Bill Gates Admits COVID Vaccine Changes DNA, Now Doctors Rebel!

A disturbing video of Bill Gates has emerged of him boasting about how his “incredible” COVID19 vaccine – which “has to go to 7 billion people” and containing something new – “instructions in the code” – will change our DNA.

Beyond any doubt the vaccines developed and launched to fight the novel coronavirus are composed of recombinant DNA.

Recombinants are molecules of DNA genetic code from two or more different species that are inserted into a host organism to produce new genetic combinations that are claimed to be of value to science, medicine, agriculture, and industry. Since the focus of all genetics is the gene, the fundamental goal of Big Pharma’s laboratory geneticists is to isolate, characterize, and manipulate genes.

Watch maniacal Bill spill the beans in the video below:

Mainstream media and prominent politicians have attempted to suppress and/or deny that modified DNA, with the potential to alter our own DNA, is the new “tool” in these experimental vaccines.

But “vaccine hesitancy” (a polite term to denote refusal to be poisoned by these potions) is on the increase, especially among medical professionals who are touted to be among the first group to receive these Frankenstein injections.

Vaccine Hesitancy Among Healthcare Workers reports:

“Healthcare professionals want more data about a COVID-19 vaccine before they take it themselves, the Washington Post reports.

Surveys and statements from medical societies revealed a degree of vaccine hesitancy among doctors and nurses.

For example, a report from the University of California Los Angeles released last week showed 66% of Los Angeles healthcare workers who responded to an online questionnaire said they would delay taking a vaccine.

The American Nurses Association said a third of its members do not intend to take the vaccine and another third are undecided.

Two-thirds of doctors in New Jersey said they would take the vaccine, but some contacted by the state said they “did not want to be in the first round, so they could wait and see if there are potential side effects,” New Jersey Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli said during a Nov. 9 press briefing.” [1]

A now retracted post from Johns Hopkins University (but preserved on the Way-Back machine) admits there is little to any need for such a mass vaccination of the global population because excess mortality rates are low to negligible. The university admitted:

“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same. ” [2]

Indeed, even the CDC now admits their alarmist COVID19 claimed deaths were off by huge amounts. [3]

In light of all the mistakes, shenanigans, “rushed through” vaccines, misinformation and propaganda, we should all take a long pause for reflection and heed the sage words of one of Britain’s most respected published medical doctors, Dr Vernon Coleman.

Dr Coleman writes:

“I have recorded numerous videos about vaccines, written numerous articles and a book about vaccines (written in 2011) and I don’t have anything more to say about the damned things. I shan’t be having any covid-19 or flu vaccination but what everyone else does is, of course, a choice they must make for themselves. I realise that some people think the risk is worth taking and believe the official, government line that the known dangers of the disease outweigh the dangers of the vaccine (which I believe are largely yet unknown). The important thing, of course, is that people (including children now allowed to make their own decisions) should be aware of all the risks – both of covid-19 and of the vaccine – so that they can make a judgement. I am concerned that independent information is pretty thin on the ground now that the censors are controlling every part of the media (including social media).” [4]

I have more faith in the professional judgment and experience of Dr Coleman and the tens of thousands of medical professionals who signed the Great Barrington Declaration than I have in sold out media, celebrities and politicians and psychopathic eugenicists like Bill Gates.

So, guess where I think Bill should shove his vaccine!





About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (62)

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    Herb Rose


    All the people who have tested “positive” for COVID-19 should be exempt from getting the vaccine since they have a natural immunity (which the new vaccine does not provide) that makes the vaccine unnecessary and of no value. Hoisted by their own petards.

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      John O'Sullivan


      Nice one, Herb! Makes a lot of sense.

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        Fred Cowper-Smith


        Thank you

    • Avatar

      Jerry Krause


      Hi Herb,

      Very good! Natural immunity which we learned about long ago relative to cow pox and small pox as seen by Pasteur. (Hope I haVE this history lesson correct.).

      Now if we could remember (see) that a second complication associated with people who die due to this disease beside old age is obesity (some people clearly eat too much or eat the wrong foods or do not exercise enough). Some people are born to be naturally large and I doubt (but clearly do not know) if such old people are dying at the same rate as obesity old people with other health issues associated with the condition of obesity. We have long known about these health problems associated with the condition termed obesity. Maybe it’s not politically correct to point out these observations..

      But again, thank you for pointing to an observed fact with which I had not connected. I am well aware of my problem of not seeing the obvious.

      Have a good day, Jerry

      • Avatar

        Ed D.


        It was Edward Jenner, not Pasteur, who used cowpox material to inoculate against smallpox. Pasteur came out with a rabies vaccine.

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      So people who didn’t get sick at all should make themselves sick with a vaccine? Makes zero sense. The people who are more liable to get sick should get it first. And some are.. medical staff and first responders.

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        Yet majority of this group of people do not want to be vaccinated with a vaccine that they do not have enough information about. They want to see if those who accept it would transform into vampires.

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          Thanks Tal.
          The issue if vampire also came to mind when I thought of Covid-19 vaccine.
          If those who take the vaccine are then transformed into vampires, then the world would have a fresh battle at hand that would be worse than the former, Covid-19. May that never happen.

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        Lizzy odogwu


        Yes the medical staff and the doctors that produced the viccine should use it first

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          Exactly what

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        As a people, a challenge is for us to find data that is raw and accurate. This is data that isn’t presented to us, but data that we can consume on our own without “presented bias” so to best calculate risk and make our own decisions. Seems “ignorance is bliss” as it applies to calculating, but nonetheless, the decision is ours to make. I found every media stream has had bias in presenting COVID stats. To approach validation of any statistics, I question “excess deaths” as compared to past years as I believe a statement ending balance comparing 2020 to past years would reconcile differences (i.e. COVID deaths). In the states, we have CDC that supposedly has this data, but even their accuracy needs qualified by many factors–basically they’re saying “we have data, but it’s not ready.” So by the time it’s ready, will we all have been pressured to take an unproven vaccine to protect us against a so called pandemic that I can’t validate is even really a pandemic? We must be wary to the air we breathe, liquids we drink, food we eat, and other fluids we make take into our body… I don’t relate to folks that want to be first to take the vaccine. In fact, in my personal experiences involving COVID, there is zero justification to take in anything “man made” and all justification is focused on our God Given immune system.

        I have found “test of time” to be the best test of anything… Determining the long lasting symptoms of COVID is being determined by this test and so is any vaccine we’d take. Basically, neither of these have been time tested adequately IMO. Every action has a reaction and I don’t know anyone that could guarantee every reaction of the COVID vaccine would be desirable.

        I’m an engineer, not a doctor… Definitely find your own facts (and let me know when/where you do!). Stay safe, healthy, and God Bless.

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      susan cucinotta


      for how long, many years? Has this been proven? Thanks much.

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      Not too sure about the people who had COVID having a natural immunity. There is proof that there are people who contracted the virus more than once.

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    Makena James


    Which companies is Bill Gates funding? Are Pfizer and Moderna carrying vaccines with this recombinant DNA?

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      Yes…the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are large fund donors to Pfizer and Moderna.

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        Karin Vetere


        gates foundation has joined forces with 16 pharmaceutical companies – google vaccine companies associated with bill gates

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    The goal is IMMUNITY … not vaccination!!

    99.9% of people’s immune systems cope.

    Thus, any natural based non-invasive product that can drop the viral load will support natural immunity developing.

    Alternatively, if it kills off the infection at the early stage; by wide spread use in a community for 7 or 14 days, the virus will be easily suppressed in that community.

    No vaccination needed.
    No complex delivery & storage.
    No diverting & wasting medical time from normal disease management.
    No high costs.

    It’s been in the market since Sept 2018 (27 months) & used by 14,500 people from 4 months to 94 years. So is safe.

    Doctors are using it themselves (40+ months) as prophylactic and to treat patients successfully, including by nebulising.

    It’s busy doing short verification trials in the northern hemishere and has a much wider societal benefit than for SARS-Cov-2.

    There is a version for doctor & front line medical staff exposure reduction & for patient reduction in viral load. It will be widely available for citizens from Q2.

    • Avatar

      John O'Sullivan


      Richard ‘The goal is IMMUNITY … not vaccination’ would be a great title for an article someone should write on this issue to make this key point everyone seems to be forgetting.

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        Alan Stewart


        There is a cycle to be noted. All respiratory viruses have their own lifespan as I understand. They appear, attack their hosts, mutate and die. They are then replaced by a new/novel virus.

        Looking at the 1918, 59, 69 pandemics their lifespans were ~1 year. I don’t think there were vaccines created for them??? SARS CoV 1still has not had a vaccine created for it and it disappeared relatively quickly.

        It would seem that as with Climate Change we are not understanding history and our puny human efforts are futile. By the time the Vaccine Robber Barons produce a vaccine for 19 it will have died a NATURAL death.

        Look at the graphs of epidemics. A sudden sharp rise (attack) followed by a rapid decline followed by a series of spikes geographically. This is the virus hunting down the last of the susceptible hosts.

        Am I making sense with this???

        • Avatar

          mark tapley


          Viruses (real ones that is) constantly mutate otherwise the immune system would kill them out. The 1918 “pandemic is often brought up but there were two factors that the MSM media don’t want you to know. First like today the government was reporting everything as the “flu” and the vaccine used (para-typhus) made from hog and chicken substrate cause huge amounts of sickness and death. It was only later that this disaster was tagged as “flu.” Everything the ngov. does is a lie and a fraud just like today. countries that refused the virus had no problems.

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            mark tapley


            On previous post of course I meant vaccine not virus.

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          Yes Allan?. Finally I find someone who is making sense. Where on earth did they come up with a vaccine so quickly to save the world (like superman)? Let’s sit back if we can to see the outcome and result of the great super drug they call COVID Vaccine and the people who took it. Strange how they haven’t found any vaccines or cure for the common cold, cancer, syphilis, AIDS, HIV etc. But in less than a year wallah!!!!
          Have you noticed how the elderly has decreased rapidly from contracting or dying from COVID? For some strange reason the virus has a mind of its own and is targeting younger people and especially the ones who are in the reproductive age range? (maybe I am seeing things). But the world has changed drastically. Maybe Bill Gates is onto something “Frankenstein Drug” Before I read it I use to say whatever they come up with may change people into monsters ( I love good horror movies) Then I would ask myself; where the hell am I going to hide from these monsters” Damned if I do damned if I don’t. All I can say is everyone stay safe and be WISE.

          • Avatar



            I agree with you, Candice. I don’t trust Bill Gates. He’s only a wealthy person, so not qualified to make decisions for me. Fair, or not, in my judgement he’s categorized as a celebrity. Back in July, he did something atrocious for being a wealthyy guy without medical qualifications–he demanded big tech “delete” a video from “Americas Frontline Doctors” who were advocating use of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and zithromax to battle COVID. For me, this wasn’t a question of whether the video claim was accurate or not, it was exposure of Bill Gates’ having a competing agenda and that these people (actually, doctors) were competing with him. I think he should have had to, at the least, address his actions undermining others’ free speech.

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            Or even vaccine for sickle cell disease,which is genetic mutation

        • Avatar



          Yes Allan?. Finally I find someone who is making sense. Where on earth did they come up with a vaccine so quickly to save the world (like superman)? Let’s sit back if we can to see the outcome and result of the great super drug they call COVID Vaccine and the people who took it. Strange how they haven’t found any vaccines or cure for the common cold, cancer, syphilis, AIDS, HIV etc. But in less than a year wallah!!!!
          Have you noticed how the elderly has decreased rapidly from contracting or dying from COVID? For some strange reason the virus has a mind of its own and is targeting younger people and especially the ones who are in the reproductive age range? (maybe I am seeing things). But the world has changed drastically. Maybe Bill Gates is onto something “Frankenstein Drug” Before I read it I use to say whatever they come up with may change people into monsters ( I love good horror movies) Then I would ask myself; where the hell am I going to hide from these monsters” Damned if I do damned if I don’t. All I can say is everyone stay safe and be WISE.

          • Avatar

            Kofi Boakye Agyemang


            I don’t trust Bill Gates either

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            Or vaccine for sickle cell disease which is genetic mutation

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          Chukwunwike Uyanne


          Yes, you are making sense!

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Richard,

    Have looked up the definitions of the words with which I was not familiar. “q2” second quarter of an year?? Masks??

    Have a good day, Jerry

  • Avatar

    Brian James


    Nov 27, 2020 “Stay of Action” Filed Against FDA to STOP Approval of COVID Vaccine for Using Faulty PCR Tests in Trials

    Dr. Lee is a world-renowned expert on DNA sequencing-based diagnostics. He has trained and taught in some of the world’s most prestigious institutions and has published scores of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.

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    Ed D.


    It was Edward Jenner, not Pasteur, who used cowpox material to inoculate against smallpox. Pasteur came out with a rabies vaccine.

    • Avatar

      Jerry Krause


      Hi Ed D.,

      Thank you so much for correcting me. I believe the the history of science is very important but I was really screwed up. Three names: Edward Jenner, Alexander Fleming, and Louis Pasteur. I had forgotten the details associated with all three names (men).

