The $100 Billion Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic

seed oils

It’s literally in everything. From cakes to cookies to everyday recipes, this ingredient is pervasive. But it all began in the 1960s when the switch from an ingredient we’ve been using for hundreds of years was replaced with one that was brand new.

This video sheds light on the problems with seed oils and the history of how they’re made.

Promoted by the American Heart Association, some doctors now say that seed oils are much worse for your body, life expectancy, and may be linked to Alzheimer’s.

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    Sunflower oil is ace hey. Use some other oils too. Don’t use GMO oils. Cold-press the oils. Use the remnants for flour or something. Don’t use pesticides and herbicides. Don’t bleach it.

    Sunflower oil is apparently, though native, and better, using less herbicides/pesticides and shit..cold pressed, also with most of the sunflowers mostly under utilized (the whole plant is useful, spinach and gemsquash alternative, super hardcore fibres, etc)…used rather almost never in America. While invasive, subsidized, toxified, processed shit that is known to cause serious disease is popularized. Yeah, just keep on believing in those sort of covids.


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      Mark Tapley


      Alcheminister you are missing the main issue. The issue is the molecular structure of the oil. Seed oils are all poly unsaturated (PUFA”s) oils which are very unstable and become rancid right after they come off the industrial, chemical process. This causes them to bind with the carbohydrate (glucose) to cause inflammation in the arteries.

      There was very little heart disease, cancer or diabetes (until old age) in the U.S. until the widespread use of seed (vegetable) oils beginning in the late 1950’s. This situation was made lots worse with the advent of the low fat high carb (sugar) diets including the so called “whole grain” and pretend “vegan” diets which are basically the diet of the poor and malnourished.

      Wherever groups of people are found to eat high protein, high saturated (animal, coconut) fat diets with no processed foods and no PUFA’s they live long healthy lives.


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        No. YOU are missing the point.

        Amaranth, hemp, sunflower, quinoa, pumpkin, chia, etc were all readily used LONG before 1960.

        But you got GMO homogenized industrialized monopolist toxified modified inbred SHIT such as bayer BT roundup-ready bullshit, mostly soy (sold for less than it costs to grow…probably to perpetuate illness coz those who try that sort of shit also try to sell products “against” that shit, which is invasive, propagated by abrahamist “freemason” assholes selling shit like KJVs and covid.

        Amaranth was called “the devil’s plant” by “western” conquistadors. Hemp was outlawd, corn coopted and modified, toxified, sunflower marginalized.

        Do you notice something there?


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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Alcheminister:
          The main problem with the the western diet (now practically all over the world) is cooking with seed (vegetable) PUFA oils. This includes soy which as I mentioned is ok to feed hogs but should never be eaten by humans unless it has been fermented which very few people would want to eat. If glyphosate were a problem I think there would be clear evidence of it. The only possible problem with it would be with the practice of grain desiccation. But that has not been shown. As far as its use as a weed killer I have used it quite a bit for about 40 years and am still knocking along. I have on several occasions had to stick my arm down in the tank (suction problems) and have sprayed in windy conditions where it blows back on me.

          I have noticed however that no one said anything about glyphosate until Monsanto’s patent ran out and you could get the stuff a lot cheaper from competitors. Nobody would like to see glyphosate banned as much as Monsanto. They would then formulate something else for a new patent costing a lot more.

          If people would return to traditional diets with unprocessed high saturated fat, high protein low carb diets without the seed oils that would solve most of their health problems. Thats what worked before the epidemic heart disease, cancer and diabetes. And it will work today.


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            I’ve noticed you are somewhat quite selective and/or ignorant.

            Seed oil is a general term, I pointed out which seed oils are particularly shit and some associated reasoning.

            It is rather peculiar that you cannot apparently even imagine that toxic shit sold by chemical warfare companies happens to be toxic and that food is often a target in warfare, with those same companies also peculiarly selling other toxins and involved in say, pharma…and…you seem to be defending that sort of shit?

            Maybe try a search term like ’roundup cytotoxicity’. You should find a fair amount of studies regarding various damaging effects.

            On a larger scale effects are often somewhat masked and also, compounding, interacting with non-linear effects (glyphosate cytotoxicity is for instance increased around an order of magnitude with agriculturally relevant “background” ionizing radiation).

            Here are a few links (there are many more but it might not post the comment) mainly mentioning mitochondrial damage:


            So I’ll post some exerpts from other links:

            “The glyphosate formulation studied also triggered two ‘death proteins’ in human cells known as caspase 3/7, inducing pathways that activate programmed cell death (apoptosis), a clear sign of significant toxicity.”

