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Global Protest For Freedom On Earth, Space And In The Oceans

Written by Tanka Katarina Rebel and PSI Editor

5G protest

On the weekend of September 24-25, people from across the world rose to demand an immediate halt to 5G on Earth and in Space for the sake of Public Health, Ecology, and Personal Freedom.

The message: “We do not consent to a few powerful technology and satellite companies dictating the future of all life on Earth.”

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The Light Bulb Is Much Older Than You Think: A History

Written by PSI Editor & Kathy Joseph

It’s 1705 and you’ve been invited to the Royal Society of London. Imagine your surprise to see an incredible sight: Isaac Newton’s assistant, Francis Hauksbee, holding a strange device with a glass tube on a spindle that could be spun with a handle. The lights dim, and as the glass is spun an eerie purple light emanates from the tube.

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A Collection Of Covid Propaganda From Around The World

Written by Rhoda Wilson

One of our readers from Spain has done an incredible job of collecting over 1,500 images of Covid propaganda from around the world and turning them into a video.

It is a truly astounding collection and serves as a visual reminder that we must never forget what has been done to so many by so few.

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Mystery Clots Appear In 50–70% Of Deceased: Funeral Director

Written by Dan Skorbach

Embalming is a unique profession that prepares the body of a deceased person for the funeral. Part of this process involves draining the blood from the corpse and replacing it with embalming fluid to preserve the tissues.

While draining the blood, embalmers sometimes come across blood clots in the veins and arteries.

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Did The Earth Totally Freeze For 100 Million Years?

Written by PSI Editor

Ice Age Earth

Around 17,000 years ago during the Upper Paleolithic, the world was in the grip of an Ice Age the likes of which humanity had never seen before.

Things had been cold on Earth with polar icecaps and chilly northern winters for most of human history.

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The Truth About Ivermectin

Written by PSI Editor and Mikki Willis


Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing, false narratives was targeted at the Nobel Prize-winning HUMAN medicine, Ivermectin.

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Doctor Exposes The Criminal Cover Up Of Child Vaccine Side Effects

Written by PSI Editor

child vaccine shot

In a new video, Dr. Clare Craig of the Hart Group exposes the shoddy methodology used in the Pfizer trials that tested the Covid vax on children aged six months to four years old.

According to Dr. Craig, she was “shocked” by what she learned. The trial recruited 4,526 children aged six months to four years old. Of that, 3,000 children did NOT make it to the end of the trial!

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