no smoke without fire‘ comes to mind when reading the legacy media’s sanitized version of the warship’s predicament, as it tells readers:

“Also on Thursday, the Department of Defence confirmed members of HMAS Sydney experienced “mild side-effects” after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

The ABC reported that crew members were admitted to St Vincent’s hospital in Sydney as a precaution after experiencing side-effects from the vaccine.

In a statement, the department said no members of the ship were currently in hospital, but would not comment on whether any crew had previously been admitted.

A Defence spokesperson said the ship’s crew had voluntarily received the vaccine ahead of a deployment to North America. The ship sailed with its full crew on Thursday.

“In accordance with Department of Health guidelines, members of the ship’s company were encouraged to report to medical personnel if they were feeling unwell after their vaccination. Some members experienced mild side-effects, which were resolved shortly after reporting,” a Defence spokesperson said. “It is not unusual to experience mild side-effects after any vaccination. Serious allergic reactions are rare.”

Earlier, Australia’s chief medical officer, Prof Paul Kelly, told the Senate inquiry he had been notified of adverse events, but aside from “a few cases of anaphylaxis” there was “nothing untoward” in side-effects from the vaccine.”

Curious fact in the HMAS Sydney story: the sailors were taken to hospital for “mild side-effects.”

The reference to anaphylaxia is notable because it is linked to a worrisome number of deaths occurring soon after vaccination, as we reported in

Our ‘friends’ in the mainstream media have been too quick to tell us deaths are assumed to be only “coincidentally” associated with vaccination before all the evidence is in. This raises an obvious question: Is the assumption that the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are never the cause of death scientifically justified or is it a symptom of bias?

***If any readers have further information to add to this developing news please let us know.***

*Update: March 14, 2021: The HMAS Sydney with the vaccination issues is a new destroyer not the decommissioned frigate from 2017. This new HMAS Sydney was launched in 2018 and is based on the Navantia designed F100 frigate and is equipped with the Aegis Combat System.

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

Comments (35)

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    Andrew Pilkington


    Thank you, John. Good report, I look forward to seeing updates on this story. Best of luck.

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      Watch this to see opinion of Peter Daszak who is in the Wuhan investigators who have said it didn’t originate from the labs there. Here he says complete opposite. Is doubtful a vaccine could be found. Very big 360 degrees from his current view. Incidentally he has big connections with wuhan institute.–w

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    Leigh Atkins


    Thank you for your truthful and insightful reporting John, it is most appreciated.
    I see you specialize in the 2 areas in which the general populace is largely ignorant and therefore prone to manipulation throughout this so-called “plague” – law and medicine. So you are perfectly positioned to provide us all with both accurate and educated viewpoints, as well as the initiative to actually ask questions. All badly needed qualities if we are to navigate our way though this whole mess.
    Thank you for the gifts of skill and truth you bring to the table… and keep it up!

    • Avatar

      Maree Hamming


      I agree ,this is a great article thankyou .

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    Joel Walbert


    Yesterday/this morning, the Daily Mail article could be found archived on the Wayback Machine. Checked 12 hours later to show a co-worker, and it is now even scrubbed from there.

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      Whenever you find something important on the Internet, take a copy. Print as PDF, etc. Inconvenient truths disappear all the time and you can’t always trust the Wayback machine to save it for you. As this case has shown, even their administrators can be corrupted.

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    Tim John


    Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, who worked as the head of the Vaccine Development Office at the German Centre for Infection Research, states that deploying a vaccine during a pandemic as a prophylactic is the worst response possible, and he explains the science backing this position on his linkedin page.

    Youtube video title: Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic – Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche
    Youtube channel name: Vejon Health
    Youtube video number: ZJZxiNxYLpc
    You may start at 30 minutes into the video to save time.

    • Avatar



      yes he does caution, only that it will cause mutations of the virus in 10 hours. making it much more deadly, (covering up deaths??) but that its a fantastic vaccine, just not in a pandemic… and his letter the next days says the only way to stop this vvirus is mass vaccine.
      i smell a paid rat. is he still employed? the ex Vice President of Pfizer spoke up and has been completely de-platformed…

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    If subscribed to Daily Mail’s newsletters, then it is possible that you may have received emails related to this event. The email along with the email header become an irrefutable proof that Daily Mail published the article.

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    It has been stated in The Australian media that Greg Hunt has cellulitis , which is not associated with the vaccine . Anyone who has had cellulitis knows it is a very nasty and painful infection. It is caused by such things as gravel rash whereby gravel and dirt have been pushed deep into the skin and tissue causing a horrible infection. Falling off a bike or motorcycle is the quickest way to get it.

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      Brian of Nazareth


      That includes falling off the Gravy Train too?

      He inconveniently got it after having the Jab. What a coincidence…

      What have we here? Looks like an Official AstraZenica Adverse Reactions List!