            “This review provides evidence of Roundup and glyphosate-based herbicides can impact non-target living organisms. Both, glyphosate and Roundup, appear to act as organismal toxicants, detrimentally affect cell function and survival. Having a wide range of effects on metabolism, cell signaling, apoptosis, dysfunction of gametogenesis and aging, Roundup and its components appear to act through disruption of bioenergetic functions of mitochondria. Alterations in the mitochondrial bioenergetic reactivity have drastic consequences on cellular function through perturbation of the bioenergetic charge and balance of the cell. Disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential is associated with high levels of reactive oxygen species and can be correlated with activation of caspases, which is harmful to a cell due to the high risk of apoptosis. Detrimental consequences of glyphosate and Roundup affect mitochondrial functionality that impairs sperm parameters may have a deleterious effect on fertilizing ability. ”

            “A 24h exposure to a concentration of Glyphosate (in Roundup) similar to that recommended as an acceptable level for Australian drinking water caused significant cytotoxicity in vitro, which supports a call for in vivo studies to characterise the toxicity of Roundup.”

            “Our study reports the first observations of the changes in the epigenome (DNA methylation profile), transcriptome, and miRNA profiles in the liver of rats exposed to glyphosate or its formulated product Roundup MON 52276. We have confirmed that glyphosate causes DNA damage and leads to activation of DNA repair mechanisms in a mammalian model system in vivo. Mechanistic evaluation of carcinogenicity mode-of-action showed that Roundup herbicides can activate oxidative stress and an unfolded protein response at concentrations at which glyphosate gave no effects.”

            “Our studies show that glyphosate acts as a disruptor of mammalian cytochrome P450 aromatase activity from concentrations 100 times lower than the recommended use in agriculture; this is noticeable on human placental cells after only 18 hr, and it can also affect aromatase gene expression. It also partially disrupts the ubiquitous reductase activity but at higher concentrations. Its effects are allowed and amplified by at least 0.02% of the adjuvants present in Roundup, known to facilitate cell penetration, and this should be carefully taken into account in pesticide evaluation. The dilution of glyphosate in Roundup formulation may multiply its endocrine effect. Roundup may be thus considered as a potential endocrine disruptor. Moreover, at higher doses still below the classical agricultural dilutions, its toxicity on placental cells could induce some reproduction problems.”

            “his is the first study to examine the effects of glyphosate and Roundup on progesterone production by human female cells in an in vitro system that models key aspects of reproduction in women.

            Glyphosate alone was less toxic to human cells than glyphosate in a Roundup formulation; both glyphosate and Roundup caused cell death which resulted in decreased progesterone levels – a form of hormone/endocrine disruption. Endocrine disruption did not precede the toxicity to cells but occurred after it. The decreases in progesterone concentrations were caused by reduced numbers of viable cells.”

            ” “We found increased blood serum levels of parameters indicative for cytotoxicity like GLDH, GOT, and CK and the lipid profile marker cholesterol in cows at all farms and high urea levels in half of the farm animals.

            “Correlations between glyphosate and some of the measured blood serum parameters to CK (R= 0.135), Se (R=0.188), Co (R= -0,403) and Zn (R=0,175) demonstrate that glyphosate is toxic to the normal metabolism of dairy cows. This study gives the first documentation to which extent Danish dairy cattle are exposed to glyphosate and its impact on different blood parameters.”

            Synthetic pesticides and herbicides are essentially chemical weapons, made to kill things and are associated with companies historically involved with chemical warfare.

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    Maybe Mobil 1 is safer?


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    I tend to consume only olive oil and butter of animal origin, and also avoid processed foods, but I had no idea there was such problem with non-fried plant oils!


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      I tried to explain, all seeds and nuts have oils (even leaves and such have significant oils).

      Generalizing by conflating GMO, toxified, processed specifically used monopolized, homogenized, stagnant, inbred “seed” oils as “vegetable oils” is yet another such reductionist piece of shit suggestion that tries to avoid the reality…of rather significant usage of seed and vegetable oils without any serious issues.

      Here are oils you should avoid: Anything BT, cotton, canola, maize, soy. Those are the main oils. And remember those butters and shit are also far worse than they could or would be without those toxified homogenous feeds. That’s a little issue some don’t seem to want to address. You got a bunch of toxified cows or whatever, given those some seed oils and shit you bitch about, loaded with toxins, antibiotics, vaccines, synthetic hormones and other BS in horrible conditions…and then that shit is processed too…and you reckon that’s good?



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      Personally, btw, I use oils from hundreds, if not thousands of plants.


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    charles zilich


    nothing wrong with lard.


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      Even from toxified, malnourished, vaccinated, hormonally messed up animals? There’s a reason you get “swine flu” or “avian flu” “outbreaks”, and it ain’t “viruses” that cause it.


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