Baby of ‘fully vaxxed’ mom dies after born bleeding from mouth, nose

A baby whose mother received two COVID vaccine shots during her last trimester of pregnancy was born bleeding from his mouth and nose, and died the day after his birth, according to a recent report to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System from a foreign “regulatory authority.”

The baby boy was born on the morning of October 6, 2021, after his mother received two experimental mRNA Moderna shots on July 19 and August 13. He was expected on October 15 but was delivered weighing 2,800 grams (just over six pounds, two ounces) in hospital after a labor marked by unstable fetal heartbeat.

“The doctor said that after the patient was born, there was a cry. When the umbilical cord was cut for newborn care, the nursing staff found that the patient had symptoms of oral and nose bleeding, and immediately asked the pediatrician to intubate and give him oxygen, and he was admitted to the NICU,” according to the report received by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) November 18 from an unidentified foreign health agency. “In the NICU, his result of examination showed abnormal blood coagulation, pulmonary hemorrhage [acute bleeding from the lungs], and cardiac dysfunction.”

According to the VAERS report (No. 1879991) on the death following “transplacental exposure” to the mRNA vaccine, it was unknown if an autopsy was performed and no cause of death was reported, but the infant’s father suspected it was related to the vaccine.

The infant death is one of 52 reported deaths among 30,550 adverse events recorded by VAERS for children under 17 years old as of December 3.

Among the other reports:

  • Another nursing newborn, who was pending discharge from hospital, suddenly developed problems after his mother received a second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on September 9. Within 24 hours, the baby experienced a significant drop in heart rate, low oxygen in the blood causing him to turn blue, and he developed difficulties sucking and swallowing. An ultrasound of his head revealed brain blood clots that “were not present prior to vaccination,” according to the VAERS report, which concludes that baby was transferred to higher level of care for neurological evaluation.
  • A report on a five-year-old girl in Iowa who had underlying health conditions but was doing well is among those recently added to VAERS. She was injected with Pfizer’s vaccine November 18 and was monitored in hospital. She was discharged from hospital a day later, but her father found her pulseless and not breathing. She had died unexpectedly during the night, three days after the shot.
  • An 11-year-old girl from the state of Georgia died the same day that she was vaccinated with Pfizer’s vaccine meant for children over the age of 12. No cause was stated in the VAERS report.
  • An eight-year-old boy from Wyoming who was “totally healthy and active” prior to receiving a first dose of Pfizer’s COVID pediatric shot was hospitalized in an Intensive Care Unit with myocarditis, an inflammatory life-threatening heart condition, two days later in November.
  • A previously healthy10-year-old girl in Oregon developed chest pain and had difficulty breathing and was hospitalized for myocarditis four days after getting Pfizer’s shot, even though she had already had COVID a year earlier.
  • In September, a 14-year-old from North Carolina received a first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine and the following day was drooling, could only mumble when speaking and was in an “altered state” at his school, when an ambulance was called and he was taken to hospital where he was diagnosed with a stroke and had surgery to remove clot from his brain.
  • A 13-year-old from Maryland suffered a fatal heart attack 15 days after receiving a Pfizer shot.
  • A nine-year-old girl in Southern California had a seizure lasting 30 seconds about a minute after receiving her first dose of COVID vaccine in November.
  • A 16-year-old Wisconsin girl with cancer whose death report was received by VAERS in November was found deceased in her bed the third morning after her shot in September with “excessive amounts of blood along with large blood clots that appear to have come vaginally.” No autopsy was ordered, according to the report.

Toddler death scrubbed from data

Other recent reports to VAERS include the death of a two-year-old Alaska boy following COVID vaccination. The report of his death briefly appeared in reports posted on VAERS. The record said the boy “began bleeding out the mouth, eyes, nose and ears within six hours of the shot” and died the same evening.

The report appeared briefly on the VAERS website on Thanksgiving Monday in a batch of 14,529 records which were downloaded, according to a VAERS analysis website run by an anonymous data tracker. The retracted reports were then reloaded onto the website on December 3, but the record of the two-year-old’s death was not among them.

While no COVID vaccine has been authorized for children as young as two, numerous reports of accidental vaccinations of children with adult doses, or children who mistakenly received COVID shots instead of other vaccines for their age group are recorded.

A four- and five-year-old brother and sister both received adult-dose COVID vaccines instead of flu shots from a Walgreens pharmacy and developed heart complications afterwards, for example.

The Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s abortion-tainted COVID vaccine for children aged five to 11 on October 29, 2021 so more data on that age bracket can be expected to be recorded to VAERS in the coming months, especially as mandates are introduced.

The vaccine is experimental and uses a novel gene therapy that hijacks cellular machinery to manufacture spike protein which the body is meant to manufacture antibodies against.

LifeSite asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to confirm the case and why it was removed from the database, but the agency’s media group did not respond to the questions.

In Canada, when Independent Member of Provincial Parliament Rick Nicholls asked Ontario Minister of Health Christine Elliot about the reported rise in stillbirths among vaccinated mothers in the province this week, the government ignored his questions and refused to answer.

Bleeding disorders

Bleeding disorders are described in thousands of VAERS reports including 2,177 records of deaths following COVID vaccination. Many of these reports include descriptions of patients experiencing nosebleeds, blood in stool from gastric bleeds, brain bleeds, bruising, and bleeding from the mouth.

One VAERS report describes a five-month-old breastfeeding baby who died from a rare autoimmune bleeding disorder, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) after developing a rash the day following his mother received a COVID vaccine.

TTP has been reported in a number of people who had been vaccinated with AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson’s vaccines. A Norwegian study put the rate at one case in 26,000 vaccine doses. If this rate were to be applied to 76 million American vaccinated children, 2,923 children could be expected to develop the potentially lethal bleeding disorder.


Among VAERS reports for six- to 17-year-olds are 1,094 serious heart conditions, most for potentially lethal myocarditis and pericarditis, and most (997) following Pfizer’s vaccine.

Health Canada reports 1,428 instances of myocarditis/pericarditis among 1,598 cardiac disorders, affecting those an average age of 27 but children as young as 11. The agency received 1,138 reports from healthcare professionals of bleeding and blood clotting disorders after COVID vaccination in Canada.

Most injuries in VAERS are neurological, according to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., president of the Children’s Health Defense, who testified earlier this week to a Louisiana House Health and Welfare Committee considering a bill to add COVID vaccines to the mandated vaccine schedule for children in the state.

Pfizer lied

Kennedy said Pfizer hid at least one serious injury to a child in its vaccine trial, which included only 1,100 children. Maddie De Gary, a 12-year-old girl from Cincinnati, Ohio who took part in Pfizer’s trial and immediately developed a fever and seizures, is permanently disabled by the vaccine, but Pfizer pretends she does not exist. “She is in a wheelchair for life. She can only eat through a feeding tube through her nose,” said Kennedy. “She was one of the 1,100 children. When we went back and looked at Pfizer’s study, they said Maddie De Gary had a stomachache. So, they lied.”

“If one in 1,1000 children look like this, this is an injury that will affect 75,000 [American] children,” if 76 million American children are force-vaccinated, Kennedy added.

Kennedy called the COVID vaccine the “deadliest vaccine ever made,” showing a graphic illustrating COVID vaccine injury logged by the U..S. government in eight months since its rollout comprising more than half of all vaccine injuries recorded to the agency in 33 years.

State data show that the Bay Area counties including San Francisco have the highest vaccination rates ranging from 26 to 51 percent with at least one dose, but the statewide average for five- to 11-year-olds is 13.5 percent.

Although reports to VAERS do not confirm that a vaccine caused an injury, a major Harvard-Pilgrim study also showed that only a fraction – as little as one percent – of vaccine effects that should be reported to the government are in fact reported.

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Header image: Sky News

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (7)

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    This will be the most depressing article I read all day, maybe all week. As men, we use to protect women and children. Now we rejoice when they throw themselves on the altar of science in a form of near ritual sacrifice to the “greater good”- only issue is science is never really involved is it?


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      How can those women be SO STUPID to put an experimental substance in their body while pregnant or breast feeding?


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    Ken Hughes


    Never before in history have governments actively encouraged (and even enforced), medication known to be so harmful to the recipients.
    History is scattered with events that showed damage to patients AFTER the roll out of the medication, (eg. Thalidomide), but now we are seeing the mandating of these so called “vaccines” in the face of undeniable evidence that they are extremely harmful.
    There is no other word to describe what is happening, but MURDER, and the perpetrators will surely face justice for this genocide.
    They must know by now that they’re totally committed to this, and if they do not succeed in taking total global control, then they will face the death penalty.
    Somehow, I don’t see them giving up.


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      Kevin Doyle


      Ken. Amen!


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    Kevin Doyle


    Another $ bonus for the power crazed governments is reducing the number of pensioners. Folks over 65 are most susceptible to dying from Chinese Virus, thus government doesn’t encourage simple vitamins and simple treatment to cure patients. Instead they promote ‘testing’ and fake ‘vaccines’ which profit pharma companies.
    $$$$ – Laughing all the way…


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    I’ve read a difference is the injection. Needles supposed to be withdrawn slightly to see if blood is ectracted. If so, do not inject. The vax goes straight to heart hence problems. Not into blood vessel reduces risk. Apparently.
    Ps. I will neither confirm nor deny my vax status.


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    Warren Klein


    In my Queensland, town of 30k ?? heard of one death and one full term baby paralysed from the waist down locally and five at Brisbane, the doctor informing me is horrified that this could happen to full term babies, no publicity.


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