Bite Sized NIBLETS – Article Number 5 – The Pre Nibble

This is the Fifth in a series of Bite Sized Niblet articles which will quickly and simply deal with a wide array of errors, which “TALL TALE TEACHERS TELL” to preach the lies of pretend climate crisis science.

If you don’t know that the Radiation Greenhouse effect (RGHE) is a lie, then this for sure is the one and only niblet you need to read.

After reading this, you will know with certainty that not only is the radiation greenhouse effect A LIE, but you will know how to explain this to others quickly and easily. But not only that, you will know how to SHOW THEM too!

Why is this niblet a pre-nibble?  Because this introduces the experiment that I am going to perform, what the expected outcomes will be and why, and then I am going to perform that experiment and show the results in the next niblet: number 6.

Testing RGHE

Climate crisis fakers have gambled the credibility of their entire religion on the fact they thought no-one could perform the feat of being able to show in a conclusive and indisputable manner that the very science of their RGHE could be defeated.

These climate fakers are entirely reliant on fake models, pretty pictures, cunning math, catchy soundbites and photo’s of cute cuddly animals.

The quickest and simplest way to show that the radiation GHE is a lie is quite simply to test it methodically and thoroughly. If the expected outcomes match the theory then it stands. But if the expected outcomes do not match the theory, then it fails.

And in the test I am about to explain, once you have seen the outcome, once you know it is a lie, you – like me – will not fall for their lies anymore. And nor should you!

The Test

It’s quite simple. We are going to have a vacuum chamber. Then place a flat black plate above a 100Watt ceramic heater inside the vacuum chamber. Then we are going to suck out all the air to avoid convective and conductive influences. The plate will be separated from the heater by just 1mm or 2 mm and supported with brackets off the side of the container.

We will then simply activate the 100Watt ceramic heater, leave the arrangement for however long it takes and see what maximum steady state temperature the plate arrives at. Also, we will record – using a digital data logger – how quickly it arrives at that temperature.

Then after leaving the arrangement to cool for a day we will repeat the experiment, with the same flat plate. Except this time, there will be a mini-greenhouse on the plate.

You will all see that the flat plate with the mini-greenhouse on it, not only reaches lower steady state temperatures than the flat plate on its own, but that it warms more slowly,too.

This is because the area for absorption (the flat plate) has remained the same, but the area of emission has increased (the plate and the greenhouse combined has a larger surface area than just the plate on its own).

The conductance from the plate to the greenhouse will increase the rate of heat loss from the plate as energy is transferred away from the plate into the greenhouse and then away from the greenhouse.

RGHE fake theory tells us that back radiance from the greenhouse would act to warm the plate.  It will not, its presence can only act to cool the plate in the absence of air.

This in one fell swoop shows the RGHE to be a complete and total lie in a manner which can be understood by everyone – including children.  It’s this simple and this will show them up to be the liars they are.

Test 1 – Flat Plate – All in Vacuum Chamber, air extracted

Fraud RGHE Theory

After reading this and seeing this experiment anyone, anywhere preaching the lies of Climate Crisis, CO2 induced global warming and RGHE is not only a liar (because they will have seen and known the truth) but a fraudster, too, if they make a living peddling lies.

They are stealing money from their unwitting victims by pretending a problem exists which does not while simultaneously acting as if they are the ones that can solve this non-existing problem by taking OUR money.

Now you know: Any solution they offer is fake because there is no RGHE!

About the author: Geraint Hughes is an award-winning British Incorporated Mechanical Engineer, writer and experimental scientist. His book, Black Dragon: Breaking the Frizzle Frazzle of THE BIG LIE of Climate is available to buy on Amazon.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (4)

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    Thanks for the article, I’m just a lay person so bear with me. I’m wondering if you were to inject a small amount of co2 would it have any effect? Or would the end result be the same as I would expect. Always seems to be a problem to disprove their hypothesis as they have no experiments that can prove the existence of the ghg theory,always just the vague co2 warms under a lamp but does that matter as we all know if you heat things they warm.


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    On the other hand, all you need to know is that radiation is electromagnetic energy, not heat.


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    Allan Shelton


    Great article. Thanks


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    Maurice Lavigne


    This is a demonstration of something we have always known, vaccums prevent heat transfer while gases, our atmosphere, enable it.


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