Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Fauci Runs CV19 Vaccine Money Making Scam

Robert Kennedy Jr. and Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz debated on the topic of the coronavirus vaccine back in July.

During the debate, Kennedy Jr. claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci invested $500 million in the vaccine that is not safe by any means and Fauci owns half the patent so he’s due to make millions.

In an earlier thread we reported on Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s comments about Big Pharma and the increase in vaccines in our culture back in April.  Kennedy shared the story of how Dr. Fauci fired and led the indictment of a brilliant assistant who blew the whistle on the harmful consequences attributed to vaccines.

We also reported on this doctor, Dr. Judy Mikovits who was a young doctor with a promising career until she began raising concerns about what she considered to be the potentially harmful consequences of vaccines.  Dr. Mikovits explained how she was jailed during this time period with charges related to her removal of lab notebooks, a computer, and other material belonging to the institute. These charges were ultimately dropped.  Her video has since been taken down by YouTube.

Kennedy thanked Dershowitz for joining him and then stated that when he was young, Americans had faith in the medical community but now roughly 50% of Americans don’t want to take a coronavirus vaccine.

The reason for this may be because the actual rate of serious harm from vaccines is 2.4%.  There’s a 1 in 40 chance that you will get injured by vaccines and today’s kids have to take up to 70 vaccines.

Kennedy says:

The problem is Anthony Fauci put $500 million of our dollars into that vaccine.  He owns half the patent.  He and these five guys who are working for him were entitled to collect royalties from that. 

So you have a corrupt system and now they have a vaccine that is too big to fail.  And instead of saying this was a terrible, terrible mistake, they are saying we are going to order 2 billion doses of this and you’ve got to understand Alan with these COVID vaccines these companies are playing with house money.  They’re not spending any dime, they have no liability.  Well if they kill 20 people or 200 people or 2,000 people in their clinical trials, big deal.  They have zero liability.  And guess what, they’ve wasted none of their money because we’re giving them money to play with.

More on this story at

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Comments (7)

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    George Affleck


    Are we to understand that Dr. Fauci has a half a billion dollars at his disposal to invest in anything? Ya – I don’t think so. His net worth is listed at $10 million.

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      Herb Rose


      Hi George,
      Maybe he got an advance on future income as compensation for his services, (ala the ex head of CDC now working for Merck.) Or he could of invested wisely in carbon futures.)

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      Boris Badenov


      Todays HINT…READ THE ARTIClE….”Fauci put $500 million of our dollars into that vaccine.”. Operative word, OUR, not HIS.

      Have a great Faucet 19 Day.

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    T.C. Clark


    Fauci will be 80 in December…..if he gets the virus, the odds of death are like 2%…that is like Russian Roulette with a 50 chamber revolver…..feelin’ lucky?…..what’s he going to do with a large amount of money?….leave a large estate?

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    Joel Walbert


    Judy Mikovitz and Dr Mercola. You won’t sleep after watching this

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    John O'Sullivan


    Joel, Thanks for the excellent link.

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