Biden Close To Giving W.H.O. Power Over Every Facet Of Your Life


We want to open this evening with a story you may not have heard, but that you should definitely know about. It begins early last year when Joe Biden, in one of his very first acts as president, brought the United States back into the World Health Organization.

We saw this, and we thought: Why would Biden be so anxious to do something like that? At the time, we assumed it was just part of his larger de-orangification effort. Trump had pulled the U.S. out of the World Health Organization, so Biden had to do the opposite. Childish, but that seemed like a fair explanation.

Still, it did seem a little weird because there aren’t many international bodies that are more thoroughly discredited than the World Health Organization, particularly after COVID. It’s a laughingstock. There’s one thing it’s not good at, it’s public health.

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Since the very first cases of the coronavirus were reported in Wuhan, the W.H.O. slavishly ran interference for the Chinese government and did it in the most cartoonish and obvious way. First, W.H.O. claimed there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus. Remember this? They cited Chinese officials who were obviously lying, and we now know they were lying.

Then, when it became clear the virus probably came out of a Chinese government lab, W.H.O. sabotaged the investigation into the origin of the virus by appointing a gain-of-function researcher to lead the investigative team. Pretty shocking, if you think about it, and to this day, the W.H.O. still has not acknowledged it did any of that, though it definitely did.

Instead, they’ve continued to praise China’s response to COVID as “transparent,” which is the one thing it’s not. It’s almost amusing. But again, it’s weird if you think about it. Why would Joe Biden want to join a group that every informed person laughs at? Well, more than a year later, we think we know the answer. The Biden administration is very close to handing the World Health Organization power over every aspect, the intimate aspects, of your life.

So, imagine the civil liberties abuses that you lived through during the COVID lockdowns, but permanent and administered from a foreign country. Here’s what we’re looking at tonight. This January, the Biden administration submitted a series of proposed amendments to something called the International Health Regulations (the IHR). Now, the Biden administration’s amendments, along with those from several other countries, will be combined to create a new global pandemic treaty. “We need a pandemic treaty.” That treaty is set to be adopted starting this weekend in Geneva at the World Health Assembly.

Now, the full text of the treaty is not yet finished, but a W.H.O. working group has summarized what it’s going to look like. The document begins by promising to restrict the W.H.O’s authority just to pandemics. Calm down, it’s just pandemics: “W.H.O. Secretariat to play the leading, convening and coordinating role in operational aspects of emergency response to a pandemic.” 

So, don’t get paranoid. Someone just needs to coordinate the pandemic response globally because it’s a global problem. Got it? Settle down, conspiracy nut,

But here’s the catch. The World Health Organization gets to define what a pandemic is, when a pandemic is in progress and how long a pandemic lasts. Then you read the fine print and you realize the W.H.O will have total authority over emergency operations in the United States if there’s ever a “public health emergency.” Huh?

What qualifies exactly as a public health emergency? Well, they don’t define that, but they get to. They get to decide what a public health emergency is, and then they have total authority. You can see where this is going. Now, the Biden administration has made certain that unelected bureaucrats, the W.H.O., have total authority to declare and define public health emergencies. They did it explicitly. The White House eliminated a provision that would have required the World Health Organization to “consult with an attempt to obtain verification from the state party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring in.”

So, as originally written, they couldn’t do anything without the permission of their member countries’ governments. But thanks to the change that the Biden administration pushed, effectively there is no limit at all on W.H.O’s power and then it gets worse from there. The treaty also mandates a “whole of government and a whole of society approach to pandemic preparedness.” 

Think about that. Every society is always preparing for a pandemic, and that means there will not be a moment ever when the W.H.O. doesn’t have operational control over so-called public health matters in this country. Now, what’s that going to mean exactly? You’ve already guessed. It’s not really about public health. It never is, but before we tell you what exactly it’s going to mean, you should know that none of this is going to be optional.

Thanks to an amendment from the Biden administration, the treaty contains a provision for a compliance committee. oh, there’s always the stick. It provides that every member country in the W.H.O. must, “inform W.H.O. about the establishment of its national competent authority responsible for overall implementation of the IHR that will be recognized and held accountable.”

Under this treaty, W.H.O. members must enforce orders from the W.H.O. They have to act as the heavies for the W.H.O. and if they don’t, they’ll be sanctioned. The White House is going to be the muscle for the director of the World Health Organization.

So, who is the director of the World Health Organization?  Well, that would be a former member of Ethiopia’s Marxist-Leninist Party called Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He once led the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia. He’s not a physician, but as the head of the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia for political reasons, he covered up three cholera outbreaks, the opposite of what he’s supposed to do. He wrote off cholera as simply acute watery diarrhea. He’s not a doctor, so maybe he didn’t know, but he did know. He did it for political reasons.

Those outbreaks are taking place among disfavored groups. Then, Tedros tried to appoint Robert Mugabe, the racist murderer who ran Zimbabwe into the ground as an international goodwill ambassador for public health. Now, at the time, Zimbabwe was the poorest, most mismanaged, most racist country in the world and yet Tedros thought he should be a goodwill ambassador for public health. These are some of the reasons that Tedros, needless to say, is a close friend of Tony Fauci’s.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI:  So, Tedros is really an outstanding person. I’ve known him from the time that he was the Minister of Health of Ethiopia. I mean, obviously, over the years, anyone who says that the W.H.O. has not had problems has not been watching the W.H.O., but I think under his leadership, they’ve done very well.  

Yeah, they’ve done very well. He’s an outstanding person, that friend of Robert Mugabe’s and because he’s such an outstanding person, we are days away from giving him operational control over our government’s public health system, the one that you pay for and thought you controlled in this democracy.

So, what will this operational control mean? Let’s be specific.

Right off the bat, the treaty demands, “national and global coordinated actions to address the misinformation, disinformation, and stigmatization that undermine public health.” Oh, here we go, right to censorship.

People are criticizing us, and for public health reasons that can’t be allowed. If you criticize us, people will die.

So, you saw yesterday the Biden administration, in the face of universal laughter and derision, had to fire the head of its new Ministry of Truth, but they found another way to do it. “W.H.O. Secretariat to build capacity to deploy proactive countermeasures against misinformation and social media attacks.”

Oh. Are you following this? So, they’re going to get to censor anybody who doesn’t agree with what they do as they control the intimate details of your life and they will control those details. Under this treaty, the World Health Organization will get to establish vaccine passports and regulate travel. World Health Organization will “develop standards for producing a digital version of the International Certificate of vaccination and prophylaxis.”

Okay. So, you may be thinking, “Well, it’s just about COVID and I went along with mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports at the time. How bad could it be?” First of all, if you went along with that, you should be repenting right about now, but it’s not just about COVID, because W.H.O. will be in charge of, “the digitalization of all health forms.” World Health Organization will also “share real-time information about travel measures.”

So, you’re going to find out exactly when you’re allowed to get on a bus or train or airplane or how about your bicycle? Will they regulate that too? Maybe. Now, the World Health Organization has sought this authority for years. Of course, who doesn’t want more power? Here’s Tedros back in April of 2020.

TEDROS: People in countries with stay-at-home orders are understandably frustrated with being confined to their homes for weeks on end, but the world will not and cannot go back to the way things were. There must be a new normal – a world that’s healthier, safer, and better prepared.

Okay. So, there’s a guy with a long and documented history of subverting public health, who is clearly a liar, who is acting as an agent for the Chinese government, and you have to ask yourself, “Did I vote for that guy? Is he one of my elected representatives in this democracy? How did he get power over where I can travel and when?” Good question.

And it’s not just lockdowns that man Tedros would be able to dictate. The World Health Organization would also assume total control over vaccine manufacturing and distribution. We’re not making this up, by the way. According to the document, W.H.O. would create a “truly global end-to-end platform for vaccines, diagnostics, therapeutics, and essential supplies, shifting from a model where innovation is left to the market, to a model aimed at delivering global public goods.” Now, we’re not making it up. That’s a verbatim quote. It actually says that. No more innovation, centralized control.

pfizer covid vaccine vial

According to the treaty, those vaccines and essential medicines—because it gets better on every page—will be distributed not on the basis of need, but on the basis of equity. Equity is quoted, says, “critically important for global health, both as a principle and as an outcome.” That’s what the treaty declares.

Therefore, the World Health Organization will ensure “equitable and effective access to vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and essential supplies and for clinical trials” and that means, again quoting, “health care workers and the most vulnerable will have priority access.” Not the sickest, not the people who need the medicine most, but the most vulnerable in a larger sense. In other words, favored groups get medicine first.

There is no graver violation of medical ethics than this. Every physician, practicing in the United States, promises not to do what you just heard, and it would become mandatory under this treaty. And by the way, the language you just heard, is exactly the justification that officials in several states threw out when they were caught passing out vaccines based on race. This is a power grab. It’s dangerous. It is, by the way, a reward to the very people who screwed up two years of COVID response. Oh, let’s give them more power. This is lunacy. And people who know that it’s happening are upset.

125,000 people in the U.K. have just called for a referendum on this treaty. They signed a petition. In a democracy, that would matter. You get to petition your government, you remember? But the British government doesn’t care what they think and neither does the Biden White House. In this country, there’s been very little pushback because most people have no clue this is happening. We didn’t until a bunch of people bothered us about it. “You should look into it.” We did and were shocked.

We didn’t know because our media isn’t covering this. It’s not on the front page. Why is that? You have to ask yourself.

There is at least one planned legal challenge to this and it comes from Stephen Miller’s group, America First Legal. Here’s what’s at stake, not just your health, but the way that you live and your relationship to the government. Representative government requires your consent. You alone have the right to choose your representatives, your style of government, the laws under which you live. That is called democracy, and this eliminates it.

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Comments (38)

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    Allan Shelton


    Just one more step in the plan for the NWO [New World Order]


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    They really can’t do that. They might try but they can’t. It will have zero legality and will be ignored by anyone with even a tiny brain.


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      Saeed Qureshi


      It is true.
      However, such activities and attempts expose the fakeness of viruses/pandemics story – a desperate attempt to rationalize the fakeness to get bigger authority and larger money and business. But, not much wealth and power left to grab, so collapse is imminent.


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        When one refuses to kill one’s enemies, the enemy will kill you.


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    Heretic Jones


    ‘Biden’, or any other ‘president’, merely executes his instructions.

    Any organization, PSI and RealClimateScience as standout examples, that parrots false narratives such as presidential power or ‘covid’ while carefully avoiding assigning blame to its true source, is controlled opposition.

    In short, anyone who doesn’t name the jew, particularly the murderous Jesuit Order, as the enemy of humanity, has been bought by and works for the jew. Who owns and operates Biden? How many videos of him saying he’s a zionist are out there? Who created and operates the world health organization? Just say it – the jew.

    Who runs international finance? Who owns nearly all media? Who blatantly calls for dissolution of White nations through brown immigration? Who ran the Atlantic slave trade? Who owns the entertainment industry? Who owns the pornography industry? Who pushes pedophelia? It’s the jew. Simply name the jew. If your organization wants any credibility whatsoever, just name the jew.


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      Oh God, not another one who blames everything on the Jews.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Andy:
        And be careful about tarring everyone that mentions the Zionists with the same brush. I have always been careful to emphasize that the great majority of Jews have nothing to do with the International conspiracy that is best identified as the Zionists due to their origins and they’re uniform policy goals today. You are well aware of this. Heretic Jones is actually playing into the hands of these conspirators who desire to not only cower all opposition by the constant use of the “anti semitism” tactic as well as “white privilege” and “hate crimes” but also need people on the far right to spew invectives against all Jews. Just as they must have a puppet actor like Trump on the fake right and another puppet actor like a Biden on the left so the public never figure out that the same bunch controls both.


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          You are spot on! Good job


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    Mark Tapley


    This proposed WHO treaty is nothing but the next step in a long term power grab using fake virus as a medical facade to immerse the world’s population into the WEF’s (founded by Zionist front man and CFR Trilateralist Kissinger) fourth industrial revolution which is a euphemism for the U.N. Agenda 2030-21.

    The federal government has no authority under the U.S. constitution in regard to medical matters. This is another brazen usurpation of power that began with the promotion of the germ theory of allopathic medicine and the implementation of the fraudulent “vaccine” industry. The theory (has not been proven in 150 years) of pathogenic transmission and externally caused disease has not only fueled the massive drug industry which has developed 250,000 drugs (none of which cure anything) and laid a gold carpet of trillions of dollars for the insiders but is now reaching the apex of it’s original mission of totalitarian control in the name of health. This dystopian control scheme whitewashed in the name of public health must be rejected. Our shabbas butt goy senate of Zionist whores will pass the illegal treaty (the Constitution is the supreme document over any treaty) unless the voters make it clear that they will not be re elected. That may not even be enough however since almost all of them are independently wealthy and of course those in the Zionist club will be taken care of in any case and their position in the fake senate is basically a sinecure for life used to rake in extravagant payoffs from private donors and foreign governments such as the Biden criminal family with payoffs from China and the “aid to Ukraine.”


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      You criticise me for pointing out another Jew-hater, then what is your very nect comment? Filled with anti-Jew rhetoric.


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        Mark Tapley


        There is no anti-Jew rhetoric anywhere the above comment. The Zionist movement includes many ethnic groups. The phrase Zionism originated with rabbi Moses Hess and was first identified With Jewish leaders (not the Jewish people) and their quest to gain the bridgehead of Palestine as proclaimed by Herzl at the first Zionist Convention. This is all well documented. They had to have full support by the Anglo Zionists just as they must have today. Kissinger is the founder of the WEF as I stated. That is also documented. These are the facts that are beyond dispute wether you like it or not. If we are to have any hope of defeating this syndicate of highly placed international criminals, we must use real terms that accurately identify the elite’s involved. Using ambiguous terms and generalities will only provide more cover for their surreptitious activities while they posture as the benefactors of the world. This global network of evil has now for well over a hundred years left no stone unturned to foment war, hatred, predatory finance, fake viruses and phony climate change along with every other lie and fraud possible. Exposure is the only thing that can stop them.


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          Again I must reply, you are exactly correct historically, factually, all of the above.
          Really appreciate your intelligent input, seems so rare these days! Keep up the good work brother


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            Mark Tapley


            Thanks Bob:
            Most of the herd does not realize that the Zionist syndicate of elite criminals and their political puppet operatives are now very close the accomplishing their long term goal of destroying all the countries and replacing them with the Neo feudal tyranny of Agenda 2030-21. It seems this should be self evident to everyone after the centralized and highly coordinated fake virus medical control initiative under which trillions of dollars more has been dumped by the banking cartel on their criminal friends at Black Rock. There is no question that over 90% of the sheep will never do anything as long as they get one meal per day. Only after they are installed in the urban high rise rat hole of austerity and deprivation mandated by the high tech despotism of Kissinger’s 4th industrial revolution in exactly the same model of Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) revolution of 1917 will they wake up.

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        Not really. It’s just the truth. Question is, why can’t you see it? Since when is the truth considered anti-jew rhetoric? Truth is truth.


