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‘Halos’ discovered on Mars widen time frame for potential life

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Lighter-toned bedrock that surrounds fractures and comprises high concentrations of silica—called “halos”—has been found in Gale crater on Mars, indicating that the planet had liquid water much longer than previously believed. The new finding is reported in a paper published today in Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union.

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NASA Is Finally Sending a Mission to Touch the Sun

Written by Jeffrey Kluger

NASA has visited some awfully impressive places in the past 60 years, so it’s something of a wonder that the space agency hasn’t found its way to the sun by now. The New Horizons probe, which flew by Pluto in the summer of 2015, is now 3.5 billion miles (5.6 billion km) away; Voyager 1, launched in 1977, has left the solar system entirely, cruising through space at a remove of 11.7 billion miles (18.9 billion km) from Earth.

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Probiotic use linked to improved symptoms of depression

Written by McMaster University

In a study published in the medical journal Gastroenterology, researchers of the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute found that twice as many adults with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) reported improvements from co-existing depression when they took a specific probiotic than adults with IBS who took a placebo.

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Global Temps Already On Pace to Meet Goals of Paris Accord

Written by Steven Wright

The Paris Accord’s overriding goal is to limit global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2100. And if possible, the accord would like to “pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.” To do that, countries like the U.S. would have to dramatically reduce their carbon dioxide emissions and still remain competitive.

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How Ginger Fights Body Fat

Written by Amanda MacMillan

Ginger, as a supplement or an ingredient in food and drink, may protect against obesity and chronic disease, according to a new research review. While experts can’t yet recommend a specific dosage for preventive purposes, they say that consuming more of the pungent spice is smart for several reasons.

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The ‘business case’ for the Paris climate accord is bunk

Written by Cliff Forrest

As President Trump weighs whether to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change, some have tried to present a “business case” for why the U.S. should stay in. An economic windfall would come with the early and aggressive investment in alternative energy that the accord mandates, or so the argument goes. The Paris Agreement’s backers have told an incomplete story and reached the wrong conclusion.

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Journalistic Malpractice: Claiming Glaciers are Melting due to CO2 when there is no Warming Trend

Written by CO2 is Life

Evidence of a glacier disappearing isn’t evidence that man is causing it, it isn’t evidence that CO2 is causing it or even evidence that it has been warming. Glaciers disappear for all sorts of reasons. The Mt. Kilimanjaro glacier is disappearing and it has nothing to to with CO2 or warming, and everything to do with atmospheric humidity and wind currents.

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More Spectacular Fraud At Climate Central

Written by Tony Heller

Nobody tells more blatant lies about climate than Heidi Cullen’s Climate Central. Here is a whopper. They claim that 80 degree days are coming earlier at Milwaukee, and start their graph during the cold 1970’s – as if there isn’t any data from before 1970.

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