Brace Yourselves for ‘The World Debt Reset Program’ & UBI

(Natural News) World leaders are preparing for a second and third wave of covid-19 cases and are fine-tuning their lock down strategies which will be implemented late in 2020 and into 2021. Their planning involves the development of a new world economy, one that introduces medical fascism as a permanent way of life.

A Canadian whistle blower came forward with the plans. The whistle-blower is on the Liberal Party of Canada’s Strategic Planning Committee, which operates under the direction of Canada’s Office of the Prime Minister (PMO).

The historic lock downs have engineered mass poverty and will continue to weaken people’s financial and food security, making them more vulnerable and eventually making them more desperate to accept the new world economy and its bodily requirements.

New world economy includes universal basic income and vaccination requirements

The new world economy includes the introduction of a digital currency, a universal basic income, vaccine requirements for travel, and “The World Debt Reset Program.” A continuous cycle of lock downs into 2021 will eventually lead to an international economic collapse. Governments worldwide will offer citizens an alluring way out by promising to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.)

In the U.S. this idea has already been implemented in 2020 through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – a guaranteed loan program that forgives the debt if the borrower follows specific instructions. Under an impending economic collapse, any and all loans will be forgiven if the citizen agrees to participate in the “World Debt Reset Program, funded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In order to get all debts forgiven, citizens will have to forfeit ownership of any and all private property, accept a universal basic income, and enroll in the covid-19 and covid-21 vaccination schedule.

As the rolling lock downs and economic sanctions commence, citizens will be permitted all their previous freedoms  to travel and gather in stadiums and public venues as long as they provide an ID showing they were inoculated with all the mandated covid-19 and covid-21 vaccinations. In Canada, detainment camps are being installed in all provinces and territories to coerce people to comply with the new plans. The Canadian whistle-blower revealed that this vaccine ID will be referred to in Canada as Canada’s HealthPass.

The whistle-blower warns that world leaders in Australia, the US, the UK, Canada and New Zealand will push for a “complete and total secondary lock down much stricter than the first and second rolling phase restrictions.” These new lock downs will be pushed in November 2020 through January 2021 by hyping up covid-19 testing and case counts.

2020 lock down tyranny is just the beginning of a much larger plan

The upcoming lock down plans are congruent with the “Great Reset” plan outlined by the World Economic Forum and Event 201, both funded and pushed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which seeks worldwide compliance with vaccine experiments and genetic modification of humans. The Prime Minister’s National covid-19 Advisory Commission (established in lockstep in March 2020) is now advising and pushing the Canadian PMO and the Department of Prime Ministers and Cabinet in Canberra to carry out these totalitarian plans.

The whistle-blower said at least thirty percent of the committee members strongly oppose these plans but their voices are being drowned out. It has been made “very clear that nothing will stop the planned outcomes,” said the whistle-blower.

The Canada’s Office of the Prime Minister has laid out the plan, which includes a secondary lock down by December 2020, that will implement restrictions on a rolling basis, beginning with major metropolitan areas and expanding outward. The media will project that daily covid-19 cases exceed testing capacity and must be curbed using a complete and total secondary lock down much stricter than the first and second rolling phase. The unemployment program will be configured into a universal basic income program by the end of quarter one, 2021.

As the vaccines are rolled out, all viral shedding, mutations, and vaccine injuries will be blamed on a “third wave” which includes a higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Anyone who does not agree to the vaccines will be stripped of their right to travel freely and will either be detained in the isolation centers or monitored on home arrest until they agree to comply.

During this time, medical facilities will reach peak capacity, and government will enhance lock down restrictions, implementing a Third Lock Down by quarter two, 2021. Large inventory shortages, supply chain break down and economic instability is expected, as all individuals are put on a universal basic income program to curb hunger, homelessness and civil unrest. By quarter three, governments are expected to deploy military personnel to major metropolitan areas and roadways to create travel checkpoints. These tactics have already been tested out in 2020. Everyone who is dependent on these systems will be forced onto the HealthPass vaccination schedule. Anyone who disagrees will be deemed a “public health threat” or “enemy of the state.”

The whistle-blower said that dissenters will not be tolerated. “Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individual’s best interest to participate.”

“When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer, we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely. Those who refuse “refused to participate” in the debt forgiveness program “would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities.”

“Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.”


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Comments (11)

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    Tom O


    This “plan” sounds frightening, but I am not at all sure as a people, western civilization is so ignorant and incompetent that this can take hold. In part, I don’t think it can take place without a democratic sweep in the US, and I am not sure that “the military” will follow these “orders.” I also note that neither Russia nor China have given any indication that they are willing to be bulldozed, either, and I don’t believe they are behind “the great reset concept.”


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      Cam W


      This was indeed the plan and this was a very threat that made me think twice about going public and staying my fears. When I wasn’t arrested it was a relief to be sure. I truly believe that President Trump and his mighty team is doing for world independence what could not have seemed possible in my lifetime. I am not afraid anymore. I know it seems scary because of all the media lies but they will be the last to fall. Great things are coming and it is a matter of being patient. If I am wrong, then the world is not a place worth living in and I will accept the consequences of speaking out. I refuse to live in fear and be bossed around by a nanny state and it’s fake flu. I have never been so excited to see each new day unfold knowing the Truth is on its way. Enjoy ?


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      People are blissfully ignorant. Surprise!!!