      So what you are saying is total bollocks about Cellulitus not being associated with vaccination…

    • Avatar

      Deanne Coffey-O'Brien


      Cellulitis is a well known adverse reaction to vaccination and is listed as such. But the times Mr Hunts casinos in no way related to the vaccination he had just prior

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      My new born after first vaccination had a reaction similar to this. Face and limbs puffed up and skin broke out red blotchy itchy. They said it was some type of infection. Ended up with severe eczema 2 years of itching screaming pain. Also a wheat allergy that can kill him still 6 years later. Vaccines can absolutely cause something like what happened to Mrs Hunt!

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      Layla Maddison


      Yet Mr Hunt never fell off a bike or sustained any Injury, he just got vaccinated

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    Greg the Oracle


    What a load of rubbish this story is. Over 25 million people vaccinated in the UK and yes there have been a handful of deaths, with no proven correlation to the vaccine. Even if the vaccine has killed a few people its nothing compared to the about of people killed by covid. This story is utter crap.

    • Avatar



      We’re only a couple of months into the vaccinations. For a proper control you should allow 18 months and then compare. And for the last time I wish people would be intelligent enough to understand thw logical fallacy in this: “with no proven correlation to the vaccine.”


      Absence of evidence IS NOT Evidence of Absence.

    • Avatar



      Nothing rubbish about it – all TRUE.
      You, my friend, believe the MSM garbage and need to get your head out of your rear.

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      Who told you there have been any illness overseas. Maybe no vaccinations either. Maybe msm is printing rubbish to cause fear. If you watch any msn you have few facts. Ask yourself why you believe a TV set.

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      Brian of Nazareth


      Gibraltar is a very small British Overseas Territory of approximately 34,000 people…

      Since commencement of the Pfizer vaccine program, it appears the population to be decreasing substantially as the program rolls out… Consisting of such a microcosm, it is clear something is very much amiss.
      The Administration totally denies “any” vaccine deaths!

      As you can see from the attached graph of Gibraltar deaths; the majority of deaths increased exponentially after they started administrating the Pfizer Jab!!

      The curve was pretty well flat until “(((they)))” started Genociding people! Then the death rate has exploded into the stratosphere…

      Official GOV Stats… so there you go!

  • Avatar

    Greg the Oracle


    What a load of rubbish this story is. Over 25 million people vaccinated in the UK and yes there have been a handful of deaths, with no proven correlation to the vaccine. Even if the vaccine has killed a few people its nothing compared to the amout of people killed by covid. This story is utter crap.

    • Avatar



      Nothing rubbish about it – all TRUE.
      You, my friend, believe the MSM garbage and need to get your head out of your rear.

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        Good stuff David, couldn’t have said it better

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      covid isn’t even real, you SPASTIC.

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    Deanne Coffey-O'Brien


    Cellulitis is a well known adverse reaction to vaccination and is listed as such. But the times Mr Hunts casinos in no way related to the vaccination he had just prior

  • Avatar

    Richard Rhodes


    Think about it.
    1. A vaccine for a Corona Virus from which 99.9% of people recover and those who die are generally over 80 with co-morbidities that probably killed them anyway.
    2. The vaccines are a long way from being fully tested and have been forced through “emergency approvals” by the FDA in America and the TGA in Australia and whoever controls your medications in the UK.
    3. All over the world people are either dying or having severe adverse reactions to the vaccines and Countries are stopping their rollout.
    Top medicos have warned that the vaccines will kill more than COVID.
    .4. The four major vaccine companies have all got the longest lists of lawsuits against them for prior malpractices imaginable but of course will make trillions of dollars from these rollouts, in fact the whole medical profession is being paid off.
    5. You really sure you want to chance being injected by this stuff, (I know it contains horrendous ingredients – research it), then wait days, weeks, months or even years for serious adverse reactions? Bear in mind these vaccines alter your DNA and create anti bodies that are dangerous in other areas to normal cell structures.
    Suggest you consider carefully and don’t get conned. The elite are banking that you will.

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      This man gets it.

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      Dan Sherrerd


      All the above being true. What’s behind it all? I read “The Invisible Rainbow”. Behold … every pandemic in history was ushered in with electrical inventions. Influenza Is an Electrical Disease.

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        Read ‘Behind the Green Mask UN Agenda 21’. Also World Economic Forum ‘The Great Reset.’ Their climate change agenda is all tied into it too. It’s about complete control and all the wealth being shifted to the 1%, even more than it already is.

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      Very well said.

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    rob akashi


    Maybe Aussies are a bit soft…millions around the world are having the jab, including my 88 yr old mum…..

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    Currently in the UK Governmental Yellow card adverse reactions report there is 508 dead and 297,294 adverse injuries. So get your facts right Mr Oracle before spreading fake news.

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    I tried to donate earlier but I could not. I am sharing all your related news as well as Targetednews. I had been a follower of NN for a very long time and now I follow you. I wished I could get back my twitter account but I am unable to (lost all passwords to old emails etc). Keep up the good work and know you have God’s blessings for all you do!

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