BBC Allows Alarmist Professor To Misinform The Public
As part of their wall to wall propaganda fest during the Bonn climate summit, the BBC Today programme wheeled on Prof Joanna Haigh of the Grantham Institute on Saturday. (30 mins in)
She followed Myron Ebell, who had claimed that the small amount of warming seen in recent years was much less than had been predicted. In reply, Haigh made this statement, which naturally went entirely unchallenged by the BBC interviewer:
If you look at the predictions that have been made by computer models, they are bang on actually.
Either she is grossly incompetent or dishonest.
As Dr John Christy’s testimony to Congress in March 2017 showed, all models bar one have hopelessly overestimated warming.
She then proceeded to make another comment:
In terms of energy supplies, the cost of renewable energy is just plummeting, much faster then anybody predicted.
Again, the BBC interviewer failed to challenge this.
In reality, costs are only one small piece of the jigsaw. The simple fact is that renewable energy cannot provide the reliable power needed to run modern economies.
The new Global Carbon Project report makes this abundantly clear:
While the report states that renewables have increased by a rapid 14 percent each year, with a record installation of 161 gigawatts of renewable generating capacity in 2016, this is from a very small base and makes little difference to overall global emissions. For China, the largest emitter, the researchers state: “Solar, wind and nuclear growth is not nearly sufficient to make up for the combination of higher energy demand and lower hydro output.”
According to the 2017 BP Statistical Review of World Energy, renewables still only account of 3.2% of global primary energy, barely changed at all from the previous year. Renewable energy’s massive growth added 55 mtoe (million tonnes of oil equivalent) to global primary energy, but oil consumption grew by 75 mtoe and natural gas by 57 mtoe. Between 2000 and 2016, 80% of the increased global primary energy supply has come from fossil fuels. Oil consumption has now hit 97 million barrels per day, and is expected to cross the 100 millon barrels per day threshold in a few years.
There is however one other consideration. Even if wind and solar were super cheap, there is no economic advantage in shutting down trillions of dollars worth of existing fossil fuel capacity, in order to be spend trillions more on renewables. That would be the economics of the madhouse!
Haigh was clearly brought on to rubbish Myron Ebell’s short comment, a fact that once more illustrates how blatantly biased the BBC are in these matters. Why don’t they ever allow a sceptic the chance to question statements made by the likes of Haigh?
After all, it is too much to expect the BBC interviewers to do that job themselves.
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