Unusually chilly August forecast for the eastern US:
Lower temperatures than usual east of the Rockies
The Weather Channel reports that Sunday morning saw record breaking lows in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana.
Written by Robert W. Felix
Unusually chilly August forecast for the eastern US:
Lower temperatures than usual east of the Rockies
The Weather Channel reports that Sunday morning saw record breaking lows in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana.
Written by Paul Homewood
The plot thickens!
I mentioned in my previous post that the latest draft climate report, published in June, had seemingly left out a rather embarrassing table from the Executive Summary, one that had previously been written into the Third Draft, published last December.
Written by Daily Express
Lord Lawson blasted Al Gore for his major interventions in warning the world of the dangers of global warming saying there were bigger threats to focus on – including North Korea and terrorism.
Written by Tony Heller
Summer at the North Pole has ended 10 days early, after below normal temperatures every single day.
Written by Jesse Emspak
A giant star near the center of our galaxy hints, once again, that Albert Einstein was correct about gravity.
Written by Leslie Nemo
Scientists onboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth research vessel anticipated a routine cruise along the Alaska Peninsula in summer 2011. Columbia University seismologist Anne Bécel and her colleagues had set out to map the area’s tectonic plates. But what they found alarmed them.
Written by Mariella Moon
Over the past few months, Cassini took the closest pictures of Saturn’s rings we’ve ever seen that it was pretty easy to forget that the probe was nearing its end. It actually dove in and out of the rings to prepare for its poetic death, and now it’s down to its last orbits around the planet.
Written by JoNova
Matt Howell, the CEO of Tomago Aluminium Smelter, told a few home truths on ABC radio Monday.
Written by James Delingpole
“Scientists behind a bombshell new report revealing global warming to be worse than ever are now worried that the Trump administration may try to change or suppress it because it contradicts the president’s denialist agenda.”
Or so the New York Times has claimed. And also, in its wake, papers including the London Evening Standard and the Guardian.
This is worse than mere #fakenews.
Written by P Gosselin
At Twitter hurricane expert Philip Klotzbach recently tweeted a couple of charts which are certainly worthy of mentioning again.
The first one helps to tell us why some people may think Atlantic hurricanes have become more frequent. Today the detection and monitoring technology allows constant, 100% coverage, and so every single storm gets picked up.
Written by Paul Homewood
We have come across the fraudsters at Yale 360 before, for instance when they ran their utterly subservient interview a few years ago with Katharine Hayhoe here.
It seems they don’t give up. Here they present a new video which purportedly shows how global temperatures have increased over the last century.
Written by David Wojick, Ph.D.
We were very thankful when EPA took down its deeply alarmist climate “education” website. However, taken as a whole, NASA’s climate alarmism websites are much larger and still there. In fact, they are still being updated. Here is a quick look at just some of these, which really need to come down. There are two major sites plus a number of smaller ones.
Written by Valerie Richardson
A UCLA professor who recommended replacing dogs and cats with more climate-friendly pets in the name of global warming may have bitten off more than he can chew.
Written by Dr. Duane Thresher
I (Dr. Duane Thresher) was a climate scientist but over the last few years, I have often seriously thought of becoming a lawyer. Say what you want about lawyers but they can often quickly cut through all the nonsense and get to the crux of the matter. I saw this up close when my wife, Dr. Claudia Kubatzki, also an accomplished climate scientist, tried to get a paper retracted that had been fraudulently published with her name on it.
Written by Tony Heller
Climate experts continue to lie about the state of the Arctic and try to whip the public into hysteria – so scientists can keep extorting money.
Written by Thomas Lifson
How does an electricity generating plant count as “green” and worthy of subsidy if it will slaughter some of the remaining members of an endangered species? A battle is going on right now in Hawaii over a proposed wind farm that admits it will be lethal and seeks government permission to commence the killing. Hawaii News Now reports: