Bill is filed in Italian Senate for Italy to exit the WHO

On Thursday a bill was filed with the Italian Senate proposing that Italy withdraw from the World Health Organisation.

“The League presented its bill to LEAVE the WHO (World Health Organisation), as the United States did with Donald Trump,” Matteo Salvini, the leader of Italy’s League Party said.

Please note: For English speakers it is difficult to conduct searches in Italian so we have relied on an AI-generated summary (translated into English using an online translator) as the basis for the text below.

The summary was generated from the search term “Presentata la proposta l’talia fuori dall’oms.” We have shown the sources provided by the AI summary at the end of our article as “further reading.”

The League[1] filed a bill in the Italian Senate on Thursday which proposes that Italy get out of the World Health Organisation (“WHO”). When announcing that the bill had been filed on Twitter, the proposal was presented as a move similar to what the United States has done under Donald Trump, who has started the withdrawal process from the WHO.

The bill, filed by Senator Claudio Borghi and Deputy[2] Alberto Bagnai, proposes repealing the 1947 legislative decree linking Italy to WHO. According to League Deputies (similar to MPs), WHO is a “carriage” that rather than helping the world, only helps those who work within the organisation.

Matteo Salvini, leader of the League and Minister of Infrastructure, argued that “Italy must no longer have to deal with a supranational power centre – handsomely financed by Italian taxpayers –

which goes hand in hand with the multinationals of the drug.” The League proposes to use the 100 million euros that Italy contributes to WHO to support patients in Italy and finance the country’s hospitals and doctors.

Matteo Salvini on Twitter. Image text Italian: “Presentata la proposta di legge della ledga: l’talia fuori dall’oms. Usiamo I 100 mln per medici e ospedali Italiani, non amici delle multinazionali!” English: “League’s bill presented: Italy out of WHO. Let’s use the 100 million for Italian doctors and hospitals, not friends of multinationals!”

The proposal has provoked several reactions. We note two of them below.

Maria Rita Gismondo, microbiologist and former director of the Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Diagnostics of Bioemergencies of the Sacco Hospital in Milan, argued that the motivations for an Italy outside the WHO are “more than founded and absolutely concrete.”

On the other hand, Elena Cattaneo, an internationally renowned scientist and senator for life, criticised the initiative calling it “scientific nationalism, the safest recipe for crashing into the wall of ignorance and superstition.”

Why has Cattaneo come out with guns blazing to keep Italy in the WHO?

WHO is a specialised agency of the United Nations (“UN”).  And Cattaneo is part of the Permanent Mission to the UN Office at Geneva, according to a 2024 UN campaign titled ‘Not a Woman’s Job?: Breaking Barriers in Science’.

Cattaneo is not listed as one of the representatives for Italy on the UN’s website, and a quick search of the UN’s page archived on the Wayback Machine shows that she never was.

Perhaps she was the representative for Italy’s Permanent Mission for only that particular campaign. Nonetheless, her role in ‘Not a Woman’s Job?’ shows that she is known to and has been associated with the UN’s operations.

Describing the role of Permanent Missions, the UN states (emphasis added):

Perhaps Cattaneo has come out guns blazing because her judgement is clouded due to her past and/or present links to the UN.


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