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      Again you are absolutely spot on, very accurately and intelligently stated.
      I happen to be Jewish, but I clearly see how many evil Jews run our government and Congress, and have been at the forefront of destructive movements, like Saul alinsky as an example, there are many many more.
      That said they’re obviously are many many amazing Jews who have contributed greatly to our world.
      The same holds true with blacks whites Irish etc etc.


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    Note participating in the WHO farce. The dummy can go to the devil.


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    Not participating in the WHO farce. The dummy can go to the devil.


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    Zionist, Jew, Synagogue of Satan, Follower of the 24 Protocols of Zion, Satanist, these are all terms that can be confusing. It’s too bad that so many folks have been duped by this cabal of liars and murderers. There is no doubt that this tribe owns and controls all media, all governments, all medicine, vice, drugs, alcohol, banking, finance, porn, politics, governments, advertising, art, music, EVERYTHING.
    And that is why the simple minded cannot see it. They are too caught up in Political Correctness and Popular Culture (also owned and controlled by this demonic cabal)to see what is right in front of them. That this group of Satanic criminals works endlessly 24/7 along with their father, Satan, to completely subvert everything decent in this world and turn it upside down. It’s what Satan does. And he uses his Jewbag minions to make this world a hell. Some of their hiding in plain site organizations and sell out scumbags include: The WHO, BIS, World Bank, Federal Reserve, CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, Builderberg group, WEF, Southern Poverty Law Center, Masons, The UN, Red Cross, all governments, all politicians, The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Schiffs, Warbergs, any talking head on TV, any Billionaire, most multi-millionaires, and so many more.
    If you think I am wrong do some research beyond the owned stage of this satanic cult and see for yourself. Read all 24 Protocols of Zion and compare their plan written over 100 years ago to how the world operates today. Look at how the world’s “leaders” fell into lockstep to support the fraud of Covid, look at they all fell into lockstep to support Ukraine. Hell, even a caveman knows that the International Jew is the world’s foremost problem.


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      I think you are exactly correct, I could not agree with you more. I am a Jew and I am a patriot a hard-working decent human being. I despise evil of all kinds.
      Though the Jewish influence, I prefer to call them” Jinos”, (Jews in name only), is without question gigantic in the evil organizations they have created, it’s critically important to accept the fact that evil doesn’t just come from Jews in name only, evil diabolical humans have existed in every Walk of Life, every race, religion color ,since the beginning of time.
      There is always been evil and there will always be evil people and organizations. It is our job to determine what is evil and what is not evil and take appropriate actions, for example if big pharma is evil and generally it is, it is our responsibility to do the research and do not take vaccines or dangerous medicines.
      It is our job to pull our children out of evil public education.
      The responsibility for our lives lie with us not the evil doers out there, whether they be Jewish or non-jewish.


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    Russ D


    Whatever the Democrat Party was in the past is moot – the Democrat party IS NOW the Party of Abortion Industry Workers, Anti-American Radicals, Anti-Semites, Child Molesters, Common Criminals, Drug Addicts, Drug Dealers, Gang Members, Human Traffickers, Illegal Aliens, Leftist Radicals, Mentally Ill, Muslims, NAMBLA members, Organized Crime Members, Parolees, Pedophiles, Pimps, Planned Parenthood workers, Prisoners, Race Hustlers, Radical Muslims, Sex Sellers, Sex Workers.


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      How is the other party different?


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Russ D:
    The fake Democrats and fake Republicans are two sides of the same coin. They are both controlled by the Zionist syndicate. They both put on a stage act of phony antipathy towards each other but this is just a circus act to fool the goyim. Do you not remember the fake impeachment of Trump led by shabbas butt goy Pelosi (she even states that her father was. shabbas goy-will link video) that was barely cobbled together. What about the fake election and the transparently ridiculous capitol riot where some of the same CIA run crisis actors from the “ANTIFA-BLM-Proud Boys” staged riots were brought in. Not moving fast enough, the capitol police had to open the main gate and wave them in.

