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400 Scientific Papers Published In 2017 Favor Skepticism on Climate Alarm

Written by Kenneth Richard

A Growing Volume Of Evidence Undercuts ‘Consensus’ Science. During the first 10 months of 2017, 400 scientific papers have been published that cast doubt on the position that anthropogenic CO2 emissions function as the climate’s fundamental control knob…or that otherwise question the efficacy of climate models or the related “consensus” positions commonly endorsed by policymakers and mainstream media.

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War Against Chemicals Is A Shame On Science

Written by Dr Benny Peiser

IARC, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, is a mighty battleship ready to wage war against any government agency, company or science communicator that gets in its way. But as it has recently received several torpedo direct hits, its captain, Christopher Wild has ordered his ship straight into a battle likely to sink the entire agency. Respectable scientists have mutinied, a militant skeletal crew remains and has upped its propaganda. It seems they are considering a last-ditch ramming attack that will bring down the reputation of all regulatory science with them. –David Zaruk, Risk Monger, 23 October 2017

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On the Cusp of the Next Grand Minimum?

Written by Russ Steele

One of the signs that we are on the cusp of the Next Grand Minimum is an increase in the number late spring frosts and early on set of winter frost and snow.

The Bonsetreporting world wine production ‘to hit 50-year low due to extreem weather, even though they failed to mention it was due to severe spring frost.

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Sagan, Hawking, & Mann. Pseudo-scientists

Written by Richard F Cronin

The insanity of comparing the atmosphere of Venus to Earth’s atmosphere is just one instance of mainstream “scientists”  jumping the tracks  —    including the ensconced leadership of the American Physics Institute, American Chemical Society,  American Geophysical Union, Union of Concerned Scientists, EGU, AAAS, as well as Stephen Hawking, and Carl Sagan. Their nonsense is peddled on

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Lies and Manipulation: The Sorry State of Global Climate Alarmism

Written by Vijay Jayaraj MS (Environmental Science)

As a citizen of a third-world country, I bring a different perspective about climate change from that held by most people in wealthy countries. While they fret about possible tenth-of-a-degree changes in global average temperature, I think about how a billion of my fellow Indians and I will obtain the food, water, health care, and other things we need that our richer neighbors take for granted.

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Whole Internet Hacking Risk from ‘Giant Botnet’

Written by Margi Murphy

A MASSIVE botnet that has been gathering steam over the past few weeks is threatening to ravage the web, security researchers have warned.

A botnet uses collections of devices like wifi routers or smart webcams which have been hacked to collaboratively send surges of data to servers – causing them crash, disrupt services and ultimately go offline.

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How ‘Big Oil’ Conquered the World

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Oil. From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the petrochemical industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world.

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Climate Science Uses Incomplete Thermodynamics

Written by Joseph E Postma

In the last post we examined the equations conserving energy, defining heat flow, and thermodynamic equilibrium for a power-generating sphere enclosed by a shell.  We examined the equations for when the system either existed in an ambient-temperature environment above 0K, or not.

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