Bill Gates Admits His COVID19 Vaccine Will Kill or Ruin 700,000 Lives

WATCH Bill Gates SMILE As he Reveals How Many People His Vaccine Will Kill Worldwide.

Former Microsoft owner and billionaire globalist, Bill Gates admits vaccines are less effective for older people and the planned international roll out of his COVID19 vaccine will likely kill or maim about 700.000 people. All said with that indifferent smile of his.

Watch the video below – the key admission occurs from 2:35/4:08:

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Comments (13)

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    Andy Rowlands


    I am no fan of Gates and his globalist ambitions, but this article misrepresents what he actually said. He said they have to make a vaccine tailored to older people, and if one in ten thousand suffered side effects, that equates to up to 700,000 people who could suffer from the side effects, if there were any. Reading something else into that is in my view wrong.


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      That’s the way I interpreted it too.

      A far more effective way to judge moral character is to look at past actions :-
      The list on this is quite lengthy as to be expected from capital of this size and divestment’s frequent.
      Interesting that investment in munitions is not problematic for the Gates.
      “The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has held stock in Airbus, BAE Systems, and United Technologies, according to the 2015 IRS 990 forms filed for the Trust which holds its endowment.
      These companies are among the world’s largest weapons manufacturers.”

      Back to vaccines
      US Dept of human health and services office of the secretary
      Summary Feb 4th 2020
      The secretary is issuing this declaration pursuant to section 319F-3 of the public health service act (42 U.S.C. 247d-6d) to provide liability immunity for activities related to medical countermeasures against COVID-19

      I guess Gates can feel better about the 490,000 Indian children his foundation has systematically paralysed in India from 2000-2017 after which they were asked to leave by the Indian government. Collateral damage for all those saved!

      The trend for global pharmaceutical legal immunity is a highly questionable direction in terms of morality.
      How can any company, corporation or individual be above the natural law of morality?


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      Finn McCool


      He mentions ‘risk and indemnification’. That is, they will make a ‘vaccine’, but if you take it and it kills you? Nothing to do with them.
      Gates has an unhealthy interest in eugenics and reducing the world’s population.
      I’m sure that you’ve seen this quote from gates before:
      “Here’s what I came up with: P * SEC = CO2,” Gates wrote. “That might look complicated. It’s not. ” Reduce CO2 by reducing the population and the amount of energy those who are left use.
      If this guy really wanted to help people, he would be giving money to install infrastructure for clean water, modern sewerage systems and reliable electricity.
      Basic vaccines (mumps, polio, smallpox, rubella etc) have been managed by Governments for years. No one needs Gates for that.
      The flu vaccine is a massive con. You might as well wear an old sock round your throat for all the good it will do you.
      Gates is a shyster and a conman. the only viruses he should be worried about are the ones that infect his pathetic excuse for a computer operating system.


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        Is the equation with P in it the only evidence he has an “unhealthy interest in eugenics”? If that’s all we have, it’s a stretch to argue he’s a eugenicist. In posing that equation, he is simply laying out a fact. 0 people is one way to get 0 human-generated CO2. There are other factors in that equation and, as far as I remember, he went on in that TED talk to discuss each of them.

        I did see one ancient video of him talking about family planning etc. But again I think it’s a stretch to claim he’s a eugenicist.

        We can also witness his association with a bunch of other psychos… Tedros, and Rockerfeller’s WHO.

        Is there anything else?

        Because otherwise… Occam’s Razor. He’s a rich old guy who wants (a) make a stack load of cash (b) die with the world thinking he’s a hero (c) have his legacy (Foundation) continue after his death to perpetuate (a) and (b).


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      jerry krause


      Hi Andy,

      I agree totally with you that this article misrepresents what he actually said. The 700,000 deaths was because a he was assuming would possibly die because he was considered a population of 70,000,000 people being treated with a vaccine. The number which the critics did not propose was how many of these 70,000,000 elderly people might die from the flu if there was no vaccine. Which to my knowledge does not yet exist and may never exist.

      Too many people are critics who do not even try to understand what they are criticizing. Do these people understand the tests necessary to validate the vaccine need to be ‘exposed to the virus to validate that the vaccine is effective. And if the trial vaccine isn’t effective there would be a strong possibility some, if not all, would get the flu. And the test population would need to be the elderly people who are at risk.