    It is the same in all the other Zionist controlled countries. Why do you think none of these puppet actors stated that there is no virus but all acted in unison all over the world to implement the fake virus medical fear and control plan? How many of them expose the phony climate change as being a complete fabrication or the contrived fake conflict in Ukraine? None of them because they are all playing their rolls in a staged act for the public. And this is not a recent development. Jewmerica has been run this way since the Wall Street Zionists working both sides of the political isle placed the syphilitic invalid Woodrow Wilson in his fake office in 1910 with live in handler and Rothschild employee Col. House. assisted by Zionist Jew kingpin Bernard Baruch (also handler for FDR and his other 51 Jew advisors) and future FED chairman and father of longtime Washington Post Editor Katherine Graham, Eugene Meyer.

    A quick look at British politics reveals the same thing going back a lot farther as both sides of the ruling aristocracy just swapped chairs often with their own relatives as when they fabricated a program of lies in order to rally the British public into attacking the Boers (250,000 British only gaining victory over 50,000 Boers) by rounding up women and children and starving them to death in concentration camps) so Rothschild agent Rhodes could consolidate control over S.A.. With that mission accomplished, upon the death of Victoria (she would never consent to war on her nephew the Kaiser) it was time to implement WW1 to establish the eastern kingdom (Bolshevik Jews), knock Germany down, overthrow the monarchies, and establish the Bridgehead in Palestine as outlined by Rothschild front man Herzl in 1897. None of this could commence without massive assistance from Jewmerica. That is why the defacto President Bernard Baruch headed the most powerful agency in the U.S., the War Industries Board where he could direct the huge military assistance packages through Rothschild employee J,P. Morgan to all their buddies. 21,000 millionaires and billionaires (including the criminal Bush family brought on board by Percy Rockefeller) were generated by WW1 in the U.S. as the whole contrived episode caused millions of deaths including 750,000 British boys and 120,000 American in what for the U.S. was only about six weeks of actual fighting against the much superior German army. This is the way the system works today as the syndicate now has their long term goal of a one world global tyranny in sight,


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    “…if you really are serious when you talk of Jewish plots, may I not direct your attention to one worth talking about?… You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great War but of nearly all your Wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it…” -Marcus Eli Ravage ​​ Jewish Writer and Rothschild Biographer, The Century Magazine, A Real Case Against the Jews, 1928 p.347


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    Jews Must Live and Now and Forever by Samuel Roth.
    “The next time you read about a particularly bloody pogrom and pause to wonder how Christians, dedicated to a religion of mercy, can exercise so much brutality against the Jews, remember that the Jew wheedles all the mercy out of his neighbors in the ordinary course of business. He lies and cheats until he is caught. When caught, instead of accepting punishment, he moans and tears his hair, invokes the sores of ancestors in their graves and living relations at the point of death in hospitals, until the wronged gentile, nauseated, lets him go. Then, thumbing his nose at the gentile behind his back, the Jew goes about his business the same way, lying and cheating now doubly to make up for lost time. A pogrom is usually the climax of years of such relentless goading. Do you wonder that when the final reckoning comes the gentile is absolutely merciless?


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      I am a Jew and I agree with many things you say. But when you look at evil behavior you must look historically at all evil behavior, not just Jewish evil behavior.
      The Catholic Church by and large has been an evil child molesting institution, pol pot evil, Genghis Khan evil, mayor rouge, evil, Jim Jones, evil,
      Nancy pelosi, evil. Adam kinzinger, evil, Adolf Hitler ,evil. George Bush Senior and Junior,
      None of these people are organizations are Jewish, look at the whole big picture, not just a myopic narrow view of History. You are absolutely correct, but you are extremely short sighted and very blind, you are operating on your own narrative and agenda, and that’s really extremely inadequate


