Book Review: Slaying the Virus & Vaccine Dragon

Book Review

Title: Slaying the Virus & Vaccine Dragon by John O’Sullivan, Saeed Qureshi, Judy Wilyman & Robert Beatty

Genre: Science, Medical

Rating: 5 Stars

The COVID-19 pandemic affected almost every living soul on the planet and governments took unprecedented measures in response. The four-author co-written  Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon delves into the questionable medical science of the controversial vaccine as well as the political and monetary motivations subsumed in this unprecedented global reaction to the alleged novel virus.

The book’s Foreword by Dr. Phillip Altman and the opening chapter from Dr Judy Wilyman are immediately enlightening due to their expert perspectives as career scientists involved in vaccines. Dr. Altman’s career on the inside of big pharma lends him unique authority as someone on the inside looking out. You cannot help but be struck by the unsettling things he identifies that were happening – particularly a misinformed and alarmist mainstream narrative he knew to be false.

Dr Wilyman’s contribution focuses ostensibly on the history of vaccinations in Australia. She shows that official data in the period from the 1950s to the early 1990s reveals that child mortality due to influenza-like illness has been extremely low. However, when mandatory vaccines were subsequently brought in these numbers increased in direct correlation to the wider adoption of vaccines and this corollary cannot be easily ignored by any scientist or policymaker with a conscience.

Over subsequent chapters, eminent Canadian government laboratory expert, Dr. Saeed Qureshi takes us through the science behind “covid”.

Speaking as a former STEM student who studied college level Bioscience, this was all familiar territory to me apart from a few more advanced testing methods – but readers without science training should not be discouraged here.

Dr. Qureshi explains all such tests in the most simplified way possible, so even lay persons without any background knowledge can grasp the science. The purpose of these chapters soon becomes clear because they show why the widely used testing methods for “covid” are, for all practical purposes, utterly useless. The bombshell fact being that the supposed novel virus itself has never been isolated in any laboratory and exists merely as a computer model.

Qureshi, with a long and distinguished career at Health Canada, explained that in order to test for and treat any virus you first need to isolate it and break it down into its component parts to see how it differs from other viruses, especially those within the same virus family.

That crucial step has never been done with “covid” despite numerous official claims and Dr. Qureshi debunks brilliantly the half-truths and misunderstandings shown by government and Big Pharma ‘experts.’ In essence, on an applied science, fundamental level, all the testing and treatment for “covid” was useless.

What hit home to me especially hard was that the medical industrial complex was using PCR tests to test for “covid” when a PCR test is merely a replication technique; all it does is allow you to enter a sample and make more of it.

Think in terms of forensics where analysts might have a tiny sample of blood, but in order to run the numerous tests more blood samples would be needed, so the PCR is used in order to create more of that original sample. However, the more PCR test cycles that are made on a sample, the less reliable that sample becomes. As an analogy, it is akin to making a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy until everything becomes grey.

By Chapter 8 of Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon we are beginning to look at the political and financial motivations behind the pandemic specifically, Agenda 21. We learn that Agenda 21, if we allow it to be carried out, would depopulate our planet by 95 percent. This anti-human agenda which was devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments is unthinkable to any sane person.

As independent researchers have been revealing, scaremongering claims that the world is overpopulated and that natural resources are increasingly running out have been proven to be false on numerous occasions.

The authors do a compelling job in exposing how the mass ‘covid’ deception came in play to help establish an unelected, non-democratic global government, a centralized economic system and global religion in order to control us.

Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon is a warning about how propaganda and psyops are being systematically used to spread fear and lies, all to break down we the people into compliance.

Data indicates already that these “vaccines” are causing more harm than good with hundreds of thousands dead and many more injured – that is just the physical affect. Financially, the pandemic response devastated many small and medium business that had to close their doors for good and many were deprived of help by their respective governments.

Today, those western nations that were the most stringent in pursuing their lockdown policies are enduring economic hell and prospects are things will get worse before they get better.

To fully understand the ramifications on an individual biological level, it is essential to know how medicines are processed by the body and how they do their jobs. This book provides an outstanding breakdown of this process, armed with the facts presented we can readily process and understand the Big Picture, which for anyone with limited medical knowledge, is a great asset.

These next couple of chapters delve as far back as the 1950s to look at the Polio epidemic and apparent shenanigans with the definitions of who did and didn’t have polio constantly changed.

The we are shown how, in more recent times, we see that injuries and deaths are far higher in those that have been vaccinated versus those that aren’t. A link to mandatory vaccines for children under two and adverse events has been climbing in various countries along with a suspicious rise in severe illnesses and even deaths in children. If we look at the flu, a similar virus to covid-19, the average child fatality rate in Australia was 0-3 per year, an extremely low number and yet parents were pushed to give their children the flu vaccine.

A money motive is determined, and we are shown that all four of the major covid vaccine producers, except for Moderna, have lost key court cases over the safety of their vaccine products in the last three decades. Moderna never made a vaccine prior to covid, which sparks so many questions around their practices and experience with this delicate work, and yet so few people question it because the truth has been kept hidden.

As Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon dives deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole it was honestly shocking to learn how governments engineered this pandemic well before it even happened. That being said, I wasn’t surprised to learn the minds behind the covid-19 pandemic were the same minds pushing the narrative about ‘dangerous greenhouse gases’ and the nonsense of Human-caused Climate Change, now seen as debunked more openly.

You begin thinking to yourself – if my own government can put close to a million people into poverty and cause injury and death to millions more, what else are they capable of, especially if no one steps in to hold them accountable for their actions?

What really was eye-opening is a disregard for the truth by those who put profit before principle. Surely, everyone wants and needs information from both sides to make their own reasoned decisions, rather than let a pharmaceutical profiteer make it for you. The more I read of Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon, the more I was convinced that the ‘science’ repeatedly given to us is cherry-picked to fit an agenda. Choice facts and figures selected by the governments during the pandemic and still relied on after, are too often false and contrary to what the truth is.

The latter part of the book blew me away as it set out the likely long term legal ramifications for those self-serving zealots who created the pandemic and the crimes that have been committed against us, the people, as the death tolls mount and more of us are awakened.

The wholesale mask mandates, mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports violate many of our humans right and violate the Nuremberg Code. When we think of the atrocities that led to the Nuremberg Trials, it really hits home what has been done to us without our informed consent since a lot of the relevant information has been deliberately kept from us.

Only a few major countries like Japan and Germany went against the established trend to protect their people, Germany made it very clear that the science didn’t support mandatory vaccinations and they weren’t going to do that. While Japan made it clear that the choice to vaccination belonged to the people and they weren’t going to force citizens, they even went as far as asking people not to discriminate against those that chose not to be vaccinated.

Of all the non-fiction books I have read over the years, Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon must be one the most important and I highly urge everyone to pick it up. Also, I commend the tireless work of the independent international body that helped unite these authors and help bring about this incredible volume – Principia Scientific. Thank you.

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    The use of ALL vaccines and mRNA injections is nothing more than an insurance policy created by government and big pharma ensuring there will be a steady flow of sick and diseased patients into the foreseeable future. These and all other drugs do not heal a person or protect them from anything. It’s a mirage based strictly on the fear of disease and death designed to create a lasting stream of income and profits into your doctor’s and big pharma’s pockets.


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