Beware the Coming Fourth Industrial Revolution

Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming – universal automation, universal biological microchip implants, 5G, unbridled robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, The Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing and autonomous vehicles.

Will you get lost in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Most people don’t even know what that is, but it’s happening all around us right now.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is the fourth major industrial era since the initial Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres, collectively referred to as cyber-physical systems. It is marked by emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the Internet of Things, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), fifth-generation wireless technologies (5G), additive manufacturing/3D printing and fully autonomous vehicles.

Below a video that will open your eyes to what could prove the be a terrible misstep in our rush to embrace unlimited technology – for better or worse.

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    Alan Stewart


    In 1961 Newton Minow, chariman of the FCC made a famous, ‘Vast Wasteland’ speech and link is at bottom. What he did not say or possibly envision was McLuhan’s Medium/Message opine. In either event both excluded the names George Orwell and Josef Goebbels. The thrust, basis of 4IR is driven by the Message motivated only to acquire power over minds.

    The Internet is the new Wasteland. I exorcised both television and social media from my life long ago. All I found was viscous stupidity, more lies than truth. In my little way I am trying to fight back and the future wellbeing of your children rests with you NOW.

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    Humans can not manufacture Energy, despite the sun shines everyday, wind blows, rivers flow and humans think they ‘split’ and ‘fuse’ atoms.

    Energy always and only comes flowing from the past into the future.

    This means the total solar energy required to grow trees cut to forge an axe and cut more trees to construct a waterwheel – will be several orders of magnitude greater than the sum useful energy the wheel will ever produce before wear and tear force it to disintegrate.

    This is a universal across all energy-producing devices: waterwheel, the sun, nuclear, fusion, solar, wind, hydro, IoT, AI, quantum computers, space travel and colonisation, 5G, 3D printing – and you name it.

    “No device can produce sum useful energy in excess of the total energy put into constructing it” (The Fifth Law).

    No 4IR is coming, due to the severe depletion of fossil fuels reserves worldwide. Actually, the only thing is coming is humans to default back to charcoal-powered steam engines.

    Some think even humans must be back again to war and slavery, too!

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    Marcy Casterline O'Rourke


    Sorry, 2 minutes of this was enough. No, I remember coffee shops without “robots in my pocket”, and if alone, I read a paper newspaper. If with family or friends, it was pretty much as it is today. But, I also remember having to know the exact geography of the city so I could find a convenient public phone to check in hourly with my agent for new appointments, messages or last minute jobs. Yeah, the unimaginable convenience of having communication in your pocket, while driving down lonely roads, or buzzing around the city on business verges on miraculous. Don’t let the fools get your knickers in knot. Sure, you check your phone. I had a bag a dimes for the pay phone that I jingled reassuringly in my pocket, so what?

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    Alan Stewart


    LOL, DIMES!! We are of similar ages and I remember but I also remember a somewhat ‘gentler’ time. If you are American I wish you the best for Thanksgiving and pray you stay away from Politics and Climate Change if you catch my drift about gentle.

    The irony of John’s article is that it is a parallel to Climate Change. The oddity of the human psyche is that change is so often viewed negatively. I suppose, simply, we fear the unknown and equally the effort to adapt. For better or worse as said above confronts us as the only constant is change.
    Okay, a bit of humor. Somewhat apropos was within Ernest K. Gann’s semi-novel, ‘Fate is the Hunter.’ I was about the dangers of 1930s airline travel. The pilots used to quip together regularly: ‘ I told Wilbur and I told Orville. The thing will never get of the ground.’

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