BBC Slates Successful Laid Back CV19 Lockdown of the Dutch
While the Netherlands asked people to stay home and follow social distancing advice it did not impose the kind of strict lockdown (and brutal new laws*) imposed in the UK and other European countries. This laid back approach has ruffled fascist feathers at Auntie BBC.
The very sensible Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte ( see above) pursued the herd immunity gambit. However, UK Prime Minister, Borish Johnson chose to quarantine his citizens with threats to confiscate and/or destroy their property and hold without trial. [1]
Pleased with Johnson’s gestapo tactics the BBC chirped in pontificating with its own unique brand of authoritarianism and scolded the UK’s close European neighbor with this piece (April 5, 2020) titled’ Coronavirus: Why Dutch lockdown may be a high-risk strategy.’
The BBC tries discrediting the approach by the government of the Netherlands, which chose a well-measured lockdown, contrasted by the more swinging lockdown (plus harsh penalties) adopted by the British government.
“The Netherlands has tried to adopt an “intelligent lockdown”, but the infection is spreading rapidly and it has one of the world’s highest mortality rates from the pandemic.”
As shown below, what can be shown – at this the time of writing – Johnson’s much less intelligent lockdown was already producing in the UK a much larger daily fatality rate than data has shown in the Netherlands.
The UK government ministers have said they would be ‘led by the science.‘ To be fair, they didn’t say it would be the best science, though.
In the few weeks since publication of the BBC ‘hit piece’ we have seen how progress of the epidemic has further increased the trend of failure, as shown below in these numbers:
the peak daily fatality rate has been less than 9 per million in the Netherlands
the peak daily fatality rate has been 13 per million in the UK
The Netherlands simply asked people to stay home as much as possible and follow social distancing advice while outside.
UK PM Boris Johnson, by contrast, has forbidden people from being outside their homes beyond one hour for exercise and ‘essential’ reasons e.g. food shopping. This unprecedented curtailment of freedom rendered without full parliamentary scrutiny and now has imposed a new law which indefinitely takes away important, long-held personal freedoms.
Being caught outside simply sitting in the sun, just chatting peacefully in a group of three or more people renders the poor Brits liable to fines and arrest for breaking the new law which came into force on April 27, 2020.
Civil rights lawyers and activists (and some Labour MP’s) who studied the new UK laws are up in arms. Over at they report:
“After 11am on Wednesday 22 April, Current Reg 6(1), amended by Amending Reg 2(4)(a), now reads:
Restrictions on movement
6. (1) During the emergency period, no person may leave or be outside of the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.
With no Parliamentary scrutiny, the Amending Regulations have created a new offence. Even if you had a perfectly good excuse to leave the house in the first place, staying outside once that excuse has ‘expired’ is now against the law.”
As a handy guide, whatever the BBC and politicians ‘led by the science’ are promoting, consider the opposite as a more sensible alternative.
See the graph below for evidence that bad law has been based on bad science:
[1] STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 2020 No. 447 PUBLIC HEALTH, ENGLAND The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
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Brian James
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Apr 30, 2020 Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic
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Consider that throughout man’s written history the major way of protecting the majority of people was to isolate the seriously sick. If they were treated it was in isolation and either they recovered or died.
Plagues and mass illnesses came and went, and by the by, this method became the convention — isolate the seriously sick and their contacts but everyone else carry on with normal business.
From the black-death to leprosy the obviously sick and their immediate contacts were isolated away from the general population. Sometimes whole villages, town or cities were isolated. This was so even up to very recent times (ebola isolation?).
Today with modern science and medicine we now isolate everyone regardless of how vulnerable to the worse effects this current pandemic can offer any individual.
That progress I suppose.
Stay fit and well everyone, keep-up your vitamin C and vitamin D levels.
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Also of note is the BBC does not report news. They offer instead emotional opinion pieces from avowedly socialist/Marxist journalists, so remember .
They are the wannabe providers of Big Brother’s messages.
Finn McCool
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You mean the English Broadcasting Corporation. It is certainly not British.
Socialist/Marxist my arse. It has been the mouthpiece of Westminster since it received its charter and if you think the British Establishment is Socialist you must have sailed up the Clyde on a banana boat.
The only non MP with a seat at both the Lords and the Commons is the Remembrancer. His job is to represent the City of London. That good egg whose job it is to “oppose every bill which would interfere with the rights and privileges enjoyed by the Corporation”. {Treasure Islands by Nicholas Shaxson}
History and politics don’t seem to be your strong points.
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Finn McCool,
“Socialist/Marxist my arse.”
I KNOW from experience with them that much of the management ARE Fabians/socialist/communist, much of production staff are socialist with many being ‘card carrying’ communists, and that the BBC is a unionized closed shop in all but name.
Andy Rowlands
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I think you are pretty spot on with this Tom. The BBC is totally left-wing, even extreme left. They have allied themselves with the climate alarmists and those seeking to impose Socialism / Fascism / Communism on the UK.
Finn McCool
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Nothing like covering all bases there, Andy.
Maybe you missed:
Schism (must be the shortest ‘ism’)
My favourite:
All we are saying
Is give peace a chance.
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Jism. (gism)
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And the longest; antidisestablishmentarianism.
The movement of being against those wishing to break down the establishment which in it’s original genesis of this word the establishment was the church of England.
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I remember that initially Boris Johnson was going to take the herd immunity strategy. But then he changed his mind and maybe overcompensated by the lock inside. I wonder what or who made him change his mind?
Finn McCool
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Neil Ferguson – Imperial College London
Andy Rowlands
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Ferguson is the plank who predicted thousands of deaths from the last Foot & Mouth outbreak, and from CJD, neither of which happened. He also said we would have a quarter of a million deaths from Covid.
Finn McCool
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‘Plank’ is being kind to this feckwit.
His ase is insanely jealous of his mouth given the amount of shte he has talked.
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hmmm,195 countries with Corona- 92% of deaths were in 11, mainly, 1st world countries. 40 countries have had no deaths. There must be something wrong with the health system in first world countries. Or not specifying died “with” or ‘of’ on the death certificate played its part.
Politics at play- YES.
Alan Stewart
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U.K. pop. ~66,000,000 and NETH. ~ 17,000,000 Deaths ~ 27,000 and 5,000. 0 .0409% and 0.0294% about 25% LESS. Logic vs Emotion numerically.
Brian James
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Apr 24, 2020 Sweden, 5 U.S. states to have ‘herd immunity’ to COVID-19
Ruling Republicans in five U.S. states are keeping their economies open as part of their coronavirus response similar to that in Sweden. According to Swedish scientists, there are unexpected benefits of such relaxed policies.
Apr 25, 2020 7 Studies IMPLODE Covid-19 Fear Agenda! Here’s The Sigh Of Relief You’ve Been Waiting For!