NASA claims that “Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate” and “human activity is the principal cause”
‘Climate Change’ Is Normal and Natural, and Can’t Be Controlled
Written by Frits Byron Soepyan
Written by Frits Byron Soepyan
NASA claims that “Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate” and “human activity is the principal cause”
Written by Hons Von Der Brelie
Is Greece on its way to becoming Europe’s renewable power outlet? Euronews reporter Hans von der Brelie investigates why the location of wind farms is so important and why everyone is not on board. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Chris Morrison
BBC oddball Chris Packham has hit back at claims reported on Neil Oliver‘s GB News show that half the world’s population could die if Net Zero was implemented in full.
Written by Hans Von Der Brelie
Is Greece on its way to becoming Europe’s renewable power outlet? Euronews reporter Hans von der Brelie investigates why the location of wind farms is so important and why everyone is not on board. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Kenneth Richard
Evaporation is supposed to increase with warming. But, per a new study (Jin et al., 2024), “observation results around the world have shown that evaporation has been steadily declining since the 1950s.” [emphasis, links added]
Written by Paul Homewood
By the 1970’s, the Earth had experienced three decades of declining temperatures, which Hubert Lamb described as “longest-continued downward trend since temperature records began”.
Written by John leake
The Agreement’s stated objective is as follows:
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
Written by Lucas Nolan
Claiming to harness the potential of AI in combating climate change and nature loss, Jeff Bezos’ Earth Fund has announced a $100 million grant program called the AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge. [emphasis, links added]
Written by John O'Sullivan, CEO, Principia Scientific International
A WSJ Article by Yusuf Khan showcasing a ‘pledge’ by future business leaders to “make a careerlong commitment to combat climate change” gets panned by a real scientist denouncing climate alarmism as a “monstrous lie.”
Written by Linnea Lueken
An article from the Wall Street Journal, “Cocoa and Coffee Prices Have Surged. Climate Change Will Only Take Them Higher,” claims that climate change is driving recent spikes in the price of cocoa and coffee and that things will likely get worse as warming continues.This is false. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Guy De La Bédoyére
A long time ago I became fascinated by the obsession people have that the time they live in is of epic, overwhelming significance.
Written by C.J Strachan
High profile cancellations in the wake of the Cass Report are front and centre in the media as those whose lives were destroyed are once again in the spotlight, this time for vindication.
Written by Dr. Carl Heneghan And Dr. Tom Jefferson
Illness is identified by taking a history, examining symptoms and signs, and often by taking some tests.
Written by Martin Durkin
The climate is up the spout and we’re to blame.
Written by Dr. Benny peiser
The Global Warming Policy Foundation has today published its periodic review of global hurricane activity. [emphasis, links added]