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China’s Stranglehold Over America’s Drug Supply

Written by Dr Peter McCullough

Have you ever wondered why there are drug shortages of some of the most commonly used pharmaceuticals like Dilantin, Amoxicillin, and Potassium?  The answer is complicated and involves market pressures, group purchasing organizations, and drug ingredient suppliers.

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Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Scale

Written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

covid vaccine vial

For COVID-19 vaccination, hesitancy and refusal of the novel products for so many was a lifesaving medical decision. However, the medical literature casts vaccine hesitancy like a disease, and now it is measured by the Oxford Vaccine Hesitancy Scale. This scale was developed in the UK BEFORE the vaccines rolled out and of note, does not ask about the major reason for hesitancy—vaccine safety.

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Neil Oliver, A British Broadcasting Hero Gets ‘Tuckered’ for Truthing

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I have increasingly said that all around those who live in the “western democracies” there is an information war taking place.  The primary targets of that information war are the truth tellers who do not point fingers directly toward the Potemkin Village of political representatives, but more importantly point out the people who really control the actions taken by the politicians.

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Laura Kenny and the vaccinated Olympic athletes

Written by Norman Fenton

Cyclist Laura Kenny (formerly Trott) is, in my personal view, Britain’s greatest ever athlete. While her husband Jason Kenny (7 golds) and Chris Hoy (6 golds) are the (only) athletes to win more Olympic gold medals, Laura’s record of 5 Olympic golds eclipses all other British female athletes.

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Goodbye to the ‘Anthropocene’ and other Climate Tidbits

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A committee of experts has voted down the notion that the Holocene Epoch has ended and the Anthropocene has begun due to our general awfulness. But don’t expect us to be popping any corks, and not only because we think the notion of the Holocene as a separate Epoch rather than just one more interglacial is misleading as well as vainglorious.

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Heart Failure Among Vaxxed US Military Personnel Up 937%

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In September 2021, a few months into the most massive mandated vaccination campaign in the history of the “democratic” West, a lieutenant colonel of the US Air Force  and a doctor with experience of bacteriological weapons, raised the alarm about serious heart problems in adverse reactions to the mRNA jab.

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Everything Reminds Me of Tim: Biography of Tim Ball

Written by John O'Sullivan CEO, Principia Scientific International

New biography of one of the world’s best skeptical climatologists, Dr Tim Ball, has just been released. Written by Tim’s widow, Marty, it provides unique personal insights into the life and work of a most accomplished critic of the junk science of man-made global warming.

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