      Would this critic of vaccines volunteer to be part of such a test? I doubt it because it seems this critic does not believe the vaccine could ever save more people from a earlier death than it killed before they would died from a ‘natural’ death which could be the ‘flu’ the vaccine might prevent.

      Would I take the vaccine if there were one? No! I have not taken flu shots because we know they are not near 100% effective. Would I volunteer to be a subject to test a likely vaccine? Probably yes because someone must do it if there is to be a test. And I know everyone will eventually die sometime and I know, because both my parents lived past 90, that growing old is not exactly fun.

      Have a good day, Jerry. .


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        Vaccines do not prevent disease. If a person’s immune system is compromised to the point that the common cold or flu could kill them the vaccine wouldn’t do a thing for them. The reason is because vaccines work with the immune system. No immune system means that the vaccines will not work.

        The flu vaccine is a bunch of dead viruses. The problem here is that the immune system doesn’t make an antibody for a dead cell or virus. It just gets rid of it. If the cell/ virus is weak then the body will register it and you will have the immunity. This means that they give you the flu.


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      So, the vaccine will kill many more than the Chinese coronavirus has or ever will.
      Got it.
      And today, in stupid world, with stupid people, they call that “helpful.”
      There is the old genie joke; Wish for peace on earth, poof all people gone.

      Years from now, if alive, if a child asks me why the world “sucks” so bad, I won’t tell them that Bill Gates did this. As there is just one evil turd after another who would fill his shoes. I would explain to the child that a concerted multi-generational attack against humanity took place. This attack was designed to lower immunity, lower intellect, lower education standards, and replace critical thinking with Monte Python level stupidity.
      The child will look at me with a confused look. So, in short I will say, “Remember how Grandpa died of cancer? Same thing honey. . .same thing”.


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    If Gates is correct then why are we hearing it from him and not from governments and health services? In the UK the elderly are encouraged to have the flu vaccination annually and we know that its effectiveness depends on the predictions of the expected strains and overall the flu vaccinations don’t seem to be that effective. However, this is the first time I have heard that they are less effective for the elderly. It generates lots of money for big pharma. Is this the reason we have them?


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    If Gates is correct then why are we hearing it from him and not from governments and health services? In the UK the elderly are encouraged to have the flu vaccination annually and we know that its effectiveness depends on the predictions of the expected strains and overall the flu vaccinations don’t seem to be that effective. However, this is the first time I have heard that they are less effective for the elderly. It generates lots of money for big pharma. Is this the reason we have them?


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    Wildman 100%


    The people that commented on this page better get their heads out of their rump, but better yet, let them get a vaccine for there wiill be less idiots in the world!


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      Andy Rowlands


      Thank you for your insightful comment.


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    From what I’ve seen and read about colds, flu, and this Wuhan-virus, they all seem to have the similar effects but in very different measures.
    The majority of these effects are not so much what the virus does to your body but how your body reacts (maybe over react) to these infections that cause so many problems.
    A cold gives you the runny nose and maybe a temperature (good immune responses), flu gives you a temperature, general malaise (good immune responses) but maybe other more life threatening responses as your immune system struggles to defeat this virus. With flu this means that other opportunistic infections can occur or that other underlying conditions are seriously worsened. This ‘novel’ Wuhan-virus can in some individuals (especially older people) cause the body’s immune response to massively overreact to point of jeopardizing their life. This is more likely if you have any of the modern day conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or kidney conditions, poor lung function, etc.
    Surely what we need to treat this virus is a method of mediating, or re-regulating, the body’s immune response to this virus and not just have a vaccine — a vaccine which probably like the flu shot would only be good for a narrow selection or range of particular mutated viruses.

    Also (from research papers and medical videos I have seen) there are chemicals such as the quinine based treatments that appear to be beneficial because they modify many cells in the body to allow zinc to enter them and completely deactivate any viral replication within those cells.
    I would have thought that by using both methods together — immunity re-regulation and cellular virus deactivation — this current pandemic could become more manageable and at a faster rate than developing a vaccine.


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      If a person’s immune system over reacts certain steroids are given.


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