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    This prescient 2012 video never felt so relevant as it does today, from Stefan Molyneux it’s called ‘The Story of Your Enslavement’


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    It wouldn’t surprise me if this was indeed the plan of Antifa world leaders. But how far can this really get? I am seeing more and more people open their eyes and realize that there is more to this plandemic than public health. I’ve managed to gather and form an entire group of freedom fighters on my college campus. I’ve voted for Donald Trump and Dan Forest, republicans who have the capability to help put a stop to this evil plan. Do we know that this plan will be successful for antifa? I would think we’d have enough riots to keep this from going forward, especially if Cooper and Biden won election in the US.


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    Dean Michael Jackson


    The astronomical cost of shifting to non-carbon based energy sources would literally send humanity back to the Stone Age, with consequent population decline; annihilation of the species, per the Satanic purpose for destroying the globe’s economies. Let’s make this abundantly clear by noting the shocking cost for just one critical component of the United State’s energy needs:


    The United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve is currently at 635.2 million barrels of oil. 635 million barrels of oil equals 1,079,123,092,000 megawatts. 1,079,123,092,000/100 = 10,791,230,920; 10,791,230,920 X $3.6 billion[1] = $3,884,831,310,000,000,000,000,000,000 (octillion).

    The United States’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2017 was $19,390,000,000,000 (trillion). Battery storage to replace the strategic petroleum reserve would cost more than 100,000 GDPs!


    Climate change mechanics conspires to do away with the physics of the atmosphere, where action and reaction is abandoned. When a new gas molecule is introduced into the dense troposphere, dislocation takes place, where if the new molecule is denser than the atmosphere (contains less heat energy), such as carbon dioxide, the gas molecule sinks displacing upwards the warmer nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Conversely, if the new gas molecule has more heat energy than the nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere (such as methane), the new molecule rises, displacing relatively cooler nitrogen and oxygen molecules downwards, which displaces upwards relatively more heat retaining nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Thermodynamics in action in the atmosphere that keeps the Earth cool when increased radiation isn’t the new variable introduced.


    The identity of the mass murderers that have co-opted the globe’s institutions identify themselves as Marxists, most being unaware that they are, in fact, manipulated by a top level leadership cadre composed of humanity’s arch enemy’s combatants, Satanists.

    Troubled by a personal moral breakdown once freed from parental constraints (a libertine), the man the world knows as a racist and callous and domineering psychopath was formerly a devout and lovely young follower of Christ. Then Marx’s personality changed for the worse, seeking not atheism, but revenge against God and His children on Earth:

    “Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited,
    I know it full well,
    My soul, once true
    to God, Is chosen for hell.”


    “With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
    Full in the face
    of the world,
    And see the collapse
    of this pygmy giant
    Whose fall will
    not stifle my ardour.
    Then will I wander
    godlike and victorious
    Through the ruins
    of the world
    And, giving my
    words an active force,
    I will feel equal
    to the Creator.”

    Marx wrote those poems AFTER he transferred university from Bonn to Berlin, telling us (1) Marx always remained a theist, feigning atheism; and (2) that we were lied to when told that once Marx entered university that’s when he became an atheist. As for the rank and file Marxists, they’re marionettes, whose strings are pulled by the Marxist leadership class who are actually Satanists; Satanists have been active within our institutions for millennia, as Jesus warned us.

    At my blog, read the articles…


    ‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’

    ‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’

    Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’


    The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.

    My blog…

    [1] $3.6 billion is the cost for a 100 megawatts battery. In 2006, during peak power in the summer, Washington, DC used approximately 6,888 MW of power: 6,888/100 MW = 68 MW; 68MW X $3.6 billion = $244.8 billion for Washington, DC to switch from petroleum to renewable energy sources. Washington, DC’s annual budget is $12.8 billion.


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    “Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.”

    Animals don’t do such things to each other and it sounds like the proverbial catch-22. I bet when push comes to shove and the dreaded KGB/Gestapo knock on our doors to “contract” with us and pull out a needle to seal the deal, many of us will realise that we’ve lived long enough anyway, the sheeple have sold us all down the river and all hope is lost. Might as well make them fight hard for it.

    There’s NO chance I’m getting something full of undisclosed ingredients injected into me, especially for an alleged “virus” that’s actually LESS worse than seasonal ‘flu which affects everyone, not just a small demographic. Whereas in 2020, has anyone “died” of seasonal ‘flu complications? The numbers for that don’t exist, neither for “cases” of infections. Check your own country’s seasonal ‘flu cases. Bet they dropped by some 95% and, I’ll bet those “cases” were being conflated with “Certificate Of Vaccination I.D.” Has anyone actually had a “cold” this year?

    Conflation mentioned at 2:25 (~5 mins)

    Australians were disarmed decades ago. All I have is a sharp machete and i’ll swing the bugger ’til it’s blunt. They’ll have to shoot me dead to administer ANY kind of jab.

    Destroying Civilization With Fake Data: (~ 4 mins)

    Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic: (3.5 mins)


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    This article presents interesting and likely perspectives.
    But that is all they are… likely. Nothing but presumptions in this article. Nothing is substantiated. Falsefoods are slipped in as truths, like PPP is gratuitously and suggestively linked to ‘consent with vaccination’ (is false).
    Anyone can fabricate a story based on a fictitious Canadian whistle blower to give it an air of credibility.
    Totally astounded and truly disappointed that the editors of a site that acclaims to be based on valid science allow ‘a Canadian whistle blower’ as a valid criterion for an article..
    Greetings from Belgium.


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    Rifleman Dan


    I call B.S on this report. I own everything I have, am debt free and will give up my house and my assets from my cold dead hands….


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      you ‘own’ nothing, try not paying property taxes and see just what you ‘own’

      money is debt


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    Krystyna Stark


    Was told this 25 years ago Agenda 21 the human kul


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