      Have a good day, Jerry

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    Once we see them jailing and sentencing to death people not submitting to the vaccine… maybe than than some will notice that the vaccine has absolutely nothing to do with covid.. but everything to do with “The Great Reset” and the reset is of humanity… reseting our DNA so we more obedient slaves.. the Elite have decided they have tbe Tech and the cash.. and they no longer want protests etc.. we are witnessing the birth of a new human “drone” human trancedronian is applicable..

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      That’s it. I had doubts about their vaccine. I am not taking it period.

      Let the Gates take it first, give it to their kids and family members first.
      Hmmm even Trump retracted from giving it to WH staff!!!!! That says something. I am not a Dr but common sense tells me something is so fishy.
      Thanks for the info.

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      Watching Star Trek….BORG comes to mind…..hmm..!!

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      I wonder how a disease so deadly that you have to be tested to know you have it and vaccine so important that you have to be forced to take it

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi KC,

      By submitting this link, I do not know what your opinion is on this controversial issue. But I pretend I can read with some comprehension. So I quote a quote:

      “Lynas added: “The DNA [in DNA vaccines] does not integrate into the cell nucleus so this isn’t genetic modification – if the cells divide they will only include your natural DNA. But this approach is incredibly promising for COVID because it can be scaled up very quickly, and is very versatile – it is easy to synthetically produce DNA sequences that match the required bits of viral genetic code.”

      What I comprehend is that Lynas’s first statement is seemingly contradicted by the second statement.

      Have a good day, Jerry

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    So, he ADMITS it’s mad science, so WHEN is that maniac gonna be ARRESTED??

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    AS to vaccines, if one “refuses”, one will be seen as a recalcitrant “person” (aka legal rep for a corporation having only obligations to perform),
    WHEREAS if one “does not consent” they are or should be seen as man/woman at common law (having rights).


    Civil code of Quebec
    50. Every person has a name which is assigned to him at birth and is stated in his act of birth.
    The name includes the surname and given names.
    1991, c. 64, a. 50.
    51. A child is given, as his mother and father choose, one or more given names and a surname composed of not more than two parts taken from those which compose his parents’ surnames.

    N.B.: Name of a “person/corporation” is PUBLIC and gov. will not do business with/recognise you if you do not provide a copy of the certificate of birth (proof you are using their corporation).

    Name your parents gave you is private. It is nowhere to be found in the guv. registers, so, LITTERALLY, men do not exists in the eyes of gov. except as users/legal representatives of their persons with obligations to perform according to the dictate of their statutes (corporate by-laws)

    If you use their creation, they will impose all their statutes/obligations on you.

    Because of cognitive dissonance, you will have to read this comment up to 5 times in the next few weeks in order to have your mind accepts what is written here.

    There is more, however here is not the proper forum.

    Be happy, it is a choice !


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    Residential drywall contractor


    This is certainly all happening very fast. I hope we can get a handle on this issue and soon. My family is certainly starting to get fatigued from all of this mess.

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    Meriden Carpet Cleaning


    Does Herd immunity still work or is it all up to vaccines now?

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    Eureka Botha


    Hi Mr Bill Gates. Please go and read God YAHWEH in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit who warned us long ago according to Revelation 13 about the mark of the beast the 666. If you do not repent your sins and turn away from your wicket ways you will be thrown in hell with satan to burn for eternity to come. I got a surprise that you cannot take your money to hell as paper will burn up. We as God’s children walk on streets made of gold. You can take our lifes but our soles belong to YESUS. You cannot touch it. I really feel so sorry for you sir. Jesus loves you so much and want to save your sole. He also died for your sins, the choice is actually yours, His a real gentleman and does not force Himself on you. He gives you the choice. Decide for yourself. God bless in Jesus name. Amen and amen!!!

    • Avatar

      Rex Joseph


      May God richly bless you Eureka, For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36) The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (2peter 3:9). Fear is a torment and based on that, bill gates & used Covid-19 to infuse Fear on us all. 2 Timothy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind . My take on this vaccination is ; bill gates family and every other health worker in support of this demonic proposal should be the first and openly vaccinated. For crying loud, the so called covid is not bad as they claimed. I have an uncle who is Asthmatic and 7 colleagues that survived Covid-19. We should rise up and say Hell- No to this demonic proposal.

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    Damian Oyibo


    News Flash, not all of us will use the COViD 19 vaccine. Many of us in the developing world have never trusted you and will never trust you…especially now that you admit what we have always suspected. We have our own effective chemical free organic material which is classified . Good luck with your vaccine

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      Well stated brother. We Africans have our natural remedies whose efficacy is proven for centuries.

