Black Hole Escape Velocity?
Independent researcher, Steve Crothers presents a new Youtube video exposing mainstream cosmology’s contradictory equations about blackhole escape velocity and demonstrates why event horizons do not exist
Crothers writes:
Thank you for viewing this video on Sky Scholar! This channel is dedicated to new ideas about the nature of the sun, the stars, thermodynamics, and the microwave background. We will discuss all things astronomy, physics, chemistry, and imaging related! We hope that the combination of facts and special effects will aid in learning even the toughest concepts in astronomy.
If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe. Sky Scholar will be releasing at least one video per week to make sure you don’t run out of content! Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D., is a professor of radiology at The Ohio State University. He also holds an appointment in the Chemical Physics Program. In 1998, he led the design and assembly of the world’s first Ultra High Field MRI System.
This brought on the need to question fundamental aspects of thermal physics, including ideas related to Kirchhoff’s Law of thermal emission, and more. These presentations are not endorsed by The Ohio State University.
Figures not to scale and used for visualization purposes only. This channel is educational in nature. Astronomy links of interest: Space Weather: NASA Image and Video Search: NASA Hubble Satellite: NASA Helioviewer: NASA ADS Scientific Article Search Page: National Solar Observatory: SOHO Satellite: SDO Satellite: IRIS Satellite:… Hinode, JAXA/NASA:… Daniel K. Inoue Solar Telescope: National Solar Observatory GONG: 1 meter Swedish Solar Telescope: All observational images and videos are credited to NASA unless otherwise specified.
Images obtained by the SDO satellite are a courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams. Images obtained by the SOHO satellite are courtesy of SOHO (ESA & NASA). Link to Professor Robitaille’s papers on Vixra:…
Peter C
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Thanks Stephen
Al Shelton
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On my computer the sound quality is poor.
Crothers’s accent doesn’t help. [me being a Canadian]
Also he talks too fast, with too little pause time between statements.
His math and comments are wonderful, however.
I am not a believer in black holes at this time.
Joseph A Opsin
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“I would rather have questions that cannot be answered, than to have answers that cannot be questioned” ~ Richard Feynman
Crothers is great, also see Dr Robitaille video
“On the Validity of Kirchoff” > errors in ‘laws’ of Planck, Stefan, Boltzmann, Kirchoff and Wien….every ‘law’ of radiation !
Ken Hughes
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I think the two, apparently contradictory, escape velocities are in fact the same, but as viewed from different frames of reference. The speed of “c” is clearly the speed in the frame of the “escapee” in order to, …..well, ..escape. The zero value is clearly the same speed, but as viewed from outside the black hole. Since time itself has stopped on the event horizon then no events can happen, ever, and that includes the event of speed. But the would be escapee does not know this (since even his synapses cannot transmit thoughts), and he still “thinks” he can escape. The mistake in mainstream thinking is not this contradiction in escape velocities, it is about the absolute value of the time rate. When time stops at the event horizon, it really does stop in absolute terms. Time passes at the finite rate of 1.855 x 10^43 Planck times per second of our “universal” time. When that runs out, time really does stop, meaning no events, ever, and ultimately, no central singularity either. This is not a mathematical problem. It is a philosophical one.
Robert Beatty
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An interesting discussion on escape velocity applied to mass exiting a black hole (bh). In my opinion, mass entering a bh is shredded back to basic atomic components – electrons, protons and neutrons.
Refer Figure 16,
Hubble telescope has recorded cosmic rays apparently emanating from bh poles. To calculate escape velocity under these circumstances, we need to model positively charged protons reacting to their inherent repulsion forces. To this should be added the rifle barrelling and accelerating effect that positions on the outer surface of the bh impart to the emerging cosmic (proton) rays.