Professor Stephen Hawking believes we will reach other planets as settlers “in the next hundred years”. And he reckons starships will eventually take “just a few years” to get us to planets that can be colonised. The scientist believes we face extinction from threats including pollution and climate change unless we go to new homes like Proxima b – 4.2 light years away and the nearest habitable planet.
Image copyright: QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY BELFASTImage caption: The flexible organic supercapacitor could last three times longer than conventional batteries
Queen’s University Belfast scientists have designed a new flexible organic battery that could revolutionise how medical implants are powered.
NASA‘s Juno spacecraft performed its eighth flyby of Jupiter and captured stunning images of the planet. The photos – captured on September 1 – show various points of interest on the giant gas planet in incredible detail.
When retired Georgia Tech professor Judith Curry penned a blog post on her “Climate Etc.” website suggesting that it was scientifically irresponsible to tie the intensity of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma directly to climate change, she probably didn’t expect that she might trigger 1,000’s of progressives to call for her immediate imprisonment.
A puzzling study of U.S. pregnancies found that women who had miscarriages between 2010 and 2012 were more likely to have had back-to-back annual flu shots that included protection against swine flu.
New study presents an algorithm that helps scientists identify coldest and hottest time periods. The algorithm is applied to a case study performed by Dr Darko Butina of winters recorded at Armagh Observatory (pictured) over a 161-year period between 1844 and 2004.
Hurricane season is upon us. Harvey last week and Irma this week. Both monster storms are long overdue if one looks at the pattern of hurricanes throughout history.
On this date in the year 1900, Galveston, Texas (where I had the first date with my future wife) was destroyed by a hurricane. Ten thousand people died in America’s costliest natural disaster.
Robots will begin replacing teachers in the classroom within the next ten years as part of a revolution in one-to-one learning, a leading educationalist has predicted.
Sir Anthony Seldon, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham, said intelligent machines that adapt to suit the learning styles of individual children will soon render traditional academic teaching all but redundant.
The former Master of Wellington College said programmes currently being developed in Silicon Valley will learn to read the brains and facial expressions of pupils, adapting the method of communication to what works best for them.
As well as forming the building blocks for many roadways, bridges and skyscrapers, it appears concrete might also have another beneficial use – combating air pollution. A new study conducted by researchers at the Stony Brook University in New York has found that powdered concrete could provide an innovative method of sucking contaminants out of the air.
Scientists investigating risks to the UK from tsunamis have found evidence that a huge legendary flood once hit our shores.
Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes at sea – sending walls of water long distances in a circle around the fault zone – but they could even be caused an asteroid impact. And now there are new indications that massive tsunami hit Britain more than 1,000 years ago.
Could the white cliffs hold the future of space exploration? Credit: PA
Space dust has been found in the white cliffs of Dover, and scientists believe it could help with space exploration in the future and explain events before Earth was created.
The iconic white cliffs are an important source of fossils for scientists, enabling them to understand the changes and upheavals the planet has gone through millions of years ago.
The fact that researchers from Imperial College London have discovered space dust alongside the ancient creatures, means that they may now be able to better understand what was happening in our solar system at the time.
[In a case of synchronicity, I wrote this article on September 1 in preparation for publication after I came back from a week of no-climate-news vacation.