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Bob:
        It is true that there have always been those that rather than compete in the open market have been able to harness the power of the government to make society work for them. This activity is not restricted to any one group. We see the same thing all the way back to the Pharoes and Hammurabi. The difference is that never before has one group of criminals succeeded in achieving what in effect is now almost global control of all the countries of any consequence. Although there are many diverse ethnic groups in this network Jewish lineage is connected to many of them from way back throughout the European monarchies that today have been “democratized.” we see a convergence of these groups beginning with the French Revolution through the high levels of the masonic loges and then the codification of their agenda with Rabbi Moses Hess in the mid 1800’s with Reform Judaism known as Zionism. This was originally expounded as a nationalist philosophy (the homeland) which was actually just a cover for the aggressive acquisition of the world’s most strategic bridgehead of Palestine. This agenda involving the Boer Wars, WW1, the eastern Kingdom of Russia, and the coming of their operative Hitler was all proposed by Rothschilds front man Herzl in 1898.

        The Catholic church founded over 200 years after the founding of the 1st century Church on the Day of Pentecost was an apostasy of the gospel as taught in the New Testament. This centralized group of false teachers were quickly subverted even farther. The Jesuits were crypto Jews as were several of the popes including the Medic banking family. Nancy Pelosi is a typical puppet politician who even admits her father was a “shabbas goy.” I will link video. The Bush family (scion Samual Bush) are of Jewish lineage and got their start when Samual (contracted for Harriman Railroad, Rothschild subsidiary) was brought onto Big Jew Bernard Baruch’s “War Industries Board” by Percy Rockefeller. Samuels son Prescott married Harriman banker Burt Walker’s daughter Dorthy. Most of the money that funds both fake political parties in the U.S. comes from the Zionist Jew network which operates a segment to fund the right wing and one to fund the left wing. Not hardly one congressman or senator will go against aIAPC or the over a hundred other prominent Zionist Jew organizations. Unknown to most people because they get zero coverage in the Jew MSM, their are many orthodox Jews that oppose Reform Judaism and Zionism.


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          Your detailed knowledge and accurate knowledge of History is very impressive!
          I lived in Israel for 2 years back in the seventies, there has always been major division and conflict between the Orthodox Hasidic Jews and the reformed Jews. The Orthodox Jews are very smart because they hold strict adherence to Jewish law thus keeping their culture together. Most I’d say 90% of reformed use both in Israel and in America are obviously very liberal, no longer old liberal or classic liberal , but rather neo progressive liberal, which equals communism. Which equates to death.
          Communism is anti-god, so any Jew that is for communism is not for God and it’s not a real Jew.
          The kazirian mafia, false Jews, have been wreaking havoc for a long long time.
          I could list off hundreds and hundreds of so-called Jewish politicians congressman and businessman that are the most despicable evil creeps on the planet, they make my skin crawl. Most of them very well off and very educated, but unfortunately very very evil.
          Anyway it’s been a pleasure engaging with you you are very intelligent and really have a grasp of what’s been going on and what’s going on now, be safe and be well


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Bob: Thanks for your reply, as it is especially relevant from someone of the Orthodox culture and familiar with both sides of the Jewish issue. Most people look at the Balfour treaty of 1917 as the initial phase of the Zionist occupation of Palestine. However this began all the way back to at least the mid 1800’s as the Rothschilds attempted to buy property in the area. It was reported that they did in fact purchase the city of Jerusalem. In any case, realizing this tactic was doomed to fail they instituted the Young Turk Mov. in the Ottoman Empire led by Jabotinsky, Carruso, Kemal and other crypto Jews. Part of the plan involved the Rothschilds grabbing control of the Baku Oil fields which necessitated the Armenian genocide of ap. 2 million beginning in 1895 and also the destruction of the beautiful city of Smyrna.

        This was the beginning of the invasion, occupation, murder and displacement of the real owners of Palestine secured by the British military as agreed on between then British P.M. Balfour and Zionist leader Chiam Weizmann in 1907.


