The COVID States Program demonstrated ~25% of Americans resisted COVID-19 vaccination.
Alfred Russel Wallace and the Antivaccination Movement in Victorian England
Written by Peter A. Mccullough, MD, MPH
Written by Peter A. Mccullough, MD, MPH
The COVID States Program demonstrated ~25% of Americans resisted COVID-19 vaccination.
Written by Dr. Sam Bailey
This week’s video is a bit different from our usual content.
Written by Chris Morrison
Last week saw a dramatic illustration of how far parts of the mainstream media has departed from the scientific process in its aim to catastrophise the climate and push society to accept the global Net Zero collectivisation.
Written by Kenneth Richard
Human footprints embedded in rock that used to be a sand beach at the limit of the seashore’s “swash flow” and high tide lie 20 to 30 meters above the present sea level. The footprints are dated to ~90,000 years ago. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Francis Menton
For two decades and more, the political position of the climate alarmist cult in the U.S. and Europe has only seemed to strengthen with time. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Maryam Henein
Prior to the P$andemic, many of us began getting censored for simply engaging in an educated conversation about vaccines.
Written by Jim Hoft
The world’s largest floating solar power plant, located at Omkareshwar Dam in Madhya Pradesh, India, was obliterated by a storm on April 9, 2024. , just days before its scheduled grand inauguration.
Written by Like Johnson
The awful consequences which flowed from lockdowns are so deep and broad it is hard to know where to begin.
Written by Will Jones
Scientists tried to reinfect people with Covid but found it impossible, even when they ramped up the dose 10,000-fold, according to the latest results from the Covid challenge trials. Nature has the details.
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis posits that a series of comet impacts around 12,800 years ago initiated the Younger Dryas period, a sudden return to glacial conditions after the last Ice Age was seemingly concluding.
Written by Lee Gerhard
Climate scientists would be less likely to issue dire warnings of planetary doom if they gave more credence to the geological history of the past several million years.
Written by John leake
Last night I posted my reflections on Professor Mattias Desmet’s invitation to Dr. Peter Breggin to join him in conversation about their disagreement about who bears responsibility for the pathologies we witnessed during the pandemic.
Written by Will Jones
Dan Hannan has posted on his YouTube under the heading ‘The vaccination scandal‘ a clip of him asking the Minister, Lord Markham, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health, what the Government’s latest assessment is of the efficacy of the Covid vaccines
Written by Kevin Killough
Last month, multiple news outlets reported on the record-smashing year the wind industry had in 2023.
Written by Cornwall Alliance
ASA claimed that “Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate” and “human activity is the principal cause.”
Written by Peter A. Mccullough, MD, MPH
A British High Court case filed by victims of blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 vaccine has the media buzzing over a company admission to a serious blood clotting condition called VITT or vaccine induced thrombocytopenic purpura.