Bombshell Docs Reveal Covid-19 Cover-Up Goes Straight To The Top

A new BOMBSHELL report shows that the Department of Defense – meaning the Pentagon – controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning.

If true, it means that everything we were told was political theater, right down to the FDA vaccine-approval process.

According to newly obtained documents, the Pentagon used a combination of shady approval authorizations that are still in use, including the prep act, the emergency use authorization, and other transaction authorities like the OTA.

All were used to shield Big Pharma, agencies, and medical participants that delivered unregulated vaccines against any liability.

Our guest today is the former executive of a pharmaceutical contract research organization Sasha Latypova and she shows what she has found from her searches based on instinct that the Covid vaccine was not exactly on the up and up.


h/t Joe O.

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    Thanks for telling us where out defense dollars really go.

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      Yes they’re USed against US. Great !

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    Frank S.


    Karen Kingston first documented the DoDs DARPA connection with Eco Health Alliance, Ralph Baric and the Wuhan Biolab back in 2021. The UN, their cut-outs, and Big Pharma all exposed their roles during Event 201 (et. al.). Anyone who knows the Pentagon, knows they don’t play 2nd fiddle to anyone, even the Commander-in-Chief.

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    blame it on the rain that was fallen fallen blame it on the stars that shine at night but what ever you do don’t put the blame on you……. you went along soon to sling your final song

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