The intended audience of this article is really Germans, who suffer from Stefan Rahmstorf, but I (Dr. Duane Thresher) think Americans and the rest of the world will find it fascinating as well.
Full disclosure: Dr. Claudia Kubatzki is coauthor on several papers with Stefan Rahmstorf and was also at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) with him.
Science writer and researcher, Edsel Chromie, urges space scientists to recognise the increasing empirical evidence pointing to electromagnetism rather than gravity as the more dominant galactic force. Like many researchers increasingly persuaded that modern cosmology has taken a wrong turn. Chromie tells Principia Scientific International:
“The common denominator of many of the many mysteries that have been studied for the last 100 years and that remain unresolved is that they all occur in an abnormally intense area of magnetic field energy. And the one thing the science community has adamantly refused to consider is the magnetic field energy factor in the creation or involvement of these phenomena. They do this because they stubbornly believe it to be too weak to be relevant.”
On the many lakes covering the continental Granite Shield, the Common Loon is a regular sight that everyone enjoys. Typically you’ll only see one pair in any one lake or embayment.
Scientists have helped solve the mystery of what lies beneath the surface of Neptune – the most distant planet in our solar system. A new study sheds light on the chemical makeup of the planet, which lies around 4.5 billion kilometers from the sun.
Federal researchers studying critically endangered North Pacific right whales sometimes go years without finding their subjects. Over the weekend they got lucky.
When SpaceX’s rocket takes off on August 14th, it will be carrying a machine that could make things a lot easier for future astronauts embarking on deep space missions.
The increasingly corroborated atmospheric mass pressure (gravity) explanation for variances in planetary temperatures – which precludes a significant role for CO2 concentration changes – has now advanced from peer-reviewed scientific journals to university-level textbooks.
On Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson grilled climate activist Joe Romm about Bill Nye’s comments that older scientists needed to “die out” so climate science could progress.
Romm runs the progressive website Think Progress, which is funded by the Center for American Progress.
The universe is incomprehensibly vast, with billions of other planets circling billions of other stars. The potential for intelligent life to exist somewhere out there should be enormous.
Science is fascinating to many, but sentences that are full of expert-level terms and description can scare away even the most passionate readers. Can scientists learn to talk about their research without using too many technical terms? One of the obstacles to avoiding jargon is that scientists suffer from “the curse of knowledge” – they simply do not remember not knowing what they now know as experts.
Writing as background for their work, Poulton et al. (2017)* state that “ocean acidification is predicted to reduce the ocean’s capacity to absorb low-frequency sounds produced by human activities.” As a result, they hypothesize that “anthropogenic noise could propagate further under an increasingly acidic ocean” and alter certain behavioral and physiological traits of marine life. One important concern in this regard is that such noise will impair the startle response of fish to predatory strikes.
The ice age scare was front page news in 1970. Scientists said it was caused by burning fossil fuels and would cause the Antarctic ice sheet to collapse – drowning coastal cities. They wanted to melt the Arctic and poison Africans to save the planet.
The front page of the Washington Post, January 11, 1970: Colder Winters Held Dawn Of New Ice Age. “That’s the long range forecast being given out by climatologists.”
What do Gavin Schmidt, Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner and Lisa Jackson have in common?
Gavin Schmidt is the current head of NASA GISS and the leading climate change warrior scientist/spokesperson. Hillary Clinton, of course, is the disgraced former Secretary of State and a presidential loser. Lois Lerner is the disgraced former IRS official who illegally targeted conservative groups for audits. Lisa Jackson is the disgraced former EPA Administrator who seemed to take direction from climate change warrior lobbyists.
We all know that the world is being transformed by technology, but a leading artificial intelligence expert has made a series of predictions that put these changes into harsh perspective.
Researchers at Ohio State University have developed a nanochip contact patch that can reprogram nearby cells, to help repair damaged or aging organs, blood vessels, or nerve cells.