A new report from the PlastChem Project has found that there are at least 3,000 more chemicals present in different plastic products than previously estimated
Over 16,000 Chemicals Found in Common Plastic Products
Written by Laura Harris
Written by Laura Harris
A new report from the PlastChem Project has found that there are at least 3,000 more chemicals present in different plastic products than previously estimated
Written by Julian Gillespie
While we work on updating you further with our Federal Court GMO proceedings that now involve an errant Justice gone off her judicial reserve.
Written by Richard Burcik
Since 1975, our planet has warmed by about two-thirds of one degree centigrade.
Written by Dr. Harvey Risch
In so many words — and data — CDC has quietly admitted that all of the indignities of the COVID-19 pandemic management have failed:
Written by Chris Pandolfo
Energy prices have shot up by more than a third since President Biden assumed office in 2021 as stubborn inflation continues to tax Americans.
Written by Francis Menton
When I first came upon it, I called it the “stupidest litigation in the country.
Written by Kattie Spence
Written by News Roundup
The other day we were driving in a major Canadian city and a large wide heavy industrial truck trundled past with the slogan “On the Road to Net Zero” stuck on its side.
Written by Dr. Carl Heneghan and Dr. Tom Jeferson
In November 2020, Dr. Berkeley Phillips, the Medical Director of Pfizer U.K., shared a post from a fellow employee on Twitter that said:
Written by Robert Kogon
One of the many important and untold stories of the COVID-19 response involves, not surprisingly, the German company BioNTech: the unsung hero or villain, depending on one’s perspective, of the response.
Written by Hannes Sarv
“CO2 is not a bad gas,” says Valentina Zharkova, a professor at the Northumbria University in Newcastle, UK.
Written by Kevin killough
Protect The Public’s Trust (PPT),a government watchdog group, filed a complaint Wednesday with the U.S
Written by John Nolte
The latest polling from Gallup shows that public support for transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) has dropped by quite a lot since 2023. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Dr. Sam Bailey
Daniel Roytas has qualifications in naturopathy and human nutrition.
Written by News Roundup
Michael Mann continues his slide into hysteria with a claim that “Warming today is hundreds of times faster than any warming in geological history.” And the big problem here is not that it’s untrue, though it is, the warming at the end of the Younger Dryas having been faster.
Written by Jesse Smith
The gauntlet has been cast by the media censorship complex.