      Many have been healed using them even in the diaspora.

      All medication come from African trees, shrubs etc but what has always been done is to extract a component of the healing properties and bulk it up with poisonous stuff to sell back to us.

      Look at malaria …. There is a herb called Artemesia that eradicates the parasite. However one Congolese guy that tried to publish a paper on it was blocked and his funding cut. Anyways he returned home from France and started using it as a tea and had amazing results in school kids.

      Listen to this though….. The big pharma companies decided on a project to get Africans grow the herb at little cost, then
      on harvesting, they shipped it in raw form to manufacture tablets but only incorporating just one property of the herb, then selling the tablets back to Africans.

      Africa has woken up. We say Nooooo to being used as guinea pigs. We shall stick with our herbs of which we have plenty.

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    I will never take nor any of my relatives. This will surely be the beginning of a Third World War.
    It should never be a precondition to impose either to travel or have access to any transaction. We Africans don’t need your vaccines. Come and corrupt our leaders but we are not more ignorant and we are humans like.
    God cover the world with me and my family with your blood of Jesus.
    Shame to the Devil and illuminati , the Holy should burn all of you initiating wicked ideas like this.
    God we beg you to punish them instantly and render all their useless riches to nothing

  • Avatar



    I will never take nor any of my relatives. This will surely be the beginning of a Third World War.
    It should never be a precondition to impose either to travel or have access to any transaction. We Africans don’t need your vaccines. Come and corrupt our leaders but we are not more ignorant and we are humans like.
    God cover the world with me and my family with your blood of Jesus.
    Shame to the Devil and illuminati , the Holy Ghost fire should burn all of you initiating wicked ideas like this.
    God we beg you to punish them instantly and render all their useless riches to nothing

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      Sarah Elaigwu


      AMEN ??

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    When Gates says “instructions in the code” I don’t think he means human code, he means the code which is the RNA in the vaccine.

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    By one way they shall come, by a thousand they shall disperse.

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    James Umezuruike


    The whole World must come out against Bill Gates, who is using all manner of disguise to achieve his obsession on Global Depopulation Agenda and altering the individual genetic make up to produce human Robots that can be manipulated even from a distance without people being aware that they are physically being manipulated thereby losing their free will to decide for themselves. In other words, the ability to think and choose will be lost with the microchip implants in the name of immunisation against COVID-19.

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    Erima Agwuagwu


    The world has been warned thousands of years ago, about what is happening now but it paid no heed. People have abandoned the ways of the Creator who only Him knows tomorrow and got carried away by vane earthly pleasures. This is the beginning of the end! Repent from your sinful ways now that there is time. God is no respecta of any man including Bill Gates and his cohorts. He will destroy all evil doers!!!

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      Very very confusing which way now ? To b or not to b immunised . I take my garlic, ginger., tumeric n lemons in sugarcane juice. Then go down on my knees n play the ALMIGHTY GOD.

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      Rex Joseph


      You are point Erima Agwuagwu. For the wages of sin death….(Romans 6:23) bill gates & his cohorts may have all the riches of this vain world ? . The book Ecclesiastes calls it the vanity of life. “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher;
      “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”

      What profit has a man from all his labor
      In which he toils under the sun?
      (Ecclesiastes 1:2-3)

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    Charles mukonaambi.


    Something has gone Rong to humans people have forgotten that’s all of us were passing away, what some of people think in there mind is just jealous and selfish thinking that are pamanent in this world but let’s them know that what they have like money belongs God, and himself is able to confuse there evils plans but nothing they’ll do African people were protected by God I support those recreat to appose the vaccine Africa oyee

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      Martin Odi


      Whom do we choose to believe and what is the benchmark for measurement of truth since science and religion seem to be at odds; while conspiracy is in the middle? There are billions of innocent people who do not understand the dynamics of what is happening? My huge question is this: has God allowed one man or institution to go a head of him to change the course of human life? Is God still in charge of man’s story or he is tired so that science takes the lead?

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    Kofi Boakye Agyemang


    I don’t trust Bill Gates either

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    Rex Joseph


    May God richly bless you Eureka, For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36) The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (2peter 3:9). Fear is a torment and based on that, bill gates & used Covid-19 to infuse Fear on us all. 2 Timothy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind . My take on this vaccination is ; bill gates family and every other health worker in support of this demonic proposal should be the first and openly vaccinated. For crying loud, the so called covid is not bad as they claimed. I have an uncle who is Asthmatic and 7 colleagues that survived Covid-19. We should rise up and say Hell- No to this demonic proposal.

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