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Atmospheric carbon dioxide causing global greening making some areas warmer and some colder

Written by Bob Yirka

A small team of researchers with the Directorate for Sustainable Resources in Italy and Ghent University in Belgium has found evidence that shows some parts of the planet are becoming cooler and others warmer due to an increase in localized greening. As the team notes in their paper published in the journal Science, much of the increase in greening is due to an increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

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Official Climate Agenda is Always the Negative Side: Never Fair and Balanced

Written by Dr. Tim Ball

Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”
Sherlock Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”
Gregory: “The dog did nothing in the night-time.”
Holmes: “That was the curious incident.”

A recent article titled “Two Competing Narratives on Carbon Dioxide,” asks the question “Is carbon dioxide our friend or foe?” The official answer is “foe,” because of the predetermined assumption of those using climate for their political agenda that global warming was only bad.

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The Heatwave Of June 2, 1934

Written by Tony Heller

On this date in 1934, temperatures reached 101F in New York, 100 in Pennsylvania, 106 in Ohio, 102 in Michigan, 106 in Wisconsin, 105 in Illinois, 105 in Minnesota, 105 in Iowa, 101 in South Dakota, 102 in Nebraska, 100 in Kansas, 103 in Missouri, 101 in Arkansas and 100 in Tennessee.

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Enormous Stratolaunch aircraft rolled out for first time

Written by John Antczak

Billionaire Paul G. Allen’s Stratolaunch, a massive aircraft designed to launch rockets into space from high altitude, has been rolled out of its hangar for the first time in preparation for testing.

Here are things to know about the program that has been underway since 2011:

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