Bill Gates Calls For Internet Censorship Of Anyone Who Opposes Him

According to the self-appointed world health czar Bill Gates, the next pandemic is on the horizon, the vaccines must be rolled out faster and dissenting voices on the internet must be censored

Covid was just a warmup, according to Gates, who is already warning about the next scamdemic and boasting about “giant mRNA factories” that will churn out all sorts of new vaccines at a rate that will make Operation Warp Speed look pedestrian.

“Next time what we’ll have is factories that are able to produce [vaccines] far faster, and so just in months you should be able to make enough for the world,”Gates recently said.

“So we’ll have enough supply so that prioritization won’t matter because we’ll cover everyone.”

Gates also has plans to “vaccinate” the entire food supply.

Folly Bah Thibault, the Al Jazeera host who spoke to Gates just before Christmas about the matter, introduced the topic by saying:

“We’re not quite out of the woods yet with this current pandemic, and it’s sobering that we have to think about the next pandemic when we’re just now enjoying the things that we like to do in life.”

“Why and how ready should we be for the next pandemic?” she went on to ask Gates, to which he responded:

“Well, governments are there to protect us … but the [covid] pandemic is a disaster that they did not prepare for.

The actual resources required to have a global surveillance team to make better diagnostic technologies, to do quick detection.

It’s actually not going to be that expensive once the world gets organized and makes it a priority.”

Midway through the interview, Thibault brought up the “misinformation and disinformation” that was spread, especially about Gates himself.

She said, “you yourself were the target of some bizarre rightwing conspiracy theories, and when it came to the vaccine of course, […] and how did you deal with it?”

Bill found the question amusing and answered by saying:

It was quite a surprise, you know it was people looking for simple explanations, looking for you know one bad actor to simplify the surprise of what was going on.

The digital channels definitely amplified that, [which] let people resonate with strange ideas.

It’s tragic that that probably prevented some people from using masks or taking the vaccine when they needed it. It did lead to polarization and even more death than we had to experience.

You know I believe that the ability to communicate worldwide there’s huge benefits that flow out of that, and now we have to moderate some of the insanity that you know prevents people from helping themselves.

(26) Bill Gates: Not competing with new generation, but with malaria | Talk to Al Jazeera – YouTube

It’s not if but WHEN the next “pandemic” is unleashed

According to Gates, it is not simply a possibility that there will be another scamdemic. He has repeatedly stated, including most recently to Al Jazeera, that there will be another one at some point.

It is not a “matter of if but when,” Gates revealed, warning that people and governments need to “actively prepare” for the next round of global tyranny, which is sure to eclipse the last round.

Gates wants to see a whole lot more vaccines, a whole lot more testing kits, and a whole lot more tyranny the next time a scary disease gets circulated in the news cycle.

“Picking how we strengthen WHO – create a special organization dedicated to pandemics,” Gates said, adding that efforts must continue being made to “get every country to practice” the things he says need to happen for the next plandemic.

“So we need a little bit of preparation so that we can stop something before it goes global,” he added. “So we’ll have lots of outbreaks but we need to have less pandemics.”

Creating a “worldwide surveillance” apparatus of the kind Gates desires is expensive. In order to pay for it, he wants the wealthiest countries in the world, including the United States, to spend $2-$3 billion annually for preparedness purposes.

Gates always wants to see all old people vaccinated first, this next time around. Young people should only get injected, he says, after all the older people have already rolled up their sleeves.

Either way, Gates wants there to be plenty of vaccines to go around for everyone, which means billions of dollars must be poured into Big Pharma’s coffers now in order to create more factories and product lines in anticipation of the next scamdemic.

“We have to make it visible how important these issues are,” Gates stressed. “If the kids were dying in our neighborhood, you know we’d buy the bed nets and we’d make it a priority.”

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Bold emphasis added

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Comments (21)

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    Sorry billy the dictator, I will oppose every breath you are still allowed to take, you murdering rat.


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    Auntie Vaxina


    If he bans everyone that does not agree with him, he’d have to shut off the internet.


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    Terry Shipman


    I have learned to listen to Bill Gates very closely…then do the exact opposite.


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    Morphed into a heck of a little nazi eh. I wonder how that happens?


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    T. C. Clark


    Mr. Beel is taking over from George Soros …..Mr. Beel’s motto is…. What, me worry?


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    Whatever he does or says, it doesn’t excuse the fact that Gates behaves as a psychopathic megalomaniac does, creating a definitive threat to the entire civilization. Drunk on power and control, he needs to be told to back off and abandon his murderous stance. These people are immature and ignorant, not very eclectic, and haven’t a clue about what’s really going on in a larger sense. By the 2030-2040 period, this planet will be negatively affected by destructive solar cycles, so all their plans and programs are for nothing, Before 2100, this civilization will be toast anyway, losing all electrical capability and civilization will effectively end. Gates should leave everyone in peace and go retire, taking refuge in his underground mausoleum and enjoy the few years left here.


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      Len Winokur


      That’ll certainly sober up the on-power drunkard.


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    “Gates always wants to see all old people vaccinated first, this next time around. Young people should only get injected, he says, after all the older people have already rolled up their sleeves.”
    Guess the young won’t be taking the kill shots then.


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    Bull Gates does not make any sense. There is no control. If you mRNA jab everyone then you don’t know if his method works or not. This boy needs to be hanged if he continues this. This method is extremely dangerous.


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      Boris Badenov


      Given his penchant for crap code, this is going to end badly unless he’s ended along with his fellow travelers.


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    Dave Huff


    There aren’t going to be enough lamp posts…..


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      Easy solution: Tie a noose on both ends of a rope long enough to throw over a house’s roof and dangle a noose off opposite eaves. At the signal, kick the stool from under both traitors at once. Each one holds the other one’s weight–plus, you hang two at a time, cleansing the earth of their existence twice as quickly.


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        Look, pal, you’re not going to bugger up the shingles on MY roof hanging a bunch of Jews. Getting your roof re-done is flippin EXPENSIVE!!!

        There are plenty of TREES.


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    Gates is a DISGUSTING JEW.
    Every aspect of CONVID is JEWISH.
    Communism comes from Judaism.
    And Bryan Kohberger is a JEW that targeted and murdered WHITE PEOPLE in his RITUALISTIC, RACIALLY MOTIVATED CRIMES.


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    The more a person has to hide, the more he demands censorship.


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      Perhaps now would be a good time to mention how many websites I’ve been banned from and censored by for talking about the JEW problem…


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        Well, that is certainly understandable.


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    Colt Baldwin


    FBG. All the way to hell.


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    This lunatic effectively owns the WHO.

    This problem requires a solution.


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