Blame the Unreal

Think of how stupid this comment is. This is from the guy who destroyed deterministic science and changed it to randomistic and indeterminate. Those words are the words of a pure materialist.

What is he even talking about? What does he define as real? Of course, he defines his physical senses as real, but then upon discovering that his physical senses do not present true reality, declares that reality itself is UNREAL!

These people are so philosophically illiterate, so illiterate in the history of thought, he literally had no clue that the reality of the physical senses had already been solved more than 2 damned millennia ago!  This wasn’t a discovery of his, or of quantum mechanics – it was discovered millennia ago by simple critical thought, by simple rational critical thinking.  What a fraud this jerk is!

It’s your physical senses that are “unreal” in the sense that they do not present true reality. Photons are not intrinsically “red” in and of themselves; molecules are not intrinsically “sour” in and of themselves; etc. This was known 2400 years ago!! But this damned moron didn’t know that.

I knew that when I was a child. All of my child friends knew it because we talked about how strange it was. My child siblings and my child friends knew about it as we pondered whether or not we all “see” colors in the same way. But this damned moron did not know that. How damned illiterate do you need to be in order to be a materialist empiricist scientist?

100% illiterate, that’s how much! He, and those working with him, really got to that advanced point in life without ever having encountered the intellectual tradition, intellectual history, and all of the books on such.  They had ZERO contact with intellectual history.

So his conclusion is that everything is made of “unreality”! Everything is not real. What does that even mean?

And that, too had already been worked out a few hundred years ago before Bohr. The only thing we know for certain which is real is our thought, our own thinking. Our own thoughts are the only thing we know for certain is real, is something that definitely exists.

But of course, to Bohr as a materialist empiricist who believes that only his physical senses are real or should have been real, thoughts are certainly not real, and so why not believe in alive-dead cats, why not believe that the moon doesn’t exist when not looking at it, etc.?

God these people are stupid.  They’re SO DUMB!  Can you imagine how dumb you have to be to be this person (Bohr)!?

No, Niels, the only thing which is shocking here is your intellectual illiteracy, your amazing feat of having zero contact with the intellectual tradition while working within the supposed institutes of the intellectual tradition.  That’s what’s shocking here!

So, your position is that everything is made of “unreality”?

Bohr: “Everything we call real is made of things that are not real.”

Your statement has ZERO meaning.  It is anti-meaning.  It is a contradiction in terms, a category error, of the simplest and most obvious kind.  Well what do you expect from someone who has 0% contact with the intellectual tradition?!  He’s too dumb to even detect the simplest category error in his own sentence.

And from this starting point, from here, they develop their work, develop their theories, and interpret mathematics.  They interpret their mathematics from this starting point about their belief in the unreality of reality, and hence, dead-alive cats, unreal probability functions, and a random, purposeless, meaningless existence that springs from non-existence for no reason and by no mechanism is the result.

And at the same time, they (via Eugene Wigner, 1960, in “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics…) say that it is a mysterious miracle that mathematics can be used for science, for understanding reality – that using mathematics for science is just some convenient but useful mysterious miracle, that is beyond reasonable expectation, that is baffling and has no rational basis!

So let’s summarize this:  Their position is that reality is unreality, and while they use mathematics to study reality/unreality, they simultaneously believe that mathematics is miraculous.

This is the foundation of modern science.  This is the fundamental core foundation of modern scientific thought.  The Flying Spaghetti Monster makes just as much if not MORE sense than this.

And it is from this point that they then bring you Flat Earth Theory disguised as climate alarm as the most actionable and useful product which they have ever presented for immediate political action.

In fact we should simply say that modern science has no basis whatsoever, that it actually has zero philosophical or scientific or empirical or theoretical grounding whatsoever.  Modern science has no position to argue from at all…its position doesn’t even exist, its position is so incoherent and cognitively dissonant that it is not actually possible to rationally extrapolate from it at all.

The only thing one can extrapolate is descent into unconsciousness via the negative dialectic and its increasing incorporation of cognitively dissonant conceptions.  And I think that this has actually occurred, I think that scientists are actually unconscious!

To repeat:  It is my proposition, based on the evidence, based on the attempt to interact with them, that scientists are actually unconscious.  They’re not actually there, mentally.  There’s nothing there, but an automaton which can only repeat things it has heard before, and it has no ability to extrapolate or incorporate new thoughts with with its own active mental agency.  It can be told what to repeat by an authority which governs it, but it has no independent mental agency which can “crunch” or produce any new thoughts.

I have shown exactly where, how, and why Flat Earth theory became inserted into modern physics via climate alarm. It is the simplest thing ever.  This one is from Harvard University.  HARVARD damned University(!):

That’s the founding diagram of their climate alarm.  It is exclusively from this model from which climate alarm is then generated by the effects which they extrapolate from this model.

Any normal person I’ve talked to readily engages on what shape the planet Earth is in that diagram, and they readily extrapolate the logical consequences of a belief in Flat Earth theory, i.e. that it’s pseudoscience.  That is a consciousness in action, that is a mind with agency, an active, acting mind which can willingly with agency “crunch” some basic logic it encounters to then extrapolate and form a conclusion.

But here’s how “scientists” respond: “You have no degree or publications in climate science, and so I will not engage with what you’ve put in front of me.”  So, how do you characterize that mind?  It’s unconscious, that’s how you characterize it.  It has no agency, it has no “motivator”, it has no impulse, it has no je ne sais quoi, it has no self-directed computational ability, no ability to “latch onto” concepts or mental/logical problems which exist in the outside world and then intently seek to resolve them.  It’s a-conscious.

I think that via the negative dialectic that scientists have largely been rendered unconscious.  Following the hundred and more years of the application of the negative dialectic as I discussed in this post and subsequent comment.

Their minds have been wrecked: Do they really believe, is their position, really that mathematics is magical and miraculous?  They really believe in magic?  Do they really believe that existence is both real and unreal?  They really believe that “real is unreal”?  How can you possibly put those two postulates together then and produce any coherent mind or thinking at all?

It’s not possible!  You cannot join those two postulates and then continue to think.  Thinking stops at the moment of the joining of those two postulates…which are the “philosophical” (lol) basis of modern science.  Subsequently, what the heck would Flat Earth theory truly matter to them?!  Not a jot, as I have found and demonstrated…they are quite willing to adopt Flat Earth theory as the most important thing that they have ever done.


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