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    “Thus we find every tyrant backed by a Jew, as is every Pope by a Jesuit. In truth, the cravings of oppressors would be hopeless, and the practicability of war out of the question, if there were not an army of Jesuits to smother thought and a handful of Jews to ransack pockets. … The fact that 1,855 years ago Christ drove the Jewish money-changers out of the temple, and that the money-changers of our age, enlisted on the side of tyranny, happen again to be Jews is perhaps no more than a historic coincidence.” Karl Marx, “The Russian Loan,” 1856


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Harry 88:
      Everyone on the Jew MSM is an operative – or they wouldn’t be there. Just like our fake congress, there has to be “journalists” fronting for the fake right so that while bitching about the government in general, the real agenda and the Zionist perpetrators are ignored as the goyim are led further into the depths of socialism.


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    Ellie Mae


    Obama and Tedros are close. Obama was instrumental in Tedros gaining his position. They met in 2014. These people are sick.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi PSI Readers and Commenters,

      One time before I called attention to the book, ‘The Prince’ by Niccolo Machiavelli which was translated to English in 1961 by George Bull, without generating one comment (to my knowledge).

      I ask you historical experts: Was Machiavelli a Zionist Jew, or was he even a Jew? Yes, you need to first read ‘The Prince’ in the translated English language or in whatever language it was originally written, to first learn what Machiavelli wrote in order to write an informed comment about my questions.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi PSI Readers,

        Again I referred to THE PRINCE by Niccolo Machiavelli without generating a comment. After writing my second comment I did a little more literature research and discovered that Machiavelli wrote the book well BEFORE HE DIED: however it was not published until well after he died.

        On the back cover I read: “One must be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten off wolves. The Prince shocked Europe on publication with its advocacy of ruthless tactics for gaining absolute power and its abandonment of conventional morality. Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) came to regarded by some an agent of the Devil.” (Penguin Classics)

        Have a good day, Jerry


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      Mark Tapley


      Hi Ellie Mae:
      Both of them are puppet actors for the Zionist syndicate. Tedros is WHO boss Gates negro Picayune for fake virus “pandemics.” Obama’s real father is communist (Zionist) agitator Frank Marshall Davis, see “Dreams of My Real Father” by Joel Gilbert. He started out as a community activist “poverty pimp” in Chicago before being moved up by the Zionist Jew Pritzker’s (Bazalon and Pritzker ran the Alien Property Commission that stole millions from American Japanese during the shabbas butt goy Truman ad.) and socialist Thomas Ayers, CEO of Commonwealth Edison.


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    Like the UN and other UN agencies, the WHO is simply an advisory body and has no authority to make political decisions for any country. Yet this pandemic treaty is going to allow the WHO the power to make what should always be political decisions made by national governments un accordance with democratic principles.

    The UN and Klaus Schwab of the World;d Economic Forum will be celebrating this international pandemic treaty as a first step to one world government in their new world order. I say shame on all the weak western leaders who have committed to this treaty, effectively ceding their healthy sovereignty to he UN.


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    John O'Sullivan


    Simplistically blaming all Jews for society’s ills is a dumb as blaming all Brits for colonialism and slavery.


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      Mark Tapley


      I cannot speak for others but I have always been careful to state on PSI that the vast majority of Jews are victims of what is commonly referred to as the Zionist network just as everyone else. I refer you to my comments to Bob on this article. There are many elites from various ethnic groups involved in the global conspiracy to destroy national sovereignty and impose global tyranny. The term Zionist remains a relevant term because this group was organized within the framework of what was then (1800’s) the facade of nationalist Zionism first promoted by Rabbi Moses Hess and launched as foretold by Herzl at the first Zionist convention in 1897. This program was agreed upon by then P.M. Balfour and Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann in1907 after securing S.A. and as preparations continued by the Anglo Zionists to instigate WW1, the most defining event of the 20th century.


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