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2018 Documentary Exposes US-Funded Biolabs In Ukraine!

Written by Addison Wilson

lab workers hazard

A bombshell 2018 documentary by Al Mayadeen exposes the secret US-funded Biolabs that use dangerous pathogens in Easter Europe and Ukraine.

The MSM and the US government claim that these are Russian disinformation; the documentary confirmed the Russian accusations of Pentagon-supported bio lab facilities on its borders.

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Data Reveals Disturbing Trend From COVID Jab

Written by Joseph Mercola

Coronavirus-COVID-19 GDELT Project

After mining the Department of Defense database (one of the best in the United States) and comparing 2021 data gathered before the COVID shots, three whistleblowers are sounding the alarm about a 10x to 20x increase in malignancy post-jab, as well as other alarming early warning signs.

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The Pfizer Docs: 158K Adverse Events, 42K Case Reports, 1.2K Fatalities

Written by The Epoch Times

Just a few days ago, the FDA finally released its first batch of 10,000 pages of documents related to its authorization of the Pfizer vaccine.

And within these documents, there is a breakdown of not only the number of fatalities but also the number of adverse reactions that people experience during the first three months of the vaccine rollout.

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Kill Grid: How The Vax, 5G & Smartphones Are Inextricably Linked

Written by Thomas Richard

kill grid vid

Todd Callender, Dr. Pete Chambers, Nick Winters, John Wilcox join the SGT Report for this lengthy discussion about the experimental jab technology and 5G smartphones, which are all linked as it pertains to the eugenicists’ kill grid.

In it, they discuss how 5G is related to the pandemic, and how the 5G grid is a much bigger issue than most people realize given the type of microwaves used and the smartphone technology. (Video after the jump)

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Dr. David Gortler: How FDA’s Cavazzoni Ignores Science And Refuses To Stop Animal Cruelty

Written by The Dr. David Gortler Interview

When a former Yale University professor and former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Medical Officer appointed by the White House is dismissed by an incoming president, and all of his non-partisan, ongoing public health projects are abruptly terminated, alarm bells should start to ring. Dr. David Gortler (pictured above, inset) was forced to resign from his senior executive leadership position at the FDA in 2019 after serving Americans for a little over one year.

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Climate Change: The Man-Made Warming Myth Explodes (Part 3)

Written by Kelvin W. Duncan, Ph.D.

The various possible hypotheses for the cause of climate change are analysed and tested using various methods on different measures and surrogates of climate. The results all indicate that carbon dioxide cannot be the driver of climate change. At best it can contribute only a small proportion to the change in global temperature since the end of the Little Ice Age.

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Climate Change: What Drives It And What Changes Are In Store (Part 2)

Written by Kelvin Duncan, Ph.D.


The problems with the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) hypothesis are considered. Of particular concern is that the models are under-parameterized, too linear (under-fitted), and are based on erroneous physics. As a consequence, they produce wildly inaccurate predictions, which have caused undue alarm among the general public.

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Scientists unravel the interdecadal variability of the Afro-Asian summer monsoon system

Written by Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

The Afro-Asian monsoon is a belt-like system that extends from North Africa via South Asia to East Asia. Anomalies relating to its intensity and position can trigger widespread droughts and floods in different regions simultaneously. Therefore, investigating its interdecadal variability is of great scientific and societal importance.

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