I submitted a complaint to the BBC today about Chris Packham’s slanderous allegation about the Daily Sceptic last Sunday
My BBC Complaint About Chris Packham’s Daily Sceptic Slur
Written by Toby Young
Written by Toby Young
I submitted a complaint to the BBC today about Chris Packham’s slanderous allegation about the Daily Sceptic last Sunday
Written by David Mastio
New Mexico’s Economic Development Department announced plans this month to spend millions of dollars on “energy transition” projects [to meet climate change metrics and create jobs]. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Robert Stewart
The Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old.
Written by Suzzane Burdick, Ph. D
FCC testing showed popular cellphone brands exceeded the agency’s safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation, but the agency hid the information from the public and the courts, according to data obtained by the Environmental Health Trust.
Written by Paul Serran
It is said that ‘even a broken clock is right twice a day.’
Written by Dan Savickas
Buying a car is already complicated and stressful enough.
Written by News Roundup
Some people were confused by the claim in a recent CDN “Readout” video, based on a newsletter earlier this year, that Arctic ice was higher in 2024 than it had been for some time.
Written by News Roundup
Oh, you noticed it, did you? The Washington Post (h/t Climate Depot) recently wrote that “Amid explosive demand.
Written by Herb Rose
Reality physics is based of observable evidence and reason while fantasy physics is based on belief and ego. One is objective the other is subjective. While the one tries to explain the data, the other tries to make the data conform to their beliefs.
Written by Will Jones
Government-sponsored agency the Global Disinformation Index is censoring journalism by causing publications to be starved of advertising if they publish anything deemed “harmful”, such as gender critical content
Written by Citizen Watch Report
The Economist’s editor-in-chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, wrote that global warming would damage a tenth of the world’s residential property by value
Written by Vijay Jayaraj
For centuries, Somali pastoralists have relied on camels for sustenance, transport and social status. In recent decades, camel husbandry has evolved into a very profitable business, transforming the lives of many Somalis.
Written by Paul Sutton
On Sunday’s BBC Politics, Luke Johnson asked for evidence that the recent Dubai flooding was due to climate change.
Written by John Leake
For the last few years, a person who calls herself Allison Neitzel MD has made a name for herself as a “medical disinformation expert” who frequently trolls leading members of the medical freedom movement such as Senator Ron Paul and Drs. Peter McCullough, Paul Marik, and Pierre Kory.
Written by John Carney
Climate change gets all the attention but Americans are far more worried about inflation, crime, illegal immigration, and the federal deficit. [emphasis, links added]
Written by John Droz Jr.
Our modern society is 100% based on Science. Without Science, we would revert to Neanderthal (cave-man) status (i.e., lower than